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Published by EH.NET (April 2003)
Sherryl Davis Kasper, _The Revival of Laissez-Faire in American
Macroeconomic Theory: A Case Study of the Pioneers_. Cheltenham, UK: Edward
Elgar, 2002. viii + 177 pp. £49.45/$75 (hardcover), ISBN: 1-84064-606-3.
Reviewed for EH.NET by Roger W. Garrison, Department of Economics, Auburn
University. <[log in to unmask]>
The title phrase "laissez-faire" is pressed into service as the common
denominator for this close-up look at the "pioneers" who have given shape
to market-oriented macroeconomics in the United States. In a
chapter-per-pioneer format, Kasper presents the ideas of Frank Knight,
Henry Simons, Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, James Buchanan, and Robert
Lucas. Each chapter provides a brief personal history, identifies a
"pre-analytic vision," and presents the case for laissez-faire. The reader
soon realizes that this common rallying cry of classical liberalism serves
only loosely as a common denominator. Laissez-faire appears variously
throughout the book as a presumption, a principle, a policy recommendation,
a standard, an ideal, and a modeling technique.
Kasper, who takes her own orientation from the institutionalist school,
doesn't play favorites among the pioneers. As announced in the short
introductory chapter, her primary concern is with the basis for the
advocacy of laissez-faire: (1) Are there strong ideological influences? (2)
Does the theoretical resolution to some contemporary economic problem add
to the case for less rather than more government involvement? (3) Do new
tools and methods help to reveal the merits of unhampered markets?
Kasper's ultimate verdict is not easily summarized, but the careful reader
will see that it emerges as an evolving pattern of answers to the questions
about the basis for the advocacy of laissez-faire.
A passing reference (p. 149) to the "taint of ideological commitment to
laissez-faire" supposedly associated with the early pioneers hints that the
later pioneers labored under a taint by association. Kasper seems to take
for granted that ideological commitments lie somewhere below the surface of
the arguments actually made -- just how far below being the only live
issue. She acknowledges that there were genuine efforts in the 1960s and
1970s to understand the problems of inflation and stagflation -- problems
that were inadequately addressed by the Keynesian orthodoxy. And she makes
the judgment that Friedman's monetarism and Buchanan's public choice theory
had more appeal than could be accounted for in terms of the implicit
ideology. But while monetarism and public-choice theory were born of
ideology-cum-resolution-to-contemporary-problem, Lucas's new classicism was
born ofresolution-to-contemporary-problem-cum-new-tools-and-methods. Only
in this most recent reincarnation was market-oriented macroeconomics able
to dominate the field.
But was it the rigor of new classical methods or the adherence to
laissez-faire -- or possibly something else -- that won professional
acceptance? Kasper's answer to this question seems to hinge on the nature
of the arguments of the early and the late pioneers. The early pioneers
made negative arguments. Because of unquantifiable uncertainties (Knight),
the fragmentation of knowledge (Hayek), the lack of timely data (Simons and
Friedman), and/or the lack of suitable motivation (Buchanan), we cannot
expect policymakers to engineer results that are superior to those that
emerge spontaneously in a competitive market economy. With such negative
arguments, it was difficult to attract adherents in large numbers. Survival
rather than revival was the order of the day, and to that end the Mont
Pélerin Society -- suggested by Simons before his untimely death in 1946
and organized by Hayek in 1947 -- became crucial.
Lucas, by contrast, offered a positive argument. He brought laissez-faire
into play up front as a modeling technique, rather than saving it as a
possible policy recommendation. As a consequence, the macroeconomic modeler
of the late 1970s and early 1980s could make full use of the mathematical
techniques already in the economist's tool box, could learn some new
modeling techniques that were part and parcel with new classicism, and
could possibly develop still more techniques to push the envelope of this
new mode of theorizing. Devising so-called fully articulated artificial
economies, calibrating the models on the basis of actual movements in
real-world macroeconomic magnitudes, subjecting the model economies to
hypothetical shocks, and making predictions on this basis occupied many
practitioners. And it was all heady business, despite -- or possibly
because of -- the tenuous link between theory and reality. Kasper mentions
-- but almost as an aside -- that during the heyday of new classicism, the
revival may have been driven by the opportunity to employ sophisticated
techniques in the pursuit of professional advancement.
In the final page-and-a-half of the book, Kasper notes that the supremacy
of laissez-faire in new classical dress was short-lived and argues that in
any case Lucas's contribution was not free of the ideological taint.
Beginning in the early 1980s, his Friedman-friendly version of new
classicism gave way to real business cycle theory, which accorded no
significant role to money, and to new Keynesianism, whose sticky wages and
menu costs warned against leaving matters to the market. Further, an
ideological taint attaches to Lucas's new classicism, in Kasper's
reckoning, because the tools that Lucas borrowed from Friedman were
themselves influenced by Friedman's ideological commitment to
laissez-faire. The reader gets the idea that the issue of ideology has
special significance for our understanding of market-oriented
macroeconomics. But that special significance is never put into a more
general context. Nowhere in the book is there a discussion or even a
mention of the ideological underpinnings of Marxism, Keynesianism, or
Nor does Kasper offer a comparison of new classicism with old classicism.
The old classical economists favored a system of natural liberty partly on
grounds of moral philosophy and partly because of their understanding of
the economic order. Laissez-faire was a presumption, a default-mode policy.
It assigned the burden of proof to anyone (including themselves) who
proposed to interfere with the natural order. Would Kasper see the
classical commitment to laissez-faire as ideologically tainted? Presumably
she would, since the arguments offered by Adam Smith were the same in this
respect as those offered almost two centuries later by Hayek, Friedman, and
Beyond the issues of ideological taint, readers will find interesting
material in Kasper's book. Her survey of the pioneers demonstrates, for
instance, just how broadly the laissez-faire label is applied. Henry
Simons, who is well known for wanting to use the tax system to redistribute
income, also favored a tax on advertising, the revenues to be used for
consumer education and the establishment of uniform commodity standards (p.
43). Milton Friedman, heavily influenced by Simons, reread his work in
later years and was astounded to realize that these ideas were was once
thought to have a pro-market orientation (p. 100).
Roger W. Garrison is Professor of Economics at Auburn University. He is
author of _Time and Money: The Macroeconomics of Capital Structure_
(Routledge, 2001).
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for non-profit educational uses if proper credit is given to the author and
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Published by EH.Net (April 2003). All EH.Net reviews are archived at
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