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Date: | Fri Mar 31 17:19:21 2006 |
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----------------- HES POSTING -----------------
[Posted on behalf of Thomas Moser.]
Here some information regarding German literature on the subject.
One of the earliest attempts in the history of economics - I guess
not only in German - seems to be Karl Gottlob Roessig's "Versuch
einer pragmatischen Geschichte der Oekonomie-, Polizey- und
Cameralwissenschaften" (Leipzig 1781/82). Another early general
history of economics is Julius Kautz's "Geschichtliche Entwicklung
der Nationalökonomie und ihrer Literatur" (1860). Roscher has
written a history of English Economics (Zur Geschichte der
englischen Volkswirtschaftslehre im 16. und 17. Jh.), which was
published in 1857, and a widely read and - according to
Schumpeter (1914) - at the time very influential history of German
Economics (Geschichte der Nationaloekonomie in Deutschland)
published in 1874. Much higher rated by Schumpeter (1914),
however, was Karl Eugen Duehring's history of economics and
socialism (Kritische Geschichte der Nationalökonomie und des
Socialismus) published in 1871. But the leading German history of
economics text in the time area of interest seems to have been
Othmar Spann's "Die Haupttheorien der Volkswirtschaftslehre"
published in 1911. Finally, there is Schumpeter's "Epochen der
Dogmen- und Methodengeschichte", which was published in 1914.
In addition to these general histories, it might be interesting to take
the histories of specific subjects into consideration. In the German
literature one would have to mention Boehm-Bawerk's "Geschichte
und Kritik der Kapitalzinstheorien; Kapital und Kapitalzins, Bd. I"
(1884) and Marx's "Theorien über den Mehrwert" (1905/10). In the
English literature, for instance, Sewall's "The theory of Value before
Adam Smith" (1901).
Thomas Moser
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