----------------- HES POSTING -----------------
Books for Review
I have review copies of the following books. If you'd like to review one or more of them
for The Review of Political Economy, please e-mail me privately at [log in to unmask]
As usual, if I don't know you, please say a few words about your background and your
qualifications for reviewing the book or books you're requesting. It's usually a good
idea to list a few books in case your first choice isn't available. I'll wait about a
week to sort through competing requests and then get back to you. If you want to review
several books jointly in a single review, let me know; I'm also open to proposals for
review articles. I look forward to hearing from many of you.
Gary Mongiovi
Review of Political Economy
Reinhard Bendix: Work and Authority in Industry: Managerial Ideologies in
the Course of Industrialization (Transaction Publishers; $29.95 paperback;
ISBN: 0-7658-0668-1).
Nancy Ginba Bermeo: Unemployment in the New Europe (Cambridge, 2001; $69.95
hardcover; ISBN: 0-521-80241-5).
Joel Best: Damned Lies and Statistics: Untangling Numbers from the Media,
Politicians and Activists (University of California Press, 2001; $19.95
hardcover; ISBN: 0-520-21978-3).
W. Robert Brazelton: Designing Economic Policy: An Analytical Biography of
Leon Keyserling (Palgrave, 2001; $65.00 hardcover; ISBN: 0-333-77575-9).
Andrew Britton (Ed.): Monetary Regimes of the Twentieth Century (Cambridge
University Press, 2001; $64.95 hardcover; ISBN: 0-521-80169-9).
Henry J. Bruton: On the Search for Well-Being (University of Michigan
Press, 2001; paperback; ISBN: 0-472-08716-9).
Nancy Churchman: David Ricardo on Public Debt (Palgrave, 2001; $70.00
hardcover; ISBN: 0-333-92148-8).
Charles M.A. Clarke & Janina Rosika (Eds): Economic transition in
Historical Perspective: Lessons from the History of Economics (Ashgate,
2001; $64.95 hardcover; ISBN: 0-75461-474-3).
Gilles Dostaler: Le Liberalism de Hayek [in French] (Reperes, 2001; ISBN:
Bruno Frey: Inspiring Economics: Human Motivation in Political Economy
(Elgar, 2001; ISBN: 1-84064-205-X).
Pierre Garrouste & Stavros Ioannides (Eds): Evolution and Path Dependence
in Economic Ideas, Past and Present (Elgar, 2001; $85.00 hardcover; ISBN:
Geoffrey M, Hodgson, Makoto Itoh & Nobuharu Yokokawa (Eds): Capitalism in
Evolution: Global Contentions ? East and West (Elgar, 2001; $75.00
hardcover; ISBN: 1-85898-860-8).
Charles R. Hulten, Edwin R. Dean & Michael J. Harper (Eds): New
Developments in Productivity Analysis (NBER, University of Chicago Press,
2001; $83.00 hardcover; ISBN: 0-226-36062-8).
Laurence J. Kotlikoff: Essays on Saving, Bequests, Altruism and Life-Cycle
Planning (MIT Press; $47.95 hardcover; ISBN: 0-262-11262-0).
Jeremy Leaman: The Bundesbank Myth: Towards a Critique of Central Bank
Independence (Palgrave, 2001; $75.00 hardcover; ISBN: 0-333-73862-4).
Edward C. Lorenz: Defining Global Justice: The History of US International
Labor Standards Policy (University of Notre Dame Press, 2001; $27.95
paperback; ISBN: 0-268-02551-7).
Atle Midttun & Eirik Svindland (Eds): Approaches and Dilemmas in Economic
regulation: Politics, Economics and Dynamics (Palgrave, 2001; ?45.00
hardcover; ISBN: 0-333-80443-0).
Maria Victoria Murillo: Labor Unions, Partisan Coalitions and Market
Reforms in Latin America (Cambridge, 2001; $59.00 hardcover; ISBN:
Priscilla Murolo & A.B. Chitty: From the Folks Who Brought You the Weekend:
A Short Illustrated History of Labor in the United States (The New Press,
2001; $27.50 hardcover; ISBN: 1-56584-444-0) [If I may take a moment to
insert 2 cents worth of commentary: this book has illustrations by the
always superb Joe Sacco].
Paul Osterman, Thomas Kochan, Richard Locke & Michael J. Piore (Eds):
Working in America: A Blueprint for the New Labor Market (MIT Press, 2001;
$29.95 hardcover; ISBN: 0-262-15105-7).
Kimber Charles Pearce: Rostow, Kennedy and the Rhetoric of Foreign Aid
(Michigan State, 2001; $35.95 hardcover; ISBN: 0-87013-578-3).
Matti Pohjola (Ed.): Information, Technology, Productivity, and Economic
Growth: International Evidence and Implications for Economic Development
(Oxford, 2001; hardcover; ISBN: 0-19-924398-0).
J. Timmons Roberts & M.M. Toffolon-Weiss: Chronicles from the Environmental
Justice Frontline (Cambridge University Press, 2001; $59.95 hardcover;
ISBN: 0-521-66062-9).
Leonard Seabrooke: US Power in International Finance: The Victory of
Dividends (Palgrave, 2001; ?45.00 hardcover; ISBN: 0-333-92167-4).
Walter J. Schultz: The Moral Conditions of Economic Efficiency [Cambridge
Studies in Philosophy and Law] ( Cambridge University Press, 2001; $49.95
hardcover; ISBN: 0-521-80178-8).
David A. Skeel, Jr: Debt's Dominion: A History of Bankruptcy Law in America
(Princeton University Press, 2001; $35.00 hardcover; ISBN: 0-691-08810-1).
Joseph Stiglitz & Pierre-Alain Muet (Eds): Governance, Equity, and Global
Markets (Oxford, 2001; ?25.00 hardcover; ISBN: 0-19-924155-4).
Aaron W. Warner, Mathew Forstater & Sumner Rosen (Eds): Commitment to Full
Employment: The Economic and Social Policy of William S. Vickrey (M.E.
Sharpe, 2000; paperback; ISBN: 0-7656-0633-X).
Ross Zucker: Democratic Distributive Justice (Cambridge, 2000; hardcover;
ISBN: 0-521-79033-6). [This one's for you folks who are interested in
political philosophy: It makes an interesting argument for egalitarian
distribution of income. I've read it and recommend it highly.]
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