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[log in to unmask] (Esther-Mirjam Sent)
Fri Mar 31 17:19:05 2006
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==================== HES POSTING ==================== 
***** Copied and pasted from ***** 
European Social Science History Conference 1998 
The Second European Social Science History Conference will be held in the 
town of Amsterdam, probably on 5-7 March 1998. This site provides you with 
the available information on the conference and gives you the opportunity 
to pre-register as a participant. By pre-registering you tell us that you 
are interested in the next conference. It entails no obligations. There are 
electronic and paper versions of the pre-registration form. The electronic 
form can be got from the conference web site or by sending an e-mail 
message to [log in to unmask] Please send it to us at the address given below. 
Please note that the deadline for submission of abstracts and sessions has 
been extended until 31 May 1997! 
For registration and for all information you do not find here, please 
contact the Conference secretariat: 
European Social Science History Conference 1998 
c/o International Institute of Social History 
Cruquiusweg 31 
1019 AT Amsterdam 
The Netherlands 
Telephone: +31.20.6685866 
Fax: +31.20.6654181 
E-mail: [log in to unmask] 
The First European Social Science History Conference was held in 
Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, 9-11 May 1996. It was very successful, 
more than 500 participants and high quality paper presentations and 
discussions. Click here to see: Program of the 1996 conference 
The International Institute for Social History (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) 
will organize the first European Social Science History Conference in May 
1996. Modelled on the conferences of the American Social Science History 
Association, the conference aims at bringing together biannually scholars 
interested in explaining historical phenomena using the methods of the 
social sciences. It attracts historians, economists, sociologists, 
political scientists, demographers and geographers. The conference will be 
characterized by a lively exchange in many small groups, rather than by 
formal plenary sessions. 
The Conference is a European conference in the sense that it aims primarily 
at scholars based in Europe. Its subject is not confined to Europe, but is 
global social history, as is the case in our American model. Scholars from 
outside Europe are very welcome to participate in the Conference. The 
conference language is English. 
Social history as a field of scholarly enquiry has grown immensely over the 
past decades. Research in this field has become more and more 
internationally comparative and interdisciplinary. Keeping knowledge about 
the relevant developments in different countries and different languages up 
to date has become a difficult task. The European Social Science History 
Conference enables you to meet specialists and hear their latest results 
hand. Through the networks this kind of information will become available 
on a regular basis. 
When and where 
The Second European Social Science History Conference will be held in the 
town of Amsterdam, probably on 5-7 March 1998. Amsterdam is the 
capital of the Netherlands. It is well known for its beautiful canals, 
lined with 17th and 18th century houses. Its museums house important 
collections of 
Dutch 17th century and later masters (Rembrandt, Van Gogh). The conference 
venue is on the outskirts of Amsterdam, but has excellent public 
transport connections with all parts of Amsterdam. Amsterdam is connected 
to places all over the globe by regular train and airplane (Schiphol 
The conference consists of a large number of sessions, organised in 
networks. Sessions will discuss themes selected by the network chairs. The 
networks will convene during the Conference, but the IISH will ask the 
networks to organize themselves on a more permanent basis as an 
(electronic) network of scholars in their own specialized field. Where 
international networks already exist, they will be asked to participate in 
Conference. The networks will continue to function between conferences. 
Click here to see the list of network chairs 
Most papers will be presented in panel sessions. Sessions last two hours. A 
typical panel session will consist of three or four fifteen-minute 
presentations and one discussant, leaving at least thirty minutes for 
discussion. This time schedule requires reporting results rather than 
reading long papers. Roundtables about a certain issue and 'meet the 
author' sessions are encouraged. The European Social Science History 
Conference prefers the participants in a session to be from different 
disciplines and different universities/countries. 
Submitting abstracts 
Fill out the abstract submission form. Send it with an abstract of your 
paper (100 - 500 words) to the Conference Secretariat. If you send in your 
abstract by e-mail (in DOS/ASCII, or attached as WordPerfect file) to 
[log in to unmask] it will be made available to participants through Internet. 
send in your form as soon as possible, but before 31 May 1997 at the latest. 
Distribution of papers 
There are no general rules for paper distribution for the conference as a 
whole. However, it is good practice to send a copy of one's paper to the 
moderator/commentator and the other paper presenters in one's session well 
in advance of the conference. 
Participants who want to have their abstracts or the text of their papers 
available through this WWWsite, should send the text by e-mail in ASCII or 
DOS-format to [log in to unmask] 
If you want participants in your session to have downloaded and read the 
papers beforehand, contact the moderator and/or the network chair. Sessions 
where this is expected will be indicated in the final program. The decision 
to designate sessions as a session in which papers should be read beforehand 
lies with the network chairs. The deadline for notifying the conference 
administration that papers in a session will be distributed through 
Internet is 15 August 1997. 
There will be no proceedings of the conference published. Paper formats are 
therefore not decided by the Conference organisation. A selection of papers 
presented at the Conference will be published in 'New developments in 
European Social Science History' after the Conference. All participants to 
full conference will receive a copy of this volume. 
Registration fee 
This Conference fee will be Dfl 150 (at present this is about US $ 90). All 
participants, including those who present a paper, moderate a session or 
a network, are expected to pay the registration fee. The fee does not 
include meals or hotel accommodation. Participants will receive information 
Amsterdam hotel accommodation. 
Remittance of fees 
Information on the remittance of fees will become available in the course 
of 1997. 
In June 1997 the administration will notify the submitter on the acceptance 
of the proposed paper or session. With this letter of acceptance 
receive a final registration form and information on hotel accommodation. 
Upon receipt of the correct registration payment all participants will 
receive a 
confirmation of their registration. Approximately three weeks before the 
start of the Conference a last confirmation letter with details on how to 
reach the 
conference centre will be sent to all participants. 
Hotel accommodation 
Participants will have to arrange their own accommodation. Information on 
hotel accommodation in Amsterdam will be distributed in June 1997. You 
can also consult the Amsterdam Hotel Guide on Internet or contact the 
Netherlands Reservation Centre (NRC), PO Box 404, 2260 AK Leidschendam, 
The Netherlands. Tel +31.70.3202549. Fax + 31.70.3204237. 
Cancellations can only be accepted in writing prior to February 1, 1998. 
Before 1 February 1998 administration costs of Dfl 25 will be charged. 
After 1 
February 1998 no refund can be made. Please note that this does not apply 
to the hotel accommodation. 
Information on public transportation to the Conference Centre will become 
available in the course of 1997. You can also consult the Amsterdam Public 
Transport Information site on Internet. 
Entry formalities 
A valid passport is required for all visitors. Please check visa 
requirements with your travel agent on booking your flight. On request, the 
secretariat can send letters of invitation to facilitate visa application. 
The Netherlands have no currency restrictions. 
The Netherlands have a temperate climate. The average daily temperature for 
the month of March is approx. 5-10 degrees Celsius. 
Social program 
Information on the social program will become available in the course of 1997. 
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