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A forum for discussion for the Archives Assoc. of Ontario


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Suzanne Dubeau <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
A forum for discussion for the Archives Assoc. of Ontario
Mon, 12 Jun 2000 12:56:45 -0400
text/plain (40 lines)
Dear AAOLIST subscribers:

It appears that it is time for a few gentle reminders about List

1.  Number one rule:  PLEASE THINK BEFORE USING THE REPLY KEY!  When you
use "reply" or "reply all" to respond to a posting on the list, every
subscriber will see your note.  Please do not subject your fellow
subscribers to extra email we all don't need if you really intend your
note to go directly to the person who posted the original note.

2.  IF YOU ARE GOING AWAY, please don't tell the list of subscribers via
the automatic "I'm out of the office until..." function that you may
have at your workplace.  If you use this function, all subscribers to
the list will get this automatic notice every time someone posts a
legitimate note to the list.  Again, none of us needs this extra email.
If I see such notices, I will, as List Administrator, unsubscribe you
from the list myself.  I would appreciate it if you would do this
yourself and save me the trouble.  You can always re-subscribe on your
return from vacation/absence.
To unsubscribe, send an email to [log in to unmask] with the following
command in the body of the note:  SIGNOFF AAOLIST

Leave the subject line blank, and remove any epilog.

3.  If you want to see other LISTSERV commands that are available, you
can retrieve the LISTSERV reference card by sending a note to
[log in to unmask] with the following command in the body of the note:

Again, leave the subject line blank, and remove any epilog.

I would very much appreciate everyone's courtesy in following these
simple practices, and your fellow subscribers would also be pleased.

Suzanne Dubeau
AAOLIST Administrator