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Fri Mar 31 17:19:13 2006
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================== HES POSTING ================== 
Call For Commentaries 
Seminar: Carlo Zappia on Hayek, Contracts & the Knowledge Problem 
November 15 - 24, 1998 
Carlo Zappia will be presenting his paper "Private Information,  
Contractual Arrangements and Hayek's Knowledge Problem",  the  
next target article in the Hayek-L seminar series, Nov. 15 - 24, 
1998 on the Hayek-L email list at:  [log in to unmask] 
To subscribe to the Hayek-L list, send a message to: 
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Include the following message in the body of your email: 
  subscribe Hayek-L <yourfirstname> <yourlastname> 
Subscribers are being invited to submit commentaries on Carlo Zappia's 
paper "Private Information, Contractual Arrangements and Hayek's Knowledge 
Problem", the next target article in the Hayek-L seminar series.  Please 
send commentaries in advance to Greg Ransom at email address  
[log in to unmask] or to Hayek List Host at  [log in to unmask] 
For more information on the Hayek-L list go to the Hayek Scholar's 
Page on the web at: 
Zappia's paper is available on the web in PDF format from his website at: 
PDF files may be read by downloading the free Adobe Acrobat Reader which 
is available on the web at: 
Zappia's paper is also collected in _Austrian Economics in Debate_ 
edited by W. Keizer, B. Tieben & R. van Zijp.  London: Routledge. 1997. 
The book may be purchased for $24.95 (1/3 publisher's listprice) 
from Laissez Faire Books on the web at: 
Commentaries on Zappia's Hayek-L target paper may also be submitted 
directly to the Hayek-L list at email address  [log in to unmask] 
between Monday Nov. 16 and Wednesday Nov. 18, 1998.  Please title 
your message "Commentary: Zappia Seminar Paper" in the subject line of 
your email to the Hayek-L list. 
Carlo Zappia is a member of the faculty of the Dept. of Political Economy, 
University of Siena, Siena, Italy. 
Some of his recent papers include: 
"The Informational Efficiency of Economic Systems and Hayek's Paradox", 
Quaderni del Dipartimento di Economia Politica, Universita' di Siena, 181, 
Maggio 1995. 
"The Notion of Private Information in a Modern Perspective: A Re-appraisal of 
Hayek's contribution", European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 
1996, Spring. 
"Radical Subjectivism and Austrian Economics", mimeo, Universita' di Siena, 
Giugno 1996. In corso di pubblicazione in G. Mongiovi and R. Koppl (eds.), 
Essays in Honour of Ludwig Lachmann, London, Routledge. 
"Il problema della conoscenza in Hayek", mimeo, Universita' di Siena, Giugno 
1996. In corso di pubblicazione in A. Vercelli (a cura di), Decisioni e 
Incertezza, Bologna, Il Mulino. 
"General Equilibrium over Time: Some Lessons from the 1930s", mimeo, 
Universita' di Siena, Maggio 1996. Lavoro presentato al convegno "Time and 
Economics", Glendon College, York University, Toronto, 25-26 Giugno, 1996. 
Address information: 
Carlo Zappia 
Dipartimento di Economia Politica 
Piazza S.Francesco,7 - I 53100 Siena 
Tel.+39 577 298693 Fax +39 577 298661 
E-mail:[log in to unmask] 
Greg Ransom 
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