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Fri Mar 31 17:18:43 2006
[log in to unmask] (Sandra Peart)
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----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
[This message is being resent because of poor formatting in the previous 
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Schedule for the Summer Institute for the Preservation of the Study of the 
History of Economics 
Carow Hall, George Mason University, Fairfax VA 22030 
Coffee, Bagels, Donuts &c. at 8 a.m.  Talks start at 9 a.m. RSPV 
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Monday, July 26 -- Biology & Rationality 
James Buchanan -- Saving the Ideas 
Sandra Peart --Edgeworth, Darwin & Capacity for Happiness 
Neil Niman -- Economics & Evolutionary Science 
Phil Mirowski -- Rational Choice Politics 
Tim Leonard -- Loss of Memory of Eugenics 
Dinner & Conversation -- Saving the Ideas 
Tuesday, July 27 -- 20th Century Themes  
Phil Mirowski 20th Century Philosophers (Dewey) 
Claudia Sunna -- Keynes on Population & Economic Development 
Roy Weintraub -- Autobiography & History of Economics 
Kyu Sang Lee -- Rationality & Vern Smith 
Wednesday, July 28 -- Sympathy & Adam Smith 
Sam Fleischaker -- Smith & Sympathy 
Warren Samuels -- Invisible Hand 
Sandra Peart -- Imagery & Sympathy 
Bridget Butkevich -- Adam Smith in the lab: The Proverbs Project 
Kevin McCabe -- Sympathy in the Lab 
Dinner & Conversation -- Worldly Ideas in Context 
Thursday, July 29 -- Politics as Exchange 
James Buchanan & Warren Samuels -- A Conversation 
Sandra Peart -- Theory of Economic Policy in Classical British Economy 
Maria Pia Paganelli -- Buchanan & Musgrave on Knaves 
Friday, July 30 -- LSE Themes 
Warren Samuels -- Robbins & Hayek 
Pete Boetkke -- Hayek & Proverbs 
Nonpizza: BBQ + Vegetarian 
Andrew Farrant -- Road to Serfdom, a Majority Report 
Tucker Hughes -- Hayek & Dewey 
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