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[log in to unmask] (Ross B. Emmett)
Fri Mar 31 17:18:21 2006
text/plain (98 lines)
 -------Forwarded from IEPS-L by Ross B. Emmett ------- 
Please look over the notice below and post it on other networks as you 
wish.  We in URPE hope to make this special issue a lasting tribute to 
Bob Pollin 
The death of David Gordon last March was a great loss to radical political 
economy.  Both as a creative researcher and a dedicated teacher, David was 
a major contributor to building the U.S. tradition in radical political 
economy for the past 25 years.  David was also a founding member and 
long-time activist in The Union for Radical Political Economics (URPE). 
We envision the special issue of URPE's journal the Review of Radical 
Political Economics (RRPE) as a means of honoring David in the way he would 
have most appreciated:  through extending, critically analyzing, and 
rigorously debating the major themes of his research work.  David was both 
highly prolific and wide-ranging in his research interests.  We would 
welcome contributions that would address any of the broad themes on which 
David focused: 
        1.  Work organization, labor process, and macroeconomic 
performance. The interrelationship between these issues is at the heart of 
David's posthumously published work, "Fat and Mean: The Corporate Squeeze 
of Working Americans and the Myth of Managerial Downsizing", the book which 
David considered to be his legacy.  These themes also play a central role 
in much of David's previous work, starting with his initial contributions 
on the theory of labor market segmentation.  We would therefore especially 
encourage submissions in this area, and we expect that a high proportion of 
the papers in our special issue will be concerned with these themes. 
        2.  SSA-type macroeconomic models.  David was one of the 
originators of the "Social Structure of Accumulation" approach to analyzing 
U.S. macroeconomic performance over the post World War II period (and 
indeed himself coined the term).  In developing this work, David explored 
the relationship between profitability, investment, saving, distribution, 
and conflict. While many of David's contributions in this area were 
technical econometric modelling exercises, we would welcome a variety of 
approaches in addressing these themes. 
        3.  Long Waves of Capitalist Development.  One of the ways that 
David extended his SSA approach was to analyze the long-term trends of 
capitalist development.   David's focus here was primarily on the United 
States.  But the relevant questions logicall extend to considerations of 
European development, and possibly further. 
        4.  Urban Economics.  David wrote some important early papers on 
urban conditions in the U.S.  He also published a widely-used reader, 
Problems in Political Economy: An Urban Perspective which still is being 
used by people teaching in the field.  We would welcome contributions that 
revisit some of the issues raised in David's early work in this area. 
        5.   Econometrics and Political Economy.  David was a pioneer in 
his use of econometric methods to explore issues from a radical political 
economy perspective.  His efforts have led others to use econometric 
techniques to test hypotheses developed by radical economic theory. 
Therefore, both empirical studies that expand on David's approach and 
methodological papers that consider the use of econometrics in radical 
political economy would be appropriate for the special issue. 
        6.  Progressive Economic Policy for the United States.   David was 
intensively involved in economic policy questions, both in his writings and 
in his work as an activist.  Among other experiences, David  was actively 
involved in labor education efforts as well as the 1988 Jesse Jackson 
Presidential campaign.   Submissions in this area should address the 
specific policy approaches David developed in his published work, though 
they need not be confined exclusively to these. 
        The editorial collective welcomes all contributions, and will give 
no special consideration to any individuals or groups in making publication 
decisions.  At the same time, we wish to especially encourage contributions 
from the numerous students whose dissertations David supervised at the New 
School, as well as from other New School students and colleagues who worked 
closely with him. 
        Contributors should send submissions and queries to:  Hazel Dayton 
Gunn, Managing Editor, RRPE, Department of City and Regional Planning, 106 
W. Sibley Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853.  Articles are due 
June 30, 1997, and must follow the Instructions to Contributors on the back 
cover of the RRPE (also available from the Managing Editor).   As early as 
possible, we strongly encourage authors to inform us in writing of their 
intention to submit, as this will help to coordinate timely publication of 
the special issue.  All submissions will be subject to the journal's usual 
peer review procedure. All submissions are subject to RRPE's usual review 
procedures and the June 30, 1997 deadline for submissions. 
 Robert Pollin 
 Department of Economics 
 U. of California-Riverside 
 Riverside, CA 92521-0427, USA 
 (909) 787-5037 ext. 1579 (office); (909) 788-8106 (home) 
 (909) 787-5685 (fax); [log in to unmask] (e-mail) 
 Eric Nilsson 
 Department of Economics 
 California State University 
 San Bernardino, CA 92407 
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