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Fri Mar 31 17:18:41 2006
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------------ EH.NET BOOK REVIEW -------------- 
Published by EH.NET (September 2004) 
Richard Arena and Michel Qu=E9r=E9, editors, _The Economics of 
AlfredMarshall: Revisiting Marshall's Legacy_. New York: PalgraveMacMillan, 
2003. ix + 281 pp. =A355/$75 (cloth), ISBN: 1-4039-0168-6. 
Reviewed for EH.NET by Katia Caldari, Department of Economics,University of 
This volume's aim is to "revisit" Alfred Marshall's legacy throughthe 
insights of the most renowned scholars currently studyingMarshall's 
thought. The book has two parts. The first is properly on"The Legacy of 
Marshall's Economics." It includes works by Becattini,Marchionatti, 
Reisman, Moss, Dardi and Groenewegen. The second partof the book is on 
"Economic Evolution and the Organization ofIndustry: Marshallian Insights" 
and includes papers by Whitaker,Hart, Qu=E9r=E9, Loasby, Arena, Bellandi 
and Raffaelli. 
The papers of the first part are all intended to underline thoseaspects of 
Marshall's thought that have been often neglected but arethe necessary key 
for fully appreciating the contribution toeconomics of this Cambridge 
The opening paper is "The Return of the White Elephant" by 
GiacomoBecattini. Through what Becattini calls "a turning point 
inMarshallian studies" (p. 13), new and unexpected "potentialcapacities in 
Marshall's thought" (p. 13) have been underlined moreand more so that 
Marshall "is now increasingly mentioned and moreoften in a favourable 
light" (p. 14). According to Becattini,Marshall cannot be considered a 
"neoclassical economist," as mostinterpretations of the past did, because 
of the presence of important"anomalies" that make him clearly a "sui 
generis" economist, asWalras once put it, calling his English "colleague" a 
The second paper is "Dealing with the Complexity: Marshall and Keyneson the 
Nature of Economic Thinking" by Roberto Marchionatti. Aninteresting 
comparison between Marshall and Keynes is suggested:despite the fact that 
most studies of Keynes "largely neglected therole of Marshall in the 
development of Keynes' methodologicalreflection" (p. 39), Marchionatti 
proves that "both Marshall andKeynes developed a conception of economics as 
a science that attemptsto deal with the complexity using several tools. 
Both saw a limitedscope for the fruitful use of mathematics in economics" 
(p. 48). 
The third paper by David Reisman is on Alfred Marshall and socialcapital. 
Considering a number of themes dear to Marshall (industrialdistricts, trade 
unions, socialism, health, quality of life), Reismansuggests that Marshall 
was an important forerunner of the modernconcept of social capital. 
With the fourth paper, "Marshall's Objective: Making OrthodoxEconomics 
Intelligible to Business Leaders," Laurent S. Moss intendsto contribute to 
the understanding of why Marshall's scientificpapers "did not live up to 
several of his stated goals, bothscientific and personal" (p. 67). Moss 
considers mainly three ofthese goals: 1) to write texts "accessible to 
non-academics,especially business leaders," 2) "to construct an 
analyticalstructure that would draw on the pioneering work of his 
manypredecessor economists," and 3) to conciliate the two precedinggoals, 
since on the one hand "he wanted to communicate with businesspeople ... 
about things they knew well and experienced personally"(pp. 76-77), but on 
the other hand "the conversation Marshall wantedto create had to be 
structured within an economic framework that wasdeeply rooted in the older 
orthodox tradition" (p. 77). The"reconciliation problem" is given as an 
Coming to the following paper "Alfred Marshall's Partial 
Equilibrium:Dynamics in Disguise" by Marco Dardi, the reader is pushed into 
amore technical and analytical context -- an inquiry into the conceptof 
equilibrium, especially in its attempts to cope with the"fundamental 
problem of economic change" (p. 89). Dardi suggests thateven though 
Marshall "chose not to follow a formalized approach" (p.89) he did have "a 
unitary frame of analysis" (p. 89). In order toprove this thesis, Dardi 
works out "an abstract logical frameworkwhich links all the Marshallian 
narrations to a few structuralhypotheses that account for the most basic 
aspects of his theory" (p.89). The experiment is interesting since it 
highlights therelationship between equilibrium and economic change in 
Marshall'swritings and moreover the important nexus between ceteris 
paribusmethod and human mind structure. Focusing on Marshall's studies 
ofthe human mind recently edited and analyzed by Raffaelli (2003),Dardi 
underlines how the static method and partial equilibria can beseen in a new 
light "... less contingent, less tainted with pragmaticcompromise, than has 
been suggested by many interpreters" (p. 100). 
The last paper of this part is by Peter Groenewegen and deals 
with"Competition and Evolution: The Marshallian Conciliation 
Enterprise."Through a deep exploration of the concept of competition 
andevolution, Groenewegen underlines the dilemma between Marshall 
therealistic economist" and Marshall "the theorist." This dilemma wasthe 
cause of Marshall's methodological choice often criticized andconsidered 
"unacceptable to the economics profession at large, bothpast and present" 
(p. 131). 
As the second part of the book suggests, Marshall's major insightswere 
about economic evolution and industrial organization. The firstpaper is by 
John K. Whitaker and the title is "Alfred Marshall's_Principles_ and 
_Industry and Trade_: Two Books or One? Marshall andthe Joint Stock 
Company." Here the author analyzes the relationshipbetween Marshall's two 
most important works through the special lensof the role he attributed to 
joint stock companies. _The Principles_,which is primarily theoretical, 
fails to "anticipate the rapidity"(p. 153) of the rise of large stock 
companies and use a tool, therepresentative firm, that would have become 
more and more outdated.In _Industry and Trade_, more of an applied work, 
Marshall paysgreater attention to joint stock company in order to focus on 
the"struggle between small private businesses and large public ones" 
Neil Hart's article on the representative firm aims to explain "whyMarshall 
was not a Marshallian." According to Hart, "Marshallintended the 
representative firm to play a pivotal role in theattempt to construct an 
equilibrium framework in a world acknowledgedto be characterized by 
disequilibrium and organic processes" (p.176). That attempt was 
unsuccessful, as Marshall himself admitted. Onthe contrary, Marshallians 
"evaded Marshall's impasse by constrictingthe industrial organization 
process so as to render the analysisamenable to static equilibrium 
conditions" (p. 176). Therepresentative firm should have solved the 
so-called "reconciliationproblem," centered on the "difficulties associated 
with representing,within an equilibrium framework, outcomes of evolutionary 
processesidentified directly with the increasing returns and thus 
thelong-period industry supply schedule" (p. 168). The problem wasneglected 
by the Marshallians who reasoned in terms of the"equilibrium firm." 
"Increasing Returns and Competition: Learning from a 
MarshallianPerspective," by Michel Qu=E9r=E9, starts from the 
"reconciliationproblem." Here the focus is on some methodological 
difficultiesMarshall tried to overcome and the meaning he gave to 
competition inorder to reconcile it with increasing returns. Once again, 
the readeris told to refer to _Industry and Trade_ more than _Principles_ 
that,as aiming to provide "a single unified framework" (p. 199), is saidto 
be "unsatisfactory." 
The following paper is on "Efficiency and Time" by Brian Loasby. 
Thestarting point of the paper is a quotation from Groenewegen'sbiography 
according to which "For Marshall, economists do not onlyhave to explain 
their world. They have an unambiguous duty to assistin changing it for the 
better" (1995, p. 761). Marshall the economistalways tried to understand 
the real world and find possible ways topromote the progress of society. 
Loasby focuses on the pivotal roleof knowledge in Marshall's economics and 
explains it as "a selectivenetwork of connections between elements, built 
up, modified andsometimes abandoned over time" (p. 210). This concept of 
knowledge,very far from the perfect information of the neoclassical 
world,explains why Marshall could never have reasoned in terms of 
"Paretoefficiency" but at most in terms of "sufficiency," that is more 
aptto explain a world where uncertainty is widespread. 
Knowledge is also the central issue of the paper by Richard 
Arena,"Organization and Knowledge in Alfred Marshall's Economics."According 
to Arena, Marshall's concept of knowledge was "among themost advanced" (p. 
221). Knowledge is strictly connected withorganization, in its turn 
centered on differentiation andintegration. Arena proves how "organization 
and knowledge appear tobe the main engine of economic evolution in 
Marshall" (p. 238), eventhough, he underlines, "Marshall's contribution 
does not provide uswith a ready-made theoretical framework" (p. 238). 
"Some Remarks on Marshallian External Economics and IndustrialTendencies" 
by Marco Bellandi explains the meaning of externaleconomies and the role 
played by industrial districts in Marshall'seconomics. The reader is again 
invited to take into consideration_Industry and Trade_ more than 
_Principles_ since "In _Industry andTrade_, 'place' is explicitly 
considered at different inter-linkedterritorial levels, such as time whose 
different scales receive greatattention in the _Principles_" (p. 242). The 
"places" considered inthe book are nations, regions, cities and industrial 
districts. Whilethe nation-level, "where great financial, ideological, 
political, andmilitary resources are coordinated, has an importance that 
Marshallconsiders seriously" (p. 243), "the local level seems to 
functionhere as the basic unit" (p. 245). 
The last paper is "Requirements and Patterns of MarshallianEvolution: Their 
Impact on the Notion of Industrial District" byTiziano Raffaelli. As the 
author maintains, the aim of the paper "isto show that Marshall's wider 
evolutionary framework helps us tounderstand better the theoretical 
relevance of district organization"(p. 254). Raffaelli suggests that 
industrial district "was not anappendix to his [Marshall's] social thought 
but was directlyconnected to its core and constituted a specific way of 
dealing withthe growth of capital that was inherent in economic progress" 
(p.254). Co-evolution -- considered as the essence of all social systemsand 
the characteristic aspect of interrelation between animal speciesand their 
environment -- is the mechanism that explains "change."Raffaelli uses the 
functioning of evolutionary mechanisms, "whosefirst instance Marshall found 
in the human mind" (p. 255), as meansto explain the dynamics of the 
industrial district, considered as "anideal evolutionary environment" (p. 
According to the editors the book has two main messages: "the firstis that 
economists are far from having fully exploited thepotentialities of the 
originality of Marshall's approach, and thesecond is that Marshallian 
economics is not mainly a topic forhistorians of economic thought; its 
modernity reveals how useful itis to re-read Marshall's contributions from 
the standpoint of therenovation of contemporary economics" (p. 1). 
Coming to the end of the book, the reader cannot neglect these twomessages: 
a new and less known Marshall emerges from the book and theunusual and 
interesting aspects of his thought which are discussedreveal a very modern 
In the introduction, the editors anticipate most of the issuesdeveloped in 
the volume: "methodological perspectives," "thereconciliation problem," 
"internal and external economies,""competition, production and evolution," 
"knowledge, organization andinstitutions." Other general aspects of the 
volume are also worthunderlining: the necessity of reading _Industry and 
Trade_ tounderstand Marshall's economic thought and the usefulness of 
applyingthe model of the mind, to better clarify the structure of 
As we have seen, the reader will find a number of interesting 
andstimulating suggestions on how to reconsider and reread AlfredMarshall. 
But since each chapter is in the form of an independentpaper, I would have 
found it useful (and interesting) to put asummary scheme or conclusive 
remarks at the end of the volume. 
Another comment is on the structure of the book. I found the twoparts 
slightly off balance. While each paper of the first partunderlines a 
different aspect, in the second part too much emphasisis perhaps given to 
the "Representative Firm" and the "ReconciliationProblem," the aspects of 
Marshall's thought more debated in the past.Other issues could be given 
more attention as expression of the greatoriginality and richness of 
Marshall's thought: the modern idea ofprogress; the attention given to the 
quality of life; and theanalysis of firms (marketing, scientific 
management, the contrastbetween large and small firms). But, of course, a 
book cannot beexhaustive, especially with an author such as Alfred 
It is a well known motto "it's all in Marshall." Reisman in theintroduction 
of his paper writes "Marshall here as usual, knew itall" (p. 53). This book 
suggests a number of aspects in Marshall'sthought that deserve attention 
and probably further discussions. Itseems to give evidence to the motto 
cited above. No doubt it provesthat in Marshall there is much but not 
because he _knew_ it all, Ithink, but because he _saw_ it all, the real 
world, being aneconomist in the round, theoretical but also applied, and 
moreoverconsidering economics not a science as an end in itself but a 
meansfor bettering human life. This aspect is too often forgotten bymodern 
economists but I think it is the strongest message of thegreat Marshall's 
Groenewegen P. (1995) _A Soaring Eagle: Alfred Marshall, 
1842-1924_,Aldershot, Edward Elgar. 
Raffaelli T. (2003), _Marshall's Evolutionary Economics_, London, Routled= 
Katia Caldari's works include "Alfred Marshall's Idea of Progress 
andSustainable Development," forthcoming in the _Journal of the Historyof 
Economic Thought_. 
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([log in to unmask]; Telephone: 513-529-2229).Published by EH.Net 
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