==================== HES POSTING =====================
New journal: Enterprise and Society
The Business History Conference and Oxford University Press are pleased
to announce a new journal, Enterprise and Society: The International
Journal of Business History, which will present its inaugural issue in
Spring 2000. Enterprise and Society will appear quarterly. Three issues
will be fully refereed, and the fourth will contain proceedings of the
annual meeting of the Business History Conference. The new journal
succeeds the BHC's well-known Business and Economic History.
Enterprise and Society will offer a forum for research on the historical
relations between businesses and their larger political, cultural,
institutional, social, and economic contexts. The journal aims to be
truly international in scope. Studies focused on individual firms and
industries and grounded in a broad historical framework will be welcome,
as will innovative applications of economic or management theories to
business and its context. Quantitative work couched in terms accessible to
non-cliometricians also will be welcome. Enterprise and Society will
actively encourage submission of studies of business that arise from
collateral social scientific and humanities disciplines (for example,
historical sociology, anthropology, political economy, geography, and
theories of economy and societies). In addition to the editor, the
journal will engage Associate Editors for the Americas, Europe, and Asia
and Africa, with a view toward attracting fresh, interesting, and rigorous
research from a variety of national and comparative perspectives.
The editor of Enterprise and Society will be William J. Hausman,
Department of Economics, College of William and Mary, and for the last
twelve years editor of Business and Economic History. There will be four
area associate editors and a review editor. The Associate Editor for
Europe is Steven Tolliday, Department of Economic and Social History,
University of Leeds; the Associate Editor for Asia is Takashi Hikino,
Graduate Faculty of Eocnomics, Kyoto University; the Associate Editors for
the Americas are Sally Clarke, Department of History, University of Texas,
Austin, and David Sicilia, Department of History, University of Maryland,
College Park. Enterprise and Society also will publish reviews of books
and other media; Associate Editor for Reviews is Philip Scranton, School
of History, Technology, and Society, Georgia Institute of Technology, and
director of the Hagley Museum and Library's Center for the History of
Business, Technology, and Society.
BHC members will receive a subscription to Enterprise and Society as part
of their membership privileges upon payment of dues. Non-BHC members and
institutions in the Americas wishing to subscribe should contact:
Journals Marketing, Oxford University Press, 2001 Evans Rd., Cary, NC
27513, USA; (800-852-7323 or 919-677-0977); FAX: 919-677-1714; Email:
[log in to unmask] Those elsewhere should write to: Journals
Marketing, Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2
6DP, UK (44 [0]1865 267907); FAX: 44 (0)1865 267485; Email:
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