================= HES POSTING =================
------- Forwarded from CHEIRON by Ross B. Emmett -------
Frederick Winslow Taylor On-line
A prototype of the Taylor archive has been created to provide access
to papers from the Frederick Winslow Taylor Collection at the Stevens
Institute of Technology. I am asking individuals who have a scholarly
interest in Taylor and Scientific Management to participate in a study
investigating the use of the archive. With your help, the archive can be
improved to support on-line research. Please point your web browser to
http://attila.stevens-tech.edu/~rdowns and read about the project, use the
archive, and participate in my study investigating the use of the archive.
Thank you.
Robert R. Downs [log in to unmask]
Doctoral Student of Information Management and Designer
F. W. Taylor Project http://attila.stevens-tech.edu/~rdowns
S. C. Williams Library
Stevens Institute of Technology
Castle Point on the Hudson
Hoboken, NJ 07030
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