----------------- HES POSTING -----------------
The Seminar in the History of Political Ideas at the University of
London, Institute of Historical Research (IHR) is a long-established
and respected forum for discussion of the history of political thought.
Following a successful meeting of the Seminar on 17th January
where H.S. Jones of Manchester University spoke on:
'The Era of Tyrannies: Halevy and Hayek on Socialism'
there are three further meetings of the seminar scheduled in the
Spring Term of 2001.
31 January, William Stafford (Huddersfield) - - J.S .Mill, Radicalism and
14 February, William Thomas (Oxford) - - A Conservative Editor in the Age
Peel: J.G. Lockhart and the Quarterly Review
28 February, Gill Cochram (London) - - Ruskin and the Socialists<italic>
The seminar's regular meeting place is the Low Countries Room at 4.15 p.m;
new attenders (who are most welcome) can receive directions at the IHR
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