====================== HES POSTING ==================
***Forwarded by Esther-Mirjam Sent on behalf of Steve Fuller***
A meeting to promote dialogue between the "two cultures"
University of Kansas
Kansas Union Building, Big 12 Room
February 28-March 2, 1997
February 28: Friday evening registration and keynote address
March 1: Meeting March 2 (until 12:30 PM): Meeting
The "science wars" between scientists, their defenders and their critics
have recently generated much heat but little light. This meeting is
intended to explore some of the issues surrounding science and its
critics in a non-confrontational, interdisciplinary atmosphere. We would
like to construct a program of short talks and longer panel discussions.
We are seeking balanced representation from a wide variety of
disciplines and speakers who are willing to use language that is widely
Possible topics for exploration:
The scientific method: How is it really practiced? Does it yield "the
Science and religion: Are they ever incompatible?
Science and postmodernism: If it is postmodern, can it be science?
Science and politics: Is science mainly a tool for white males to retain
Science and education: Are we a nation of scientific illiterates?
Does it matter?
Your topic: Are there other related topics we should explore?
Our keynote speaker will be Alan D. Sokal, Professor of Physics at New
York University, who sparked a major battle in the "science wars"; last
summer with his publication of "Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of
Quantum Gravity"; in the cultural studies journal "Social Text". He will
discuss "what the Social Text affair does and does not prove".
Steve Fuller, Professor of Sociology and Social Policy at the University
of Durham (UK), is our other featured speaker. In Dec. 1994, he
organized the first conference that brought together scientists and the
social scientists who study them. His talk will address the question:
"If 'scientific progress' is a myth, then are any other grand narratives
of science possible?"
If these issues interest you, please come and take part in the dialogue.
For registration information visit our Web site:
or contact:
John Pattinson,
The University of Kansas,
Division of Continuing Education, Academic and Professional Programs,
Continuing Education Building,
Lawrence, Kansas 66045-2607
(913) 864-3284.
Registrations will be accepted up to the day of the conference.
Abstracts are no longer being accepted, however. A preliminary program
will be announced soon. To help cover our costs it is necessary to
charge a registration fee of $25 ($10 for students).
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