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Fri Mar 31 17:18:35 2006
[log in to unmask] (Ross Emmett)
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Published by EH.NET (January 2003) 
Jack Barkstrom, _Poverty, Wealth, Dictatorship, Democracy: Resource 
Scarcity and the Origins of Dictatorship_. Golden, CO: Pericles Press, 
2002. v + 535 pp. $21.95 (paperback), ISBN: 0-9610224-0-x. 
Reviewed for EH.NET by Peter Baofu, Political Science, Eastern New Mexico 
University. <[log in to unmask]> 
This book would have been much strengthened if the author had a solid 
scholarly background. The author, Jack Barkstrom, who is licensed as a CPA 
(with a master's degree in accounting from the University of Colorado) and 
an attorney (with a law degree from the University of Kansas), shows no 
deep understanding of the literature in, say, economic theory, political 
theory, and social theory -- an understanding that would be vital in 
proving that, in his words, "the amount of resources which a country has 
determines whether it will become a democracy or a dictatorship" (p. 1). 
The book's scholarship is disappointing from both a historical-descriptive 
and a theoretical perspective. In the end, the book is not a scholarly 
piece of work and essentially degenerates into an ideological glorification 
of "the market forces" to create "resource abundance" for "free society." 
>From the Historical-Descriptive Perspective: 
The book has its own strengths in providing a rather detailed account of 
the descriptive history of dictatorships and democracies with seven case 
studies -- Athens, Sparta, and Rome in ancient times; and Revolutionary 
France, Nazi Germany, the USSR, and the United States in modern and 
contemporary times. Whether or not the descriptive account in the book is 
historically accurate is relatively less important than the more serious 
problem of shallow scholarship, in a three-fold way. 
First, each chapter of the book is so heavily dependent on only a few 
sources (e.g., the works by William Doyle and Simon Schama in Chapter 7, 
those by Richard Pipes in Chapter 10, or those by Roy Medvedev and W. Bruce 
Lincoln in Chapter 12) that one cannot help but wonder if the book is 
well-balanced in its viewpoints. 
Second, another consequence of this excessive scholarly dependency on a few 
sources is the lack of originality in its historical description. While 
Barkstrom does a good job in summarizing what previous scholars have 
written on the subject, it is not clear what exactly he himself has 
contributed to the historical scholarship (other than repetitively making 
the provocative claim as stated above). 
Finally, the historical account tends to be detailed and descriptive (but 
often very disorganized and unsystematic), and it is often not clear how 
the myriad factual data are even relevant to the larger thesis. It is all 
so easy to get lost in the messy world of one historical description after 
another, with little scholarly explanatory analysis. 
But this is not the end of the matter. 
>From the Theoretical Perspective: 
An even more serious problem lies at the theoretical level. After all, how 
exactly can one prove the claim that resource scarcity (or conversely, 
resource abundance) determines the origins of dictatorship (or conversely, 
democracy)? The claim is of course as much interesting as provocative. 
Unfortunately, Barkstrom provides no in-depth scholarly analysis of the 
literature in, say, economic theory, political theory, or even social 
theory. The entire book is almost exclusively devoted to its seemingly 
endless historical description, and the only section which shows some sign 
of theoretical analysis is in the first three short chapters (and there are 
twenty-four short chapters in total); even here, Barkstrom shows no 
in-depth understanding of the literature as mentioned, since both the 
analysis and the sources cited often have little to do with the theoretical 
debate in question. Perhaps a good way to show this lack of theoretical 
understanding is to reveal its five major (illustrative but not exhaustive) 
weaknesses at the theoretical level. 
First, if resource availability (be it about scarcity or abundance) is the 
determining factor of a political system, what then are the origins of its 
scarcity (unto dictatorship) or abundance (unto democracy)? Or in a 
different parlance, what are the origins of the poverty, and wealth, of 
nations? The book provides no answer to this important question. For 
instance, in the case of the alleged resource abundance in the U.S., 
Barkstrom has this to say: "Production figures provide the primary 
evidence. Yet, the market itself may serve as additional evidence of 
resource abundance. For markets to exist, there must be some minimal level 
of resources available. For markets to thrive, there must be a 
correspondingly greater pool of resource available"(p. 455). The answer is 
simply disappointing, with each chapter often providing ad hoc explanations 
like this to account for a country in question which possesses either 
resource abundance or resource scarcity. 
Second, what is the underlying linkage between resource scarcity (or 
conversely, abundance) and repression in dictatorship (or conversely, 
freedom in democracy)? Barkstrom's answer is to appeal to the resource 
mechanism of scarcity leading to societal violence (or even the mere threat 
of it) due to "the failure of delivery" at the group level (i.e., economic 
collapse) and "the failure of participation" at the individual level (i.e., 
unemployment), with subsequent governmental repression (pp. 34-35). But 
this is question-begging, since it only raises two even more complicated 
questions of (a) what exactly the underlying linkage between the two 
failures and societal violence is and (b) why some governments respond with 
repression and others do not. Barkstrom's answer, again, is disappointing, 
with no apparent understanding of the massive literature in, say, social 
theory and political theory. For instance, social theorists have long 
debated the very issue of whether or not, and to what extent, frustration 
(deprivation) leads to social aggression (violence). And political 
scientists have no clear consensus on why some governments are inherently 
more violent than others and when they can be predicted to behave so. When 
hard pressed, Barkstrom only offers this apologetic reply: "Drawing 
conclusions about a direct link between repression and violence then is 
difficult for several reasons.... What these...suggest is, not so much that 
the theory is wrong, but rather that it is difficult to prove" (p. 31). Who 
in his clear mind could accept this kind of answer as persuasive, let alone 
Third, Barkstrom narrowly defines the term "violence" in the physical 
sense, to the effect that it favorably portrays liberal democracy as less 
repressive ("free society"), without including non-physical forms of 
repression pervasive in democratic regimes. The works by Foucault on 
normalization of power and Chomsky on the manufacturing of consent in 
democratic societies are two good cases in point. 
Fourth, even worse, the author tries to downgrade the long history of 
repression (both physical and non-physical) against minorities and the 
lower class in a liberal democracy like the United States as "glaring 
exceptions" (e.g., the enslavement of Africans, the encampment of 
Japanese-Americans during WWII, the Civil War, the almost complete 
extermination of Native Indians, the systemic discrimination against women, 
and the inhumane laissez-faire treatment of the lower class) (p. 435). He 
even goes so far as to unwarrantedly claim that "the United States has been 
a country free of violence"(p. 434). His ideological bias is obvious 
And finally, Barkstrom fails to exercise any good command of economic  
theory, often at the superficial level. For instance, in his simplistic 
explanation of "unemployment in terms of the impact of  resource costs on 
market demand" (which is crucial in a major way to  understand his 
superficial idea of resource scarcity and its impact),  by contrast to his 
questionable interpretation of the conventional  "growth theory" which 
suggests that "unemployment is a 'function' of the business cycle, i.e., is 
caused by it" (p. 41), Barkstrom shows no understanding of the complexity 
and sophistication of different growth theories, numerous exogenous and 
endogenous business cycle theories, and, for that matter, various types of 
unemployment in relation to different macroeconomic policies -- all of 
which have been worked out over the years by many professional economists. 
All things considered, this book is _not_ a scholarly piece of work and, 
worse, becomes explicitly ideological in glorifying the magic of "the 
market forces" in creating "resource abundance" for "free society," as 
Barkstrom even concludes in the end that "the future is likely to be 
dominated by the market....  Market forces have an existence of their own, 
... resistant to change" (p. 489). 
The book is often so descriptive in historical account and so superficial 
in theoretical understanding that it fails to prove in any persuasive (let 
alone convincing) way the central thesis of the book, that is, whether or 
not, and to what extent, "the amount of resources which a country has 
determines whether it will become a democracy or a dictatorship." This book 
should have been written by someone else who possesses solid scholarly 
qualifications and, in the end, constitutes a good example of the tragedy 
of shallow scholarship driven by an ideological bent. 
Dr. Peter Baofu is the author of _The Future of Capitalism and Democracy_ 
(University Press of America, 2002) and the two-volume work of _The Future 
of Human Civilization_ (The Edwin Mellen Press, 2000). He has served as an 
associate professor in the Department of International Affairs at the 
Eastern Mediterranean University (Northern Cyprus), as a visiting professor 
of international relations at Bocconi University (Milan, Italy), and as an 
instructor in economics and statistics at USDA Graduate School. 
Copyright (c) 2003 by EH.Net. All rights reserved. This work may be copied 
for non-profit educational uses if proper credit is given to the author and 
the list. For other permission, please contact the EH.Net Administrator 
([log in to unmask]; Telephone: 513-529-2850; Fax: 513-529-3308). 
Published by EH.Net (January 2003). All EH.Net reviews are archived at 
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