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Fri Mar 31 17:18:39 2006
[log in to unmask] (Ross Emmett)
text/plain (163 lines)
----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
History of Economic Thought Conference 2001 
Manchester Metropolitan University 
5th - 7th September 2001 
Provisional Programme 
All sessions take place in the Council Chamber of the Ormond Building, 
adjacent to Grosvenor Park 
Wednesday 5th September 
12.00 - 14.00           Registration in Meeting Room 2, Ormond Building 
12.20 - 13.00           Lunch (if ordered) Staff House 
14.00 - 16.30           David Laidler (Western Ontario) Rules, Discretion, 
                                and Financial crises in Classical and 
                                Neoclassical Monetary 
                        Walter Eltis (Oxford) Wicksell's Theory of Money and 
                                Interest in the 19th Century and the 21st 
 16.30                  Tea or Coffee 
16.45                   Business meeting 
18.30                   Dinner, Staff House, Fifth Floor, All Saints 
Thursday 6th September 
07.30 - 08.45           Breakfast (Metro Centre) 
09.00                   Bob Coats (Nottingham) Recent Developments in 
10.00                   Tea or Coffee 
10.30 - 12.30           Christina Marcuzzo (La Sapienze Rome) The 
                                Collaboration between J M Keynes and R F Kahn 
                                from the Treatise to the General Theory. 
                        Christian Gehrke and Heinz Kurz (Graz) 
                                Say and Ricardo on Value and Distribution. 
12.30                   Lunch 
13.15                   Coach departs for Quarry Bank Mill visit 
18.15                   Return from Mill visit 
19.30                   Reception (All Saints Building, Staff House, Fifth 
20.00                   Conference Dinner, Staff House 
Friday 7th September 
07.30 - 08.45           Breakfast (Metro Centre) 
09.00 - 10.00           Yasunori Fukagai (Tokyo Metropolitan) Joseph 
                                and Jeremy Bentham on Wealth, Population and Pauperism. 
10.00 -10.30            Tea or Coffee 
10.30 - 12.30           Jeffrey T Young (St Lawrence) Spontaneous Order and 
                                Intervention: Adam Smith's Theory of the Role 
                                of the State 
                        Steven Medema (Colorado) Individual Market and State: 
                                A Reexamination of the Economic Role of 
                                Government in the History of Economic Thought. 
13.15                   Lunch (if ordered), Staff House 
History of Economic Thought Conference 2001 
Additional Information 
The Conference venue is the Ormond Building which is adjacent to 
Grosvenor Park at the main All Saints Campus of the Manchester 
Metropolitan University. The All Saints Campus is prominently located 
on the main Oxford Road leading to the city centre, approximately a 
mile away. 
Accommodation will be in student residences in the Cambridge Halls 
which are two minutes from the Conference venue, or in private hotels 
in the locality. 
The Cambridge Halls of Residence are relatively new student 
accommodation which are very convenient but which do not have en-suite 
facilities. Participants must bear this in mind when making their 
choices. Breakfast for those in the halls of residence is in the Metro 
Centre on the other side of the square approximately five minutes 
There are a number of suitable and reasonably priced hotels in the 
Manchester area and we include a list with this information. Most of 
these are approximately 20 minutes from the Conference venue, the IBIS 
Hotel being the nearest. 
Manchester is currently a thriving city with a wide range of artistic 
and cultural activities and an excellent variety of restaurants. 
A trip to The Quarry Bank Mill at Styal, Cheshire is planned for the 
afternoon of Thursday 6th September. Would participants please 
indicate on the Registration Form whether they wish to attend this and 
include the payment in their cheque. 
Recommended Accommodation 
IBIS HOTEL              Charles Street, Manchester                      
Phone: +44 161 272 5000 
Price:                  From u42.00 (Room only) 
JURY'S INN              56 Gt. Bridgewater Street                           
    Phone: +44 161 953 8888 
Price:                  From u63.00 (Room only) 
TRAVEL INN              112-114 Portland Street, Manchester     Phone: 
+44870242        8000 
Price:                  From u49.95 (Room only) 
INN HOTEL               13 Quay Street, Manchester                      
Phone +44 161 817 4800 
Price:                  From: u39.95 (Room only) 
Name: (Prof. Dr. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Other)     
Mailing Address:         
Residential: to include campus accommodation in single rooms on 5 and 
6 September, breakfast on 6 and 7 September, evening meal on 5 
September, lunch and reception/conference dinner on 6 September, 
tea/coffee throughout. u160.00 sterling                                  
Optional Lunch Wednesday 5th September 
Optional Lunch Friday 7th September 
Non-Residential: as above but without campus accommodation facilities 
(Please see information on local hotels) 
Afternoon trip 6 September to Quarry Bank Mill, Styal, Cheshire 
(optional).      u6.00 
Total payable:  
Payments should be made by 15 August 2001 by sterling cheques, made payable 
to 'H.E.T. Conference' and forwarded to: 
Mrs Christine Simmonds 
History of Economic Thought Newsletter 
Manchester Metropolitan University 
Department of Economics 
Mabel Tylecote Building 
Cavendish Street 
M15 6BG 
[log in to unmask]    Phone: 0161 247 3916    Fax: 0161 247 6302 
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