Wed, 24 Mar 2004 14:55:42 -0500
There's no doubt that Gregg's a clever guy, but before we go too far in
analyzing the passage, maybe we should quote it correctly:
"Miss Watson's nigger, Jim, had a hair-ball as big as your fist, which had
been took out of the fourth stomach of an ox, and he used to do magic with
--Jim Leonard
On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 18:46:10 -0500
Harold <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hey Gregg,
> You're a funny guy. Hope to hear from you more.
> Gregg Camfield wrote:
> > Yes, you're wrong. Remember that Huck is marginally literate. The
> > "the" before nigger tells us that he meant to write "the nigger, Jim."
> > Context matters, especially when trying to decide how many angels can
> > dance on the head of a pin.