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[log in to unmask] (Gary Mongiovi)
Fri Mar 31 17:19:22 2006
text/plain (276 lines)
----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Hello, all. Here, at long last is the latest Review of Political Economy list of books for
review. Many of you are already familiar with the procedure. If you'd like to review one
or more of the books on the list, please respond to me off-list. I'll want a few days to
sort out competing requests, but I should get back to you within a week. If I don't know
you, could you say a few words about your professional background and your qualifications
for reviewing the books you're requesting.
I'm trying to put in place a set of procedures for reducing the lag between receipt of a
book and the appearance of a review. In particular, I'll be increasing the size of the
review section until my backlog is considerably reduced, and I'll ask reviewers to get
their reviews to me within four months of receipt of the book. I'll also be issuing these
lists on a more frequent basis. We try to give reviewers ample space to develop a serious
point, and that won't change: expect to have about 1000-1500 words for most reviews,
slightly more for joint reviews. Suggestions for review articles are welcome.
I look forward to hearing from many of you. Thanks in advance. 
Gary Mongiovi 
Review of Political Economy 
St John's University 
E-mail: [log in to unmask] 
Review of Political Economy: Books for Review 
F. Adaman & P. Devine (Eds): Economy and Society: Money, Capitalism and Transition (Black
Rose Books, 2002).
B. Anderson & P. McShane: Beyond Establishment Economics: No Thank You, Mankiw (Axial
Press, 2002).
O. Azfar & C.A. Cadwell (Eds): Market-Augmenting Government: The Institutional Foundations
for Prosperity (Michigan, 2003).
R. Backhouse: The Ordinary Business of life: A History of Economics from the Ancient World
to the Twenty-First Century (Princeton, 2002).
J.S. Barkin: Social Construction and the Logic of Money: Financial Predominance and
International Economic Leadership (SUNY, 2002).
R. J. Barro: Nothing is Sacred: Economic Ideas for the New Millennium (MIT Press, 2002). 
C. Bartolovich & N. Lazarus (Eds): Marxism, Modernity and Postcolonial Studies (Cambridge,
G. Benston, M. Bromwich, R.E. Litan & A. Wagenhofer: Following the Money: The Enron
Failure and the State of Corporate Disclosure (AEI-Brookings, 2003).
J. Berdell: International Trade and Economic Growth in Open Economies: The Classical
Dynamics of Hume, Smith, Ricardo and Malthus (Elgar, 2002).
G. Biglaiser: Guardians of the Nation? Economists, Generals and Economic Reform in Latin
America (University of Notre Dame Press, 2002).
J. Birner: The Cambridge Controversies in Capital Theory: A Study in the Logic of Theory
Development (Routledge, 2002).
S. Boehm, C. Gehrke, H. D. Kurz & R. Sturn (Eds): Is there Progress in Economics?
Knowledge, Truth and the History of Economic Thought (Elgar, 2002).
M. Bordo & R. Cortés-Conde: Transferring Wealth and Power from the Old to the New World:
Monetary and Fiscal Institutions in the 17th through the 19th Centuries (Cambridge, 2002).
A. Breton, G. Galeotti, P. Simon & R. Wintrobe (Eds): Political Extremism and Rationality
(Cambridge, 2002).
S. Cnossen & H-W. Sinn (Eds): Public Finance and Public Policy in the New Century (MIT,
D. Cohen: Our Modern Times: The New Nature of Capitalism in the Information Age (MIT,
B. Czech: Shoveling Fuel for a Runaway Train: Errant Economists, Shameful Spenders and a
Plan to Stop them All (California, 2002).
P. Davidson (Ed.): A Post Keynesian Perspective on Twenty-First Century Economic Problems
(Elgar, 2002).
P. Davidson: Financial Markets, Money and the Real World (Elgar, 2002). 
J. Degnbol-Martinussen & P. Engberg-Pedersen:Aid: Understanding International Development
Cooperation (Zed Books, 2003).
F. De Langen: The Business Cycle: Dynamical Coupling and Chaotic Fluctuations (Shaker
Publishing, 2002).
B. J. Dickson: Red Capitalists in China: The Party, Private Entrepreneurs and Prospects
for Political Change Cambridge, 2003).
P. Earl: Information, Opportunism and Economic Coordination (Elgar, 2002). 
R. Ebeling: Austrian Economics and the Political Economy of Freedom (Elgar, 2003). 
A. M. Endres & G. Fleming: International Organizations and the Analysis of Economic
Policy, 1919–1950 (Cambridge, 2002).
S.G. Engelmann: Imagining Interest in Political Thought. Origins of Economic Rationality
(Duke, 2003).
J. Friedman: Globalization, the State and Violence (Altamira, 2003).E. Fullbrook (Ed.):
Intersubjectivity in Economics. Agents and Structures (Routledge, 2002).
Y. Gaidar (Ed.): The Economics of Russian Transition (MIT, 2003). 
L. Gomes: The Economics and Ideology of Free Trade (Elgar, 2003). 
J.A. Gonzales, V. Corbo, A. Krueger & A. Tornell (Eds): Latin American Economic Reforms:
The Second Stage (Chicago, NBER, 2003).
L. Gordon: Brazil 1961-64. The United States and the Goulart Regime. Supplement to
Brazil’s Second Chance: En Route toward the First World (Brookings, 2003).
D. Gualerzi: Consumption and Growth. Recovery and structural change in the US economy
(Elgar, 2001).
M. Guillen: The Limits of Convergence. Globalization and Orgainizational Change in
Argentina, South Korea, and Spain (Princeton, 2003).
M. Guillen, R. Collins, P. England & M. Meyer (Eds): The New Economic Sociology:
Developments in an Emerging Field (Russell Sage, 2002)
R. Hahnel: The ABCs of Political Economy: A Modern Approach (Pluto Press, 2002). 
A. Hirschman: Crossing Boundaries: Selected Writings (Zone Books, 2001). 
A. Hirschman: Shifting Involvements: Private Interest and Public Action (Twenty-fifth
Anniversary Edition, with a new foreword by Robert H. Frank) (Princeton, 2002).
M.J. Hiscox: International Trade and Political Conflict: Commerce, Coalitions and Mobility
(Princeton, 2002).
E. B. Hook (Ed.): Prematurity in Scientific Discovery: On Resistance and Neglect
(California, 2002).
F. Hutchinson, M. Mellor & W. Olsen: The Politics of Money: Towards Sustainable and
Economic Democracy (Pluto Press, 2002).
M. Javary: The Economics of Power, Knowledge and Time (Elgar, 2002). 
J. King: A History of Post Keynesian Economic since 1936 (Elgar, 2002). 
S. Knack: Democracy, Government and Growth (Michigan, 2003). 
H.D. Kurz & N. Salvadori (Eds): The Legacy of Piero Sraffa (Intellectual Legacies of
Modern Economics, 9), Vols. I & II (Elgar, 2003)
I.M.D. Little: Ethics, Economics & Politics: Principles of Public Policy (Oxford, 2002). 
I.M.D. Little: A Critique of Welfare Economics (A Retrospective Reissue) (Oxford, 2002). 
I. Maes: Economic Thought and the Making of European Monetary Union (Elgar, 2002). 
L. Mahadeva & P. Sinclair (Eds): Monetary Transmission in Diverse Economies (Cambridge,
B. Martens, U. Mummert, P. Murrell & P. Seabright: The Institutional Economics of Foreign
Aid (Cambridge, 2002).
R.C. Mascharenhas: A Comparative Political Economy of Industrial Capitalism (Palgrave,
J. McDonald: A Ghost’s Memoir. The Making of Alfred P. Sloan’s My Years with General
Motors (MIT, 2002).
R. A. McGuire: To Form a More Perfect Union: A New Economic Interpretation of the United
States Constitution (Oxford, 2003).
L.W. McKenzie: Classical General Equilibrium Theory (MIT, 2002). 
S. Merrett: Water for Agriculture: Irrigation Economics in International Perspective
(Spon, 2002).
S. Metcalfe & A. Warde (Eds): Market Relations and the Competitive Process (Manchester,
A. Micocci: Anti-Hegelian Reading of Economic Theory (Mellin, 2002). 
J. Milios, D. Dimoulis & G. Economakis: Karl Marx and the Classics: An Essay on Value,
Crises and the Capitalist Mode of Production (Ashgate, 2002).
J. Mills: A Critical History of Economics: Missed Opportunities (Palgrave, 2003). 
P. Minford & D. Peel: Advanced Macroeconomics: A Primer (Elgar, 2002).  
P. Mirowski & E.M. Sent (Eds): Science Bought and Sold: Essays in the Economics of Sicence
(Chicago, 2002).
M. Moore: A World without Walls: Freedom, Development, Free Trade and Global Governance
(Cambridge, 2003).
E. Mutari & D. Figart (Eds): Women and the Economy: A Reader (Sharpe: 2003). 
S. Naqvi: Development Economics: Nature and Significance (Sage, 2002). 
H. Nau & B. Schefold (Eds): The Historicity of Economics: Continuities and Discontinuities
of Historical Thought in 19th and 20th Century Economics (Springer Verlag, 2002).
S. Nisticó & D. Tosato (Eds): Competing Economic Theories: Essays in Memory of Giovanni
Caravale (Routledge, 2002).
P.A. O’Hara: Marx, Veblen and Contemporary Institutional Political Economy.  
Principles and Unstable Dynamics of Capitalism (Elgar, 2000). 
P. Pelikan & G. Wegner: The Evolutionary Analysis of Economic Policy (Elgar, 2003). 
D. Reisman: The Institutional Economy: Demand and Supply (Elgar, 2002). 
S. Resnick & R. Wolff: Class Theory and History. Capitalism and Communism in the USSR
(Routledge, 2002).
E. Rosen: Making Sweatshops: The Globalization of the US Apparel Industry (California,
T. Roth: The Ethics and the Economics of Minimalist Government (Elgar, 2002). 
J. Runde & S. Mizuhara (Eds): The Philosophy of Keynes’s Economics: Probability,
Uncertainty & Convention (Routledge, 2003).
A. Saad-Filho (Ed.): Anti-Capitalism: A Marxist Introduction (Pluto Press, 2003). 
N. Salvadori (Ed.): Old and New Growth Theories (Elgar, 2003). 
N. Salvadori (Ed.): The Theory of Economic Growth: A Classical Perspective (Elgar, 2003). 
W. J. Samuels: Economics, Governance and Law: Essays on Theory and Policy (Elgar, 2002). 
J. Santiso: The Political Economy of Emerging Markets: Actors, Institutions and Financial
Crises in Latin America (Palgrave, 2003).
F. Schneider & D. Enste: The Shadow Economy: An International Survey (Cambridge, 2003). 
M. Setterfield (Ed.): The Economics of Demand-Led Growth: Challenging the Supply-Side
Vision of the Long Run (Elgar, 2003).
G. Schneider, K. Barbieri & N.P. Gleditsch (Eds): Globalization and Armed Conflict (Rowman
& Littlefield, 2002).
J. Smithin: Controversies in Monetary Economics (Revised Edition) (Elgar, 2003). 
T. Teivainen: Enter Economism, Exit Politics: Experts, Economic Policy and the Damage to
Democracy (Zed Books, 2002).
R. Tooze & C. May (Eds): Authority and Markets: Susan Strange’s Writings on International
Political Economy (Palgrave, 2002).
A. Verdun (Ed.) The Euro: European Integration Theory and Economic and Monetary Union
(Rowman & Littlefield, 2002).
R. Walding & M. Lichter: How the Other Half Works: Immigration and the Social Organization
of Labor (California, 2003).
F. S. Weaver: Economic Literacy: Basic Economics with an Attitude (Rpwman & Littlefield,
N. Webster & L. Engberg-Pedersen (Eds): In the Name of the Poor: Contesting Political
Space for Poverty Reduction (Zed Books, 2002).
H.N. Wheeler: The Future of the American Labor Movement (Cambridge, 2002). 
C. Wise & R. Roett (Eds): Post-Stabilization Politics in Latin America: Competition,
Transition, Collapse (Brookings, 2003).
R.E. Wright: The Wealth of Nations Rediscovered: Integration and Expansion in American
Financial Markets, 1780–1850 (Cambridge, 2003).
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