The 21st History of Economic Thought Society of Australia Conference
will be held at the University of Western Sydney, Parramatta over 9-11
July, 2008. Papers on all aspects of the history of economics and
economic thought are welcome. Those wishing to present a paper at the
conference should send an abstract to the conference organizer, John
Lodewijks, by email at [log in to unmask] by 25 April. The deadline
for full papers is 30 May. Other papers may be accepted after this date
if space on the program is available. Further information about the
conference will be made available in the coming months.
(Advance notice: The 2009 HETSA conference will be held at the
University of Notre Dame, Fremantle, Western Australia. Greg Moore
[[log in to unmask]] is organizing the 2009 Conference).
John Lodewijks