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[log in to unmask] (Ross B. Emmett)
Fri Mar 31 17:18:25 2006
text/plain (164 lines)
===================== HES POSTING ====================== 
[NOTE: The following may be of interest to several on this list. If you 
have suggested additions to it, please post them to the original sender -- 
Julian Lamont ([log in to unmask]). -- RBE] 
Below is what I have cobbled together as information for students who ask 
me about places to pursue graduate work in economics and philosophy. Thank 
you to those who sent me information about programs at their home 
institutions -- I have cut and pasted it into the email below. I know I 
have left out a lot -- if you intend sending me other contributions (or 
corrections and additions) on available programs, it helps me considerably 
if you write the contribution in a somewhat formal manner -- makes it 
easier for me to cut and paste it in. 
Best wishes, 
I don't have any formal information on graduate programs in economics and 
philosophy. However, various members of IEPS have sent me information 
about their home institution's offerings which I have included below. In 
addition to those listed below other possibilities you might wish to 
explore in the U.S. are universities like the University of Chicago; 
University of Wisconsin, Madison; MIT and UC San Diego. All these have 
excellent separate philosophy and economics programs but unfortunately I 
don't think any of them have formal programs in economics and philosophy 
combined. The only place in the U.S. that I know of (though see the entry 
under U. of Notre Dame below) that has a formal graduate program in 
Economics and Philosophy is the University of Pittsburgh (they also have 
excellent separate economics and philosophy departments there). Even if 
you do not attend Pittsburgh they have one year pre-doctoral fellowships 
available for philosophy students at other institutions who want to get a 
background in economics as part of their dissertation -- friends I have 
known who have had these have found them very worthwhile so you might want 
to keep them in mind. 
Apart from the entries listed below other places you might want to explore 
in Europe are University College, London (Ken Binmore is there);  Kings 
College, London (it has a Ph.D. Program in Philosophy Of Social Science); 
and, of course, the London School of Economics. It would also be 
worthwhile contacting Philippe Van Parijs of the Chaire Hoover in Economic 
and Social Ethics at the Universite catholique de Louvain to see what 
programs they have there. 
A good guide (called the Gourmet Guide) to graduate programs in philosophy 
is put out each year by Brian Leiter. Although it does not have a lot on 
economics and philosophy per se, it does have quite a bit about philosophy 
of law and economics. It is also very useful for finding out where top 
people you might be interested in working with are currently located. It 
is accessible under NYU's philosophy page: 
One other web resource you might find useful is this one which lists 3000 
international university web pages. 
There's also a list of American (US) universities at 
If, in your travels, you find out more information about economics and 
philosophy programs around the world I would appreciate you emailing it to 
me so I can add it to this list for others who might be interested. 
Best, Julian Lamont 
In the U.S.: 
The economics department at the University of Notre Dame specializes in 
three fields: (1) Development economics, (2) Institutional economics, and 
(3) Theory and method. Many faculty members and students belonging to the 
third category specialize in economics and philosophy. Faculty members 
with an interest in economics and philosophy include Philip Mirowski, 
Charles Wilber, David Ruccio, and Esther-Mirjam Sent. They regularly 
teach courses such as Economics and Philosophy, History of Economic 
Thought, Political Economy, Feminist Economics, and Economics of Science. 
In addition, the economics department has close ties with the history and 
philosophy of science program at the University of Notre Dame. Students 
entering in this program may pursue a joint degree in HPS and economics. 
For more information, check out their Web pages: for the economics department for the HPS program. 
In Europe: 
St. Andrews has recently appointed John Broome (editor of the journal 
*Economics and Philosophy*) to the philosophy department and it is 
actively recruiting students in economics and philosophy. The Gourmet 
Guide ranks the graduate philosophy program level with the 10th in the US 
(that is, with Cornell, Indiana, Stanford, Arizona and North Carolina). 
They teach a one-year MLitt course, followed by three years research to a 
PhD. The Economics Department is apparently also improving rapidly and may 
get the top grade in the next U.K national research assessment (as 
Philosophy will). To give you some idea of subjects currently on offer 
there, John Broome teaches a postgraduate unit in formal methods in 
ethics, which is about applications of decision theory and game theory in 
ethics. He also teaches an undergraduate unit in life and death, which 
deals (amongst other things) with the way economists value life, and he 
co-teaches (with V Bhaskar from Economics) an undergraduate course in 
economics and ethics. The office of *Economics and Philosophy* is also now 
at St. Andrews. For more information about the program contact John Broome 
< [log in to unmask]>. 
A number of philosophers and economists at Erasmus University (Maarten 
Janssen, Arjo Klamer, Albert Jolink, Jack Vromen, and Uskali Maki) will 
soon be starting a PhD programme in philosophy and economics and are 
actively recruiting new students. They have raised a considerable amount 
of money for an Institute in the context of which the programme will be 
run. For further information contact: Uskali Maki <[log in to unmask]>. 
In Australia: 
The ANU doesn't offer an M.A. course in Philosophy and Economics but 
welcomes applications for Ph.D. places. Faculty include Geoffrey Brennan, 
Bob Goodin, Frank Jackson (decision theory, game theory), Michael Smith 
(decision theory, rationality), Natalie Stoljar (law and economics), Tom 
Campbell (book on Adam Smith), Jeremy Shearmur (Hayek expert)  and Philip 
Pettit. The ANU graduate program has been placed second outside the U.S. 
in the 1995-96 and the 1996-97 Gourmet Guides to graduate programs in 
Philosophy. There is a special focus on applicants with an interest in the 
broad area of social and political theory. For more information on the 
program contact Philip Pettit <[log in to unmask]> 
It would be remiss of me not to mention our small but happy band of 
philosophers here at QUT. Jerry Gaus, myself and Christi Favor all have 
strong research interests in philosophy and economics. Some of the members 
of the economics department (and the political economists in the Arts 
Faculty) have interests in philosophy as well and we have recently 
instituted a joint economics and ethics undergraduate degree. In 1997 we 
will have a Center for the Study of Ethics in Markets, Government and the 
Professions which will be the focus for research and  postgraduate 
supervision in economics and philosophy. For more information on the 
program contact Jerry Gaus <[log in to unmask]> 
================ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ================ 
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