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Fri Mar 31 17:18:33 2006
[log in to unmask] (Ross B. Emmett)
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======================= HES POSTING ================== 
                                             University of Leeds 
                            Division of History and Philosophy of Science 
                                    Postgraduate Studentships 
The School of Philosophy (including the Division of History and 
Philosophy of Science) at the University of Leeds can offer up to three 
Studentships for postgraduate study in History and Philosophy of Science 
or Philosophy, to the value of approximately #5,145 (pounds sterling) plus 
full fees beginning October 1998. The studentships are open to both MA 
and PhD candidates and recipients are expected to do some teaching.  PhD 
awards are for one year in the first instance, renewal being subject to 
satisfactory progress. 
The deadline for applications is March 31. 
Candidates who do not receive a studentship may nevertheless still be 
eligible to undertake paid teaching in the Department to support their 
postgraduate studies. 
Further details and application forms can be obtained from: 
Mark Nelson, 
Graduate Admissions Tutor, 
School of Philosophy 
The University, 
Leeds LS2 9JT 
Tel: 0113 233 3282/233 3260 
Email: [log in to unmask] 
Details of MA and PhD programmes in History and Philosophy of Science are 
given below and can be found on the WWW at 
MA in History and Philosophy of Science at Leeds 
The Division of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of 
is one of the few such units where historians and philosophers of science 
actually teach and conduct research together and the MA in History and 
Philosophy of Science has been designed to reflect this collaboration. 
Students take a common core of modules and may then go on to specialise 
in any of a wide range of areas. 
The structure of the course is as follows: 
Core component (3 x 20 credits) 
Modern Science: Its Historical Emergence and Philosophical 
Current Research in History and Philosophy of Science 
Historical Skills and Methods 
Issues in Philosophy of Science 
Option (20 credits) 
Historical Skills and Methods or Issues in Philosophy of Science (whichever 
is not taken as part of the core) 
History and Philosophy of Physics 
Childbirth in Seventeenth-Century England 
History of the Physical Sciences 
Science and Religion 
Historiography of Science 
Dissertation (40 credits) 
(Since circumstances can change very quickly, The University does 
regretfully reserve its absolute right, without any liability, to withdraw 
modules at any time if in its opinion it is impracticable for them to run.) 
PhD in History and Philosophy of Science 
The Division can offer PhD supervision in such areas as: 
science and religion, 
the social history of laboratories, 
the philosophy of technology, 
the history of chemistry, 
the history of medicine, 
the history of biology, 
the history and philosophy of physics, 
linguistic and textual aspects of science, 
gender and science, 
realist and empiricist approaches to science, 
the nature of scientific theories and models, 
the relationship between science and mathematics 
among others. 
Recent publications by members of staff include the following: 
Geoffrey Cantor: 
Michael Faraday: Sandemanian and Scientist, Macmillan, 1991; 
Reconstructing Nature: The Engagement of Science and Religion (with John 
Brooke), T&T Clark, 1998; 
John Christie: 
'A Tragedy for Cyborgs', Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science 
and Technology; 1 (1993) pp. 171-196; 
'Historiography of chemistry in the eighteenth century: Hermann 
Boerhaave and William Cullen', Ambix 41 (1994) pp. 4-19; 
'The Paracelsan Body', in O. Grell (ed.), Paracelsus: The Man and His 
Reputation, Brill, 1998. 
Steven French: 
'On the Withering Away of Physical Objects', in E. Castellani (ed.), 
Physical Objects: Identity, Individuality and Constitution of Objects in 
Physics, Princeton Univ. Press, 1998; 
'Superconductivity and Structures: Revisiting the London Account', (with 
James Ladyman), Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 28 
(1997) pp. 363-393. 
Graeme Gooday: 
'Instrumentation and Interpretation: Managing and Representing the 
Working Environments of Victorian Experimental Science', in B.Lightman 
(ed.) Victorian Science in Context, Chicago University Press, 1997; 
'The Morals of Energy Metering: constructing and deconstructing the 
precision of the Victorian electrical engineer's ammeter and voltmeter' in 
M.N.Wise (ed.) The Values of Precision, Princeton University Press, 1995. 
Jon Hodge: 
Origins and Species, Garland Pub. Inc., 1991; 
'Natural selection as a Causal, Empirical and Probabilistic Theory in L. 
Kruger et. al. (eds.), The Probabilistic Revolution, Vol. 2, MIT Press, 
'Biology and Philosophy (including Ideology): A Study of Fisher and 
in S. Sarkar (ed.), The Founders of Evolutionary Genetics, Kluwer, 1992. 
Anna Maidens: 
'Symmetry Groups, Absolute Objects and Action Principles in General 
Relativity, forthcoming in Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern 
'Are Electrons Vague Objects? forthcoming in N. Shanks et. al. (eds.), 
Probability and Science, Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of Science 
Adrian Wilson: 
The Making of Man-midwifery: childbirth in England, 1660-1770, UCL Press 
and Harvard University Press, 1995; 
'Conflict, consensus and charity: politics and the provincial 
voluntary hospitals in the eighteenth century', The English Historical 
Review CXI (1996) pp. 599-619. 
The Division's Senior Seminar series features invited speakers from the UK 
and abroad and there is a weekly informal research seminar as well as a 
Graduate Workshop. Recent and forthcoming speakers at the Senior 
Seminar include John Dupre, Paula Gould, Malcolm Nicholson, Phillip Catton, 
Margie Morrison, Gowan Dawson and Stephen Johnston. 
Recent conferences organised by the Division include 'The Museums Forum', 
'Many Minds, Many Worlds and Quantum Physics', 'Collingwood' (organised 
jointly with the Philosophy section), the Annual Meeting of the British 
Society for the Philosophy of Science and  the Annual Meeting of the 
British Society for the History of Science, which in 1997 was held in 
conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the British Association for the 
Advancement of Science. 
The University of Leeds 
The University of Leeds is one of the UK's major teaching and research 
universities with over 21,000 students, of whom almost 5,000 are 
postgraduates. The library contains an extensive collection in history and 
philosophy of science and the British Library Lending Division at Boston 
Spa is only 15 miles away. The cost of living is relatively low and most 
students live within walking distance or a short bus-ride of the 
University. There is an active Student Union whose building incorporates a 
range of facilities, including a supermarket, bookshop and, of course, 
several bars. 
The city itself enjoys a national reputation as a lively and innovative 
focus of cultural activities, from dance clubs and live music pubs to an 
award-winning theatre and the new Royal Armouries Museum. The car-free 
downtown area boasts numerous cafes and  bookshops, together with 
some of the largest music stores outside London, set among restored 
Victorian arcades.  Some of the most beautiful countryside in Britain can 
be found within a short bus or train ride of the city centre. 
For further information about studentships and funding in general, 
contact Mark Nelson above; 
for further information about the Division contact Steven French at 
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