================= HES POSTING =================
Peter, thank you for your comment. But tell me (because I think you
may know) how many doctoral programs REQUIRE both economic history
and history of thought as part of the core program? How many require
either? And in how many doctoral programs are economic history and
history of economic thought now completely absent? My impression is
that on the first two, the numbers are small, and much smaller than they
were thirty years ago; and on the last question the numbers may be
growing. IF that is the case, how does that frame this discussion?
Fred C.
Prof. Fred V. Carstensen Office: (860) 486-0614
Department of Economics Dept: (860) 486-3022
341 Mansfield Road FAX: (860) 486-4463
University of Connecticut Home: (860) 242-6355
Storrs, CT 06269-1063 e-mail: [log in to unmask]
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============
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[Apologies for my siganture accompanying the previous posting. --E-MS]