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[log in to unmask] (Bert Mosselmans)
Fri Mar 31 17:18:47 2006
text/plain (43 lines)
CALL FOR PAPERS: "Aristotelian Encounters"  
Roosevelt Academy, Middelburg, The Netherlands  
January 2007  
The aim of this conference is to re-evaluate Aristotle's contributions =  
to philosophy, science and art from a contemporary and multidisciplinary =  
perspective.  Possible topics include Aristotle's logic, physics, =  
biology, psychology, metaphysics, ethics, politics, economics, rhetoric =  
and poetics.  Authors are invited to elaborate on the Wirkungsgeschichte =  
of an Aristotelian (sub-)discipline and/or to investigate its relevance =  
for today.  Please note that Aristotelian Encounters will not be a =  
specialist conference on textual exegesis of Aristotle's writings, but =  
rather an interdisciplinary gathering around Aristotle's work.  All =  
participants will receive (electronic versions of) all papers to be =  
presented at the conference well in advance, and will be expected to =  
have read all contributions in order to make stimulating in-depth =  
discussions possible.  All contributions will be fully refereed and =  
published in a special issue of the interdisciplinary journal =  
Foundations of Science.  
Please submit an abstract (250-300 words) by e-mail =  
([log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> ) no later than 1 =  
September 2005.  The final paper will be due no later than 1 March 2006. =  
Organising committee: Michael Burke, Mark Janse, Bert Mosselmans.  
Bert Mosselmans