====================== HES POSTING ============================
***Forwarded from STS-LIST by Esther-Mirjam Sent***
I am sending this call for articles to a few other lists. I
apologize for any cross-postings.
I am currently soliciting articles for the next, and future, issues
The journal publishes studies of science (and medicine and technology) that
integrate historical, philosophical, and/or sociological understandings of
the topic(s) being addressed. The editors of PERSPECTIVES believe that
publishing interdisciplinary studies of specific people and events in
science will help scholars gain a more comprehensive understanding of
science in general.
The journal has been published for five years by the University of
Chicago Press. Each issue of PERSPECTIVES includes case studies,
theoretical articles, and historiographic essays. Past articles include:
"The Resolution of Discordant Results," Allan Franklin
"Rationality Among the Friends of Truth: The Gassendi-Descartes
Controversy," Lynn S. Joy
"Towards More Secrecy in Science? Challenges to an Ethics of Science,"
Mathias Kaiser
"Cordelia's Love: Credibility, Validity, and the Social Studies of
Science," Steven Shapin
"Looting, Reparation, and Stewardship: Ethical Issues in Archaeology,"
Alison Wylie
"The Political Cartography of the Human Genome Project," Brian Balmer.
Upcoming issues include selected proceedings of the first annual
meeting for the History of Philosophy of Science and overviews of current
themes in the philosophy of biology and a historiographic essay on books
about the Internet.
For more information on the journal in general, or about submitting
articles specifically, please visit the journal's homepage at
Feel free to contact me at the address below if you have any questions.
Ed Lamb
Managing Editor
Perspectives on Science
Department of Philosophy
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0126
Ph. (540) 231-7879
Fax (540) 231-6367
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