Annoucing the publication of the Revue de Philosophie Economique - June
2005/1, n. 11. Contents include:
Alain MARCIANO pp. 3-8.
David COLANDER, Economics as an Ideologically Challenged Science, pp.
Roger E. BACKHOUSE, Economists, Values and Ideology : a Neglected
Agenda, pp. 31-57.
Gilbert TOSI, Une nouvelle approche de l�id�ologie en Economie, pp.
Maurice LAGUEUX, Peut-on s�parer science et id�ologie en Economique?,
pp. 85-112.
Steven G. MEDEMA, Idelogy and Economic Analysis : Lessons from the
History of Modern Economic Thought, pp. 113-136.
Edward FULLBROOK, Concealed Ideologies : a PAE View of Ideology in
Economics, pp. 137-153.
Recensions d�Ouvrages/Book Reviews
Sonja M. AMADAE, Rationalizing Capitalist Democracy. The Cold War
Origins of Rational Choice Liberalism, University of Chicago, Press,
2003, by Robert J. LEONARD, pp. 155-164
Kenneth R. HOOVER, Economics as Ideology: Keynes, Laski, Hayek and the
Creation of Contemporary Politics, Rowman et Littlefield Publishers,
2003, by Peter BOETTKE, pp. 165-174.
for further information please contact Alain Leroux
([log in to unmask]), Alain Marciano
([log in to unmask]) or Dani�le Durieu
([log in to unmask])
Alain Marciano