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Fri Mar 31 17:18:31 2006
[log in to unmask] (jack vromen)
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----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
International MPhil and PhD Programmes in Philosophy and Economics. 
The Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics is a 
multidisciplinary research institute and graduate school of the Erasmus 
University of Rotterdam, founded in 1997.  EIPE is offering MPhil and 
PhD Programmess and is currently inviting applications for 2001-2002. 
The MPhil Programme 
The MPhil Programme is available to students with a master’s degree in 
economics, philosophy and/or philosophy of economics (we will also 
consider applications from those with a BA plus strong indications of 
suitable qualifications). This programme takes one year and has a strong 
emphasis on intensive course work. It is also possible to do some of 
these courses without doing the whole program. 
The PhD Programme 
Students who have obtained their MPhil degree are encouraged to apply 
for the PhD Programme. This includes submitting a  research proposal 
that falls within the scope of EIPE’s research programme. The efficiency 
of the PhD Programme is enhanced by a very high professor-student ratio, 
a teaching programme with a strong emphasis on writing research papers, 
participation in ongoing research within the confines of the EIPE 
research programme, and subsidiary supportive activities such as 
research seminars, workshops, and contacts with visiting scholars. 
The MPhil curriculum for 2001-2002 consists of the following courses: 
-Advanced Philosophy and Methodology of Economics    Uskali Mäki 
-The Culture and Rhetoric of Economics     Arjo Klamer and Deirdre 
-Foundations of New Institutional Economics and Evolutionary Economics 
Jack Vromen 
-Empirical Studies in Institutional Economics    John Groenewegen 
-Reforming Public Utilities: 
What Have We Learned from New Institutional Economics? (mini-course) 
Claude Ménard - Paris I, Sorbonne 
-Pluralism and the Study of Human Behaviour (mini-course)    John Dupré 
– Exeter and London 
-One optional course out of a pool of courses    EIPE Members 
The language of teaching is English. 
All courses will be offered in trimesters. During each trimester most of 
the time is devoted to class preparation, writing of research papers, 
and participation in seminars and workshops. Opportunities will be made 
available for participating in exchange programs with partner 
universities and research institutes abroad. 
EIPE courses are open to a limited amount of external students attending 
individual courses. 
The EIPE Research Programme 
Dissertation topics will fall within the range of the EIPE Research 
Programme. The content of the program is based on  the research and 
ongoing conversations among the Institute Members, whose orientations 
are diverse but complementary and overlapping.The Research Programme is 
largely focused on the conceptual and philosophical foundations of the 
economics of institutions and on the institutional foundations of 
economics and science in general. There are four broad overlapping 
themes within the program. 
Theme A. Economics of Institutions 
Theme B. Institutions of Economics 
Theme C. Economics in Philosophy 
Theme D. Philosophy in Economics 
Gerrit Antonides (Erasmus) Economic psychology, Consumer behaviour, 
Mark Blaug (University of Amsterdam) History of economics, Methodology 
of economics, Cultural economics,Economics of education 
Sanjeev Goyal (Erasmus) Economic theory, Political economy 
John Groenewegen (Erasmus) Economic organization, Institutional 
George Hendrikse (Erasmus) Corporate governance, Economic organization 
theory, Marketing cooperatives, Methodology 
Jeroen van Hoven (Erasmus) Ethics of information and communication 
Maarten Janssen (Erasmus) Microeconomics, Game theory, Internet 
economics, Information economics 
Arjo Klamer (Erasmus) Rhetoric, Culture of science, Cultural economics 
Barbara Krug (Erasmus) Transaction costs economics, Institutional 
economics, Entrepreneurship, China 
Theo Kuipers (University of Groningen)  Methodology, Research 
programmes, Truth approximation, Design research 
Deirdre McCloskey (University of Illinois at Chicago and Erasmus) 
Economic history, Rhetoric of inquiry, Economics and literature, 
Feminist economics 
Uskali Mäki (Erasmus) Philosophy and methodology of economics, 
Scientific realism and its rivals, Social epistemology, Social ontology 
Bart Nooteboom(Erasmus) Organisation and governance, 
Inter-organisational relations, Learning and innovation, 
Laszlo Polos (Erasmus) Logic and methodology, Philosophy of science and 
epistemology, Organizational ecology, Organizational intelligence 
Ruth Towse (Erasmus) Cultural economics, Economics of copyright 
Jack Vromen (Erasmus)  Contemporary evolutionary theory and economics, 
Theoretical and philosophical aspects of evolutionary and new 
institutional economics,Metatheoretical analyses of game-theoretic 
accounts of conventions and institutions 
Richard Whitley (Manchester Business School and Erasmus) Economic 
sociology, Logics of comparative analysis, Institutional frameworks and 
business  systems, Innovation competences and strategies, National 
research systems and patterns of technical change, Explanation in the 
human sciences 
Theo van Willigenburg (Erasmus) Meta-ethics, Foundations of normativity, 
Conceptions of agency, Business ethics 
Advisory board 
Mark Blaug (Amsterdam) 
Eric van Damme (Tilburg) 
Paul David (Stanford and Oxford) 
Jean-Pierre Dupuy (Paris and Stanford) 
Daniel Hausman (Wisconsin at Madison) 
Theo Kuipers (Groningen) 
Deirdre McCloskey (Iowa) 
Claude Ménard (Paris) 
Mary Morgan (LSE and Amsterdam) 
Philippe van Parijs (Louvain-la-Neuve) 
Philip Pettit (Australian National University) 
Amartya Sen (Cambridge) 
Robert Sugden (East Anglia) 
Raimo Tuomela (Academy of Finland) 
Viktor Vanberg (Freiburg) 
Oliver Williamson (UC Berkeley) 
Ulrich Witt (Max-Planck-Institut) 
Stefano Zamagni (Bologna) 
Research visitors are an important part of our programme. Visitors are 
invited to give seminars, to participate in workshops and conferences, 
to give brief courses, to spend their sabbaticals at Erasmus, and to do 
postdoc research at EIPE. Among those who have spent a period at EIPE 
are Terence Hutchison, Daniel Hausman, Alex Viskovatoff, Esther-Mirjam 
Sent, Geoff Hodgson, Matthias Klaes, Gregory Dow, Wade Hands, John 
Davis. We welcome your interest. As EIPE is a small research institute 
with limited funding and office space, those interested in visiting our 
institute are requested to apply at least six months prior to the 
proposed visit. 
How to contact EIPE and to get more information 
Oostmaaslaan 950-952, Rotterdam 
Postal address: 
Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics 
Erasmus University of Rotterdam 
Postbus 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam 
The Netherlands 
Phone:+31-10-408 8967 
Fax: +31-10-2120 448 
Internet: E-mail address: [log in to unmask] 
The EIPE premises 
The Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics is located by the 
river Maas in a beautiful building designed by the famous architect 
Rietveld. The building provides office space for faculty and PhD 
students, thus creating a stimulating intellectual environment. The 
seminars, workshops and classes take place in the same building and on 
the nearby Woudestein campus of the university. 
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