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[log in to unmask] (Warren Young)
Wed Sep 5 19:50:53 2007
text/plain (20 lines)
Having worked in both Australia (Deakin Univ.) and New Zealand (Victoria 
Univ. of Wellington) , and having received an Australian Research Council 
Grant and a Grant from the New Zealand Reserve Bank for work on Harrod, I am 
more than upset by what is going on in "Oz".

But perhaps "Dr. Brett" is the wrong "bloke" to contact.

If I am not mistaken, Brian Pink has been Australian Statistician (Head of 
the ABS) since March 2007, and as Brett's boss, should be the address for 
any and all protest over removing  HET and ECHistory from the Economics 
Research Classification.

In addition, as the Nobel Committee has already awarded the Prize to 
Economic Historians, perhaps both the Committee and those interested Prize 
Winners should be asked to write not only Brian Pink, but the Prime Minister 
of Australia himself, as Brett is not only a danger to the Economics 
profession, but to the objectivity and reputation of the ABS itself....

Warren Young