Dear Colleagues,
This is to remind you that the weeklong Summer Institute for the History of Economics is
about to begin. We will open with a conversation between James Buchanan and Gordon
Tullock on writing their Calculus of Consent, followed by a demonstration by the
Universities Libraries' Special Collections Archivist, Rob Vay, on materials related to
the book. Throughout the week, we have a line up that includes Joe Persky, Steve Medema,
Bruce Caldwell, Ross Emmett, William Coleman, Tim Leonard and Dan Hammond. Graduate
student presenters include Hueichun Su, Philippe Lege, Kail Padgitt, Mike Makowski and Rob
Van Horn; undergraduate presenters are Keeley Reed, Bobby Previti, and Andy Hickner. The
HES is supporting participation by 4 students with awards of $250.
The program and many papers are here:
Any and all are welcome to participate in this free set of lively discussions. If you
are in the area or find yourself with time to travel, please consider stopping in for a
day or all week (email [log in to unmask] so we can keep a count). Peets coffee and bagels for
breakfast provide plenty of opportunties for conversations. Area attractions abound: I'm
told that the National Gallery Venetian Renaissance exhibit is spectacular.
Sandra Peart
Dept of Economics, Baldwin-Wallace College
Director, GMU Summer Institute
email: [log in to unmask]