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[log in to unmask] (Dr Chris R. Tame)
Fri Mar 31 17:18:51 2006
text/plain (111 lines)
Some other writings, pro and con, on this subject:  
Allen, Jodie T. (2001), "Negative Income Tax", Henderson, David R., ed.,  
The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, Library of Economics and Liberty,  
Liberty Fund; at:  
A largely critical evaluation.  
Brittan, Sam & Webb, Steven, Beyond the Welfare State: An Examination of  
Basic Incomes in a Market Economy, David Hume Institute & Aberdeen  
University Press, 1990. A detailed outline of the "negative income tax"  
(a guaranteed basic income) proposals first advocated by Milton  
Browning, Edgar K., Redistribution and the Welfare System, American  
Enterprise Institute, Washington, DC, 1975. Advocates the basic income  
Curace, John (Winter 1967), "A  New Look at Welfare Substitutes",  
Western Politica, I, pp. 7  21. A critique of the basic income approach.  
Duncan, Alan MP & Hobson, Dominic (1995), "A Basic Income for All",  
Idem, Saturn's Children: How the State Devours Liberty, Prosperity and  
Virtue, Sinclair Stevenson, London, 1995/2nd edn, Politico's, London,  
1998, pp. 412-426. A Conservative MP (or rather his ghost writer)  
endorses the Friedman/Brittan proposals for a basic income. Unlike his  
ringing endorsement of the total abolition of drug prohibition, which  
Ducan quietly dropped from the second edition (raising the question  
amongst many observers as to whether Duncan - like the spate of  
supermodel "authors" of novels - had actually read the book issued under  
his name), this proposal does remain in the second edition.  
Friedman, Milton (1962), "The Alleviation of Poverty", Idem, Capitalism  
and Freedom, University of Chicago Press, pp. 190 195.  Presents his  
proposal for a "negative income tax", a form of guaranteed annual  
(April 1966), "Tax Subsidy for the Poor?", Social Service Outlook, pp.  
13 14 (7 March 1967), "The Case for the Negative Income Tax", National  
Review (New York), pp. 239 240  
(1968), "The Case for the Negative Income Tax", Laird, Melvin R., ed.,  
The Republican Papers, Greenwood Press, New York, pp. 202 20  
(7 November 1969), "Testimony", US Congress, House, Committee on Ways  
and Mean, Social Security and Welfare Proposals, Hearings, 91st  
Congress, 1st Session, pp. 1944-1958  
(1970), "The Case for the Negative Income Tax: A View from the Right",  
Madden, Carl H., ed., The Guaranteed Income: Material for the Debate in  
the 70s Discussion Course, Chamber of Commerce of the United States,  
Washington, DC  
(1975), "Negative Income Tax I", Idem, There's No Such Thing As a Free  
Lunch: Essays on Public Policy, Open Court, LaSalle, Illinois, and also  
published under the title, An Economist's Protest, 2nd edn, Thomas  
Horton, Glen Ridge, New Jersey, pp. 197 198  
(1975), "Negative Income Tax II", Ibid., pp. 198 200  
(1975), "Welfare Reform Again", Ibid., pp. 201 203   
The Case for the Negative Income Tax: A View From the Right, US Chambre  
of Commerce, Washington, DC, 1966  
Hazlitt, Henry (July 1966), "Income Without Work", The Freeman  
(Foundation for Economic Education), 16(7), pp. 20 36; reprinted in  
Madden, Carl H., ed., The Guaranteed Income: Material for the Debate in  
the 70s Discussion Course, Chamber of Commerce of the United States,  
Washington, DC, 1970.  A critique of Friedman's, and similar, proposals;  
also reprinted in Hazlitt, Henry,  Man vs. the Welfare State, Arlington  
House, New Rochelle, New York, 1969/University Press of America, Lanham,  
Maryland, 1983, pp. 62 83  
(1969), "Fallacies of the Negative Income Tax", Idem,  Man vs. the  
Welfare State, Arlington House, New Rochelle, New York, 1969/University  
Press of America, Lanham, Maryland, 1983, pp. 84 100  
Lees, Dennis (October 1967), "Poor Families and Fiscal Reform", Lloyd's  
Bank Review (London), No. 86, pp. 1-15. An IEA associated economist  
argues that "the development and application of a system of negative  
income taxation offers the brightest hope of emancipation from the  
doctrines of universality in social welfare that have militated so long  
against an implacable war on poverty" (p. 15).  
Madden, Carl H., ed., The Guaranteed Income: Material for the Debate in  
the 70s Discussion Course, Chamber of Commerce of the United States,  
Washington, DC, 1970. A collection of readings pro and con.  
Polanyi, Priscilla (1971), "An End to Poverty", Boyson, Rhodes, ed.,  
Down With the Poor: An Analysis of the Failure of the 'Welfare State'  
and a Plan to End Poverty, Churchill Press, London, pp. 111 121 .  
Advocates Friedman's negative income tax proposals.  
Rothbard, Murray N. (September 1969), "A Letter to Senator Hatfield: The  
Guaranteed Annual Income", The Rational Individualist, 1(11), pp. 6 9. A  
vigorous "Austrian School" critique of  Friedman's proposals.  
(Fall 2002), "Milton Friedman Unravelled", The Journal of Libertarian  
Studies, 16(4), pp. 37-54; pp. 41-45. Contains a critique of the  
guaranteed annual income; at:  
Seldon, Arthur (22 July 1971), "Why Not Top Up the Poor Man's Pay?, The  
Daily Telegraph (London); reprinted as "Top Up the Poor Man's Pay",  
Idem, The State is Rolling Back: Essays in Persuasion, Economic &  
Literary Books, London, 1994, pp. 223 226. Advocates the 'negative  
income tax' proposals of Milton Friedman.  
Schorr, Alvin L. (Fall 1966), "Against a Negative Income Tax", The  
Public Interest (New York), No. 5, pp. 110 117  
Tobin, James, (Summer 1966), "The Case for an Income Guarantee", The  
Public Interest (New York), No. 4, pp. 31 41  
Chris R. Tame