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Fri Mar 31 17:18:24 2006
[log in to unmask] (Ross Emmett)
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Published by EH.NET (August 2003) 
Leonard Gomes, _The Economics and Ideology of Free Trade: A Historical 
Review_. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2003. x + 350 pp. $120 (cloth), 
Reviewed for EH.NET by Lawrence Officer, Department of Economics, 
University of Illinois at Chicago. <[log in to unmask]> 
Leonard Gomes, formerly Reader in International Economics at Middlesex 
University (U.K.) has written a book that exposits and evaluates a large 
body of economics literature -- both contemporary and modern -- on the 
"free trade versus protection" controversy from the mercantilist era to 
modern globalization. There are two parts to the volume. Part I ("Free 
Trade: The Economics") provides a history of economic theory on free trade 
and tariffs. The author here can be interpreted as taking the viewpoint of 
a linear improvement in theorizing over time, although, in fairness, he 
never makes that perspective explicit. Part II ("Free Trade: Rhetoric, 
Events, Policies and Ideology") is concerned largely with applications of 
theory in light of some great pertinent events in trade history, beginning 
with repeal of the Corn Laws. 
The first chapter ("Regulated trade -- our mercantilist heritage") sets the 
stage with good references to the economic doctrinal literature, which 
continues throughout the book. An important characteristic of mercantilism 
-- integration of economics and politics, is well-stated: "What we would 
now normally regard as purely economic processes and events (business 
activity, consumer choice, investment decisions, the commodity composition 
of trade, the use of resources, and so on) were always thought of in 
relation to politics and strategy. .... The theme of 'power' and 'plenty' 
being mutually reinforcing joint goals of national policy echoes like a 
refrain throughout the mercantilist literature" (pp. 7, 15). The famous 
Mun-Misselden controversy is discussed. Mun's program for the growth of 
wealth, while oriented to generation of a trade surplus, requires "prudent 
government regulation" (p. 9) -- a quotation applicable to later trade 
policy. Gomes notes that Mun lacked the concept of opportunity cost, which, 
of course, was to be an important element in classical trade theory. The 
views of Keynes and Heckscher on the employment-policy aspect of 
mercantilism are assessed. 
Gomes observes that the mercantilists advocated export promotion (except 
for domestic raw materials, physical capital, and skilled workers) and 
import restriction (except for essential foodstuffs and raw materials not 
in domestic supply). Of interest to economic historians is discussion of 
the use of bilateral commercial treaties to obtain such advantage. For 
example, several seventeenth-century treaties made Portugal "a virtual 
commercial vassal of England" (p. 14) solidified by the Methuen Treaty of 
1703. Commercial treaties were customarily imposed after wars. "The English 
found that war as an instrument of policy could be both effective and 
profitable" (p. 15). 
This reviewer found the first chapter to be the most interesting of the 
book, largely because the author exposits excellently the practical-policy 
orientation of the mercantilists. As Gomes (p. 27) concludes: 
The mercantilist trade propositions are embedded in a total paradigm which 
includes a concern with international inequalities, national ambitions, 
growth and development. The trade theory which became associated with the 
classical economists -- rightly or wrongly -- abstracted from these 
real-world concerns, and this default impoverished the utility and 
relevance of classical theory. 
Chapter 2 presents classical (free-)trade theory by author, including 
diverse modern interpretations. Torrens, Ricardo, and James Mill are all 
considered as originators of the theory of comparative advantage, and Gomes 
(p. 42) concludes that this was a case of "multiple discovery." Gomes 
cleverly observes that Ricardo portraying Portugal as technologically more 
advanced (greater labor productivity in both cloth and wine) than England 
"only served to highlight the economic logic of the argument." As for Adam 
Smith, he is considered an eminently practical or pragmatic free-trader: 
tariffs should be removed, but gradually. Other contemporary authors also 
receive attention. 
The "national economists" are the subject of chapter 3. The author properly 
views the most important as Friedrich List, but predecessor American 
protectionists (Alexander Hamilton and others) are not neglected. An 
important footnote (page 90) discusses the extent of American protectionist 
influence on List. Interestingly, in reverse, List is seen as helpful in 
bringing about the U.S. "Tariff of Abominations" of 1828. List's program of 
orienting tariff policy to a country's stage of development is exposited 
well. In particular, as is not realized by many but noted by Gomes, in both 
the initial (predominantly agricultural) and final (fully industrial) 
stages _free trade_ is the proper policy objective. In the intermediate 
stages, the dynamic (long-run) gains of protection exceed the static 
(short-run) losses. Gomes observes that both Alfred Marshall and Joseph 
Schumpeter praised List. 
The "age of Marshall" is the subject of chapter 4 and "trade and general 
equilibrium" of chapter 5. These sections of the book complete, and bring 
up to the present, the doctrinal history that is the theme of Part I. 
Attention is devoted here to both European and British economists. The 
protectionist views of the great analytical economist Augustin Cournot 
might be surprising to some. Gomes (p. 153) makes an enchanting observation 
on the Stolper-Samuelson theorem: 
At the time it was published, the Stolper-Samuelson result must have 
appeared pretty obvious to politicians and the public at   large. Intuition 
suggests that protection of labour-intensive   industries in a 
labour-scarce country such as the United States is very likely to tilt the 
distribution of income in favour of workers since it makes American labour 
compete [competitive?] with foreign labour that may be paid a fraction of 
the American wage. Economists at the time, however, would have been 
doubtful. Their reasoning would have been: yes, protection may in the short 
run benefit labour, but it is certain to lower overall income and, hence, 
will hurt workers too. What the Stolper-Samuelson result did was to show in 
an impeccably rigorous manner that the doubting economists' reasoning was 
flatly wrong and that the obvious was really true after all. 
Part II of the book might be of greater interest to most economic 
historians, as the author weaves the views of contemporary economists with 
events. Chapter 6 deals with the famous debate on the repeal of the Corn 
Laws, this repeal finally effected in 1846. The controversy is summarized 
well: "The great issue at stake then was: should the country try to 
maintain its agrarian economy [via continued protection] or turn itself 
into a giant manufactory [via free trade]?" Gomes assesses the debate among 
economists as distinct from popular pamphleteering. The famous economists 
of the day were fully involved in the debate. Gomes (p. 187) sees Ricardo 
"like Adam Smith ... a pragmatic free-trader conscious of the power of 
vested interests." Ricardo advocated a gradually reduction of tariffs, over 
a period of ten years, and combined with an export subsidy. Some 
economists, such as Torrens, gave free trade "a mercantilist twist" (p. 
191), as British manufacturing would thereby gain an export monopoly. 
In one of several (but perhaps, for historians, not enough) references to 
the historical literature, McCloskey's counterfactual finding that British 
income might have been higher during 1841-1881 under protection is 
discussed. Gomes makes the interesting point that some (not all, of course) 
economists in the contemporary debate would not have been surprised by 
McCloskey's findings. Another good observation of Gomes is that the debate 
on the removal of restrictions on the export of skilled artisans (done in 
1824) and machinery (effected in 1843) found a later parallel in the 
controversy on export of technology in the United States in the l970s. 
The British tariff-reform debate of 1903 is the subject of chapter 7. Here 
Gomes refers approvingly to the finding of Crafts and Thomas that Britain 
had a comparative disadvantage in human-capital-intensive commodities. The 
implication is that the decline of Britain's industrial position relative 
to the United States and (later) Germany reflected a scarcity of human 
capital. Gomes exposits well the "fair-trade" agitation of the time, and 
discusses the free-trade manifesto of fourteen economists (including a 
reluctant Alfred Marshall), which manifesto "occasioned more ridicule than 
respect" (p. 230). 
Chapter 8 deals with globalization then (late 1870s to World War I) and now 
(end of World War II to the present), with attention also to the interwar 
period. The topics here are perhaps discussed in greater depth in other 
works, but the author nevertheless keeps the reader's interest with 
interesting tidbits. For example, President Herbert Hoover refused to 
exercise his veto over the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930, in spite of a 
petition advocating this action signed by over a thousand economists! There 
appears to be an inconsistency (rare in the book) in Gomes's view of the 
responsibility of protection for the Great Depression. At first (p. 270), 
he sees protection having an "immediate and devastating" effect on the 
world economy, ushering in the world depression. Later (p. 275), he assets 
that "protectionism was not one of the initial or initiating factors in the 
collapse of the economic system." 
In a chapter largely out of synch with the rest of the volume, Gomes 
concludes with reflections on globalization. His concern with increasing 
"global inequality" is manifested. The bind of labor-abundant poor 
countries is (1) the mass migration of the nineteenth century is not 
permitted, and (2) the flow of capital from rich to poor countries is 
falling. Refreshingly, Gomes correctly observes that "developing countries, 
for their part, need to look at the anti-trade effects of their own trade 
barriers against one another" (p. 324). 
All in all, Gomes deserves praise for an excellent presentation and 
assessment of a large body of economic literature, and for incisive 
observations regarding history of thought and events. 
Lawrence H. Officer is Professor of Economics at University of Illinois at 
Chicago. As Editor, Special Projects, EH.Net, he has recently completed 
"What Was the UK GDP Then?" which is available on the EH.Net website. 
Copyright (c) 2003 by EH.Net. All rights reserved. This work may be copied 
for non-profit educational uses if proper credit is given to the author and 
the list. For other permission, please contact the EH.Net Administrator 
([log in to unmask]; Telephone: 513-529-2851; Fax: 513-529-3308). 
Published by EH.Net (August 2003). All EH.Net reviews are archived at 
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