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Fri Mar 31 17:18:41 2006
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Published by EH.NET (August 2004) 
John F. Chown, _A History of Monetary Unions_. London: Routledge,  
2003. ix + 369 pp. $129.95 (cloth), ISBN: 0-415-27737-X. 
Reviewed for EH.NET by Lawrence H. Officer, Department of Economics,  
University of Illinois at Chicago. 
John Chown, a partner in Chown Dewhurst LLP, has written a book that,  
notwithstanding its title, is more like a general monetary history  
(complementing the author's previously published _History of Money_,  
London: Routledge, 1994) than a history of monetary unions. The book  
contains good, summary histories of many countries' monetary  
experiences, and it is readable and witty. In fact, the volume is  
like a grand sweep of world monetary history. It is encyclopedic in  
the number of countries covered, including little-known experiences  
(such as Korea). There are some nice tidbits of information. For  
example, Russia was the first country to decimalize its currency (in  
1704) and the third country (after China and France under John Law)  
"to make sustained use of inconvertible paper money." 
While there is no original research, there is certainly original  
selection of a set of monetary experiences, original organization,  
and original presentation. The author offers a good descriptive  
history, but the analysis is not deep. In fact, the book is  
disappointing from an analytical standpoint. There is no grand  
analytical theme -- or, from the vantage point of this reviewer, any  
theme. The book could have benefited from a chapter devoted to  
conclusions -- if only in the author's mind. 
Too often, too much is left unsaid. For example, Chown makes blunt  
statements such as the following: "The United Kingdom ... joined the  
Snake, but was effectively driven out by market forces six weeks  
later" (p. 201). One wonders: what were these market forces? Again,  
"Exchange controls increase the time between bad economic decisions  
and their viable consequences; this is both their attraction to a  
certain type of politician, and the most serious and subtle way in  
which they damage the economy" (p. 202) -- a perceptive comment, but  
there is no elaboration. 
Also, the book is replete with breadth but not depth. The book is  
composed of 54 chapters! With so many chapters, it stands to reason  
that many of them are too short. Also, the chapters can be quite  
disjoint from one another. Sometimes the reader receives the  
impression of rat-tat-tat from one experience to another. The volume  
contains too many trees, not enough forest. 
Nevertheless, the book is excellent as a chronicle of events. It is a  
useful reference volume on monetary history, with the virtue of being  
well readable cover to cover. The book presents in one volume what is  
available elsewhere in many different sources -- and the author is  
scrupulous in citing sources (except for the tables, only one of  
which has the source provided). The references to specific-country  
histories will prove most useful to the monetary historian. It is  
clear that Chown did a thorough literature research. Perhaps he has  
too heavy a reliance on "authority," but he compensates by writing  
well. The British orientation and caustic comments on U.K. policy  
might annoy and amuse American readers. 
The volume is mainly a literary history. There are no mathematics and  
no econometrics. There is some reference to quantitative studies, but  
this is far from exhaustive. There are only eight tables and no  
graphs -- on a subject that lends itself to quantification. In  
fairness, the author does provide substantial quantitative  
information within the text. 
The title of the book is misleading, in suggesting that the book  
deals exclusively with "monetary unions." In fact, the book covers  
the following topics: 
1. monetary unions (perhaps with greater concern with formation than  
2. monetary "disunions" (breaking-up of existing unions) 
3. "not-really" monetary unions (and disunions) 
4. "never-happened" monetary unions (proposed but did not happen) 
The usual definition of a monetary union (or "monetary integration")  
is perhaps best presented by W. M. Corden (_Monetary Integration_,  
International Finance Section, Princeton University, 1972):  
permanently fixed exchange rates and permanent currency  
convertibility (that is absence of exchange controls). Corden sees  
the former as inevitably involving a union central bank. (Of course,  
if a smaller country enters the monetary area of a larger one, via a  
currency board or "dollarization," the large country's central bank  
functions as the supranational bank.) Chown accepts the first  
criterion -- "a really permanent fixed rate" (p. 12) -- but not the  
second, and does not require a supranational central bank. This opens  
the door to a broad interpretation of what are monetary unions (that  
is, inclusion of topic 3 above in the volume). 
Regarding topic 1, true monetary unions, cases of union that result  
from national political unification (for example, Germany, Italy,  
Switzerland) are discussed. Beyond that, the Austro-Hungarian Empire  
and Latin Monetary Union are emphasized. Chown observes, as others  
have, that the latter organization could have, but did not, lead to a  
world monetary union; but his eloquence is telling: "Then, as now,  
politics and national pride took precedence over economic common  
sense" (p. 4). It is regrettable that Chown, in a rare neglect of the  
literature, does not refer to the excellent work of Luca Einaudi  
(_Money and Politics: European Monetary Unification and the  
International Gold Standard, 1865-1873_, Oxford: Oxford University  
Press, 2001) on the Latin Monetary Union. Chown too readily seems to  
accept the view that Félix Esquirou de Parieu, who advocated European  
and world monetary union, was a French nationalist; whereas Einaudi  
provides evidence that he was an internationalist. 
Chown is very good on European monetary union. He contrasts the  
actual process of achieving union -- economic convergence, followed  
by irrevocably fixed exchange rates, followed by replacement of  
national currencies with the euro -- with alternative schemes. The  
monetary union of East and West Germany is termed "badly conceived,"  
and it endangered the larger and more-important European monetary  
Turning to topic 2, Chown emphasizes monetary "disunions" as much as  
unions. The disintegration of the currency unions (following  
disintegration of the political unions) of the Austro-Hungarian  
Empire, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and the Soviet Union are  
discussed. Also receiving attention are the break-ups of colonial  
currency areas and the sterling area, and the U.S. Civil War. Chown  
comments that the last "contradicts the idea that monetary union  
makes for a lasting peace." This reviewer finds that statement to  
rest on a simplistic straw man. 
Topic 3, "non-really" monetary unions (and disunions), is not termed  
so by Chown, who has an overly broad concept of what is a monetary  
union. He includes metallic standards (gold, silver, bimetallic)  
under this rubric. So the historic gold and bimetallic standards  
receive attention, both as union and disunion (breaking-up). Much is  
made of the collapse of bimetallism and its deleterious implications  
for countries on a silver standard. Even the Bretton Woods system is  
a topic of study. Here Chown acknowledges: "The Bretton Woods system  
was not a monetary union but was, in its day, the nearest approach we  
had" (p. 193). 
Treatment of metallic standards (to say nothing of Bretton Woods) as  
monetary unions is unusual, to say the least. Chown can also be  
criticized for not explaining why the U.K. made the mistake of  
returning to gold at the prewar mint price in 1925 and for saying  
very little about why the gold standard collapsed in 1931. He  
mentions "declining confidence in banks," but why this decline? The  
entire discussion of the gold standard suffers from neglect of the  
issue of credibility. 
Topic four, "never-happened" monetary unions, treats proposed  
U.S./Canada (possibly including Mexico) and Australian/New Zealand  
unions. Chown observes that, for political reasons, Canada objects to  
monetary union with the United States. However, it is also true that  
Canada historically has, from time to time, revealed a preference for  
monetary policy independent of (or at least not wholly dependent on)  
that of the United States -- the proof being Canada's occasional  
predilection for a floating exchange rate even when most of the world  
was on a fixed rate. Here, as usual, Chown mainly presents the views  
of others ("authorities," one might say). Interestingly, while Chown  
comments negatively on a proposed Argentina/Brazil monetary union --  
"This might well have been disastrous for both countries" (p. 312) --  
he does not make the obvious point that inclusion of Mexico as a  
third party in a North American monetary union is also not sensible. 
An omission from a book that takes so broad a view of monetary unions  
is monetary disunions that never happened, for example, monetary  
implications of a secession of Quebec from Canada. 
All in all, Chown has produced a useful work for the monetary  
historian and an interesting book for non-specialists. 
Lawrence H. Officer is Professor of Economics at the University of  
Illinois at Chicago. He is also Editor, Special Projects, at EH.Net.  
His recent research concentrates on historical-data development, both  
for printed journals and for the "How Much Is That?" section of  
EH.Net. An example of the former is his article "The U.S. Specie  
Standard, 1792-1932: Some Monetarist Arithmetic," _Explorations in  
Economic History_, Vol. 39, No. 2 (April 2002), pp. 113-153. 
Copyright (c) 2004 by EH.Net. All rights reserved. This work may be  
copied for non-profit educational uses if proper credit is given to  
the author and the list. For other permission, please contact the  
EH.Net Administrator ([log in to unmask]; Telephone: 513-529-2229).  
Published by EH.Net (August 2004). All EH.Net reviews are archived at