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Here is the final version of the programme of the Colloquium on the
Economic Thought of Jeremy Bentham.
Yasunori Fukagai
Colloquium on the Economic Thought of Jeremy Bentham
January 26 - 27, 2002
Tokyo Metropolitan University
Room 107, General Education Building
Saturday, 26 January
10:00-10:10 Opening Remarks
Professor Yasunori Fukagai (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
10:10-11:10 Session 1
Paper: Professor Philip Schofield (University College London, UK)
"Werner Stark and the economic writings of Jeremy Bentham"
discussant: Professor Yoshio Nagai (Kanto Gakuin University, Japan)
11:30-12:40 Lunch
13:00-14:45 Session 2
Paper 1: Professor Marco Guidi (Brescia, Italy)
"Inventive industry in Bentham's early reflections on political economy
Paper 2: Professor Nathalie Sigot (Besanson, France)
"Art and science according to Bentham"
discussant: Professor Daisuke Arie (Yokohama National University, Japan)
14:45-15:10 break
15:15-16:15 Session 3
paper: Professor Annie Cot (Paris-I, France)
"Let there be no distinction between the sexes" : Jeremy Bentham on the
status of women"
discussant: Professor Philip Schofield (University College London, UK)
16:15-16:40 break
16:45-18:30 Session 4
Paper 1: Dr. Michael Quinn (University College London, UK)
"The fallacy of non-interference: The Poor Panopticon and equality of
Paper 2: Professor Katsuyoshi Watarai (Waseda University, Japan)
"Bentham, Malthus and Ricardo on Poor Laws"
discussant: Professor Nathalie Sigot (Besanson, France)
Sunday, 27 January
9:30-11:10 Session 5
Paper 1: Dr. Sandrine Leloup (Paris-I, France)
"Do passions calculate? Bentham's analysis"
Paper 2: Professor Evert Schoorl (Groningen, Netherlands)
"Jean-Baptiste Say as a Benthamite: positive and normative utilitarianism"
discussant: Professor Annie Cot (Paris-I, France)
11:30-12:40 Lunch
13:00-14:40 Session 6
Paper 1: Professor Ghislain Deleplace and Professor Nathalie Sigot
(Paris-VIII / Besanson, France)
"Bentham's French manuscript and Ricardo: a missed opportunity"
Paper 2: Professor Yasunori Fukagai (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
"Jeremy Bentham on production of wealth and population mechanism"
discussant: Professor Marco Guidi (Brescia, Italy)
14:40-15:10 break
15:15-16:10 Session 7
Professor Takuo Dome (Osaka University, Japan)
"Bentham's principles of legislation in matters of finance"
discussant: Professor Ghislain Deleplace (Paris-VIII, France)
16:25-18:00 Session 8
Paper 1: Dr. Chiara Baroni (University of Manchester, UK)
"A reconsideration of the nature and relevance of Bentham's notion of
Paper 2: Dr. Byron Kaldis (Athens University of Economics and Business,
"Bentham's Socratic 'Metric': Could welfare economics be both science and
discussant to paper 1: Professor Evert Schoorl (Groningen, Netherlands)
discussant to paper 2: Professor Yasunori Fukagai (Tokyo Metropolitan
University, Japan)
18:00-18:10 Concluding remarks
Professor Yasunori Fukagai (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
Organising Committee:
(head) Yasunori Fukagai (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Daisuke Arie (Yokohama National University)
Katsuyoshi Watarai (Waseda University)
Yasunori Fukagai
Tokyo Metropolitan University
Faculty of Economics
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