I have been asked to post a request for assistance in locating original
copies (not microfilm) of newspapers that can be filmed or photographed.
The list of needs is:
Hannibal Journal (1851--1853)
September 16, 1852
May 6, 1853
September 8, 1853
(masthead from any of the papers during Twain's tenure there)
(I understand that the State Historical Society of Missouri at Columbia,
has original copies of the "Hannibal Journal" but will not allow them to be
filmed or photographed under any circumstances. For whatever reasons, I'm
not sure.)
Daily Territorial Enterprise (Sept. 1862--May, 1864)
February 3, 1863
(masthead from any of the papers during Twain's tenure there)
Daily Morning Call (May--October, 1864)
The Golden Era (1864)
The Saturday Press of New York
November 18, 1865
Sacramento Union
April, 1866
Alta California, 1866-1867
October 2, 1866
December 10, 1866
June 30, 1867
Buffalo Express
Thursday, August 26, 1869
Hartford Courant
April 20, 1894
St. Louis Post Dispatch
Friday, May 30, 1902
If anyone has access to or knowledge of location of any of the above
original resources (not microfilm), please email me at:
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