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Print Reply
Fri Mar 31 17:18:20 2006
[log in to unmask] (Ross B. Emmett)
text/plain (44 lines)
----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
[I asked David Levy to respond to this query because of his familiarity  
with the texts. Here is his reply to me. RBE]   
The first edition in book form of *Hard Times* is "Inscribed to  
Thomas Carlyle." In all modern editions which I have seen -- two  
Penguins and the Norton -- this dedication is reprinted. Literary folks  
view Carlyle as a "progressive," so why not.   
*Hard Times* appeared in serial form in Dickens' magazine  
*Household Words* before it came out in book form and (if I  
remember correctly) the dedication did not appear until the book form.  
So actually there might be textual warrant for religating the fact to the  
collation of editions.    
I can offer several papers on this topic:   
*Hard Times* and the Moral Equivalence of Markets and Slavery How  
the Dismal Science Got Its Name: Debating Racial Quacks ... this was  
just accepted by JHET   
Economic Texts as Apocrypha ... this will be out in the volume in  
honor of Sam Hollander   
John Ruskin: "Poet and Slayer of a Wide-Coiled Monstrocity" ...  
presented at the Eastern last month and at HES in July   
I can e-mail any or all of them from my account  
[log in to unmask] However there is a remarkable image which is  
necessary to make sense of the Ruskin paper. And I've not had it  
scanned yet.   
There is a book in the works "How the Dismal Science Got Its Name:  
Classical  Economics and Ur-Text of Racial Politics."   
David M. Levy   
------------ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ------------ 
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