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Mon Nov 13 11:36:39 2006
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------------ EH.NET BOOK REVIEW --------------  
Published by EH.NET (November 2006)  
Bill Gibson, editor, _Joan Robinson's Economics: A Centennial   
Celebration_. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2005. 395 pp. $130.50   
(hardcover), ISBN: 1-84376-932-8.  
Reviewed for EH.Net by Michael S. Lawlor, Department of Economics,   
Wake Forest University.  
This seems an appropriate time to reassess the work of Joan Robinson   
and examine just what it was that she was up to and why it is   
important for economists to recognize her contributions. Younger   
scholars most likely have not read her and know little of her   
importance (except perhaps as the author of the 1933 book _The   
Economics of Imperfect Competition_, later much discounted by her.)   
Nevertheless, Robinson's work was for a long time a staple of some of   
the profession's most important theoretical debates, especially   
during the so called "capital controversies" of the 1960s. Along with   
other giants of the post-WWII era, like Paul Samuelson and Robert   
Solow, she became a symbol for many economists of a particular point   
of view (not always viewed favorably by the mainstream of American   
economists). The argument she symbolized was the Cambridge (U. K.)   
critique of the use of an aggregate concept of "capital" and the   
attendant "well behaved" properties of production functions (which   
economists still use on a regular basis). Moreover, she traversed in   
her own career an arc describing the development of much of modern   
economics, including many familiar ideas that we value enough to   
include in our textbooks. By this I refer to the following facts:   
that she was early on a major contributor to the reformulation of the   
Marshallian theory of the firm that is often covered in the   
monopolistic competition sections of microeconomics texts; that she   
actively participated in the advent and rise, as well as witnessed   
the eventual decline, of the economics of Keynes and the associated   
"Keynesianism" which is still taught in modern macroeconomics texts;   
in addition to this, she played a pivotal role in the re-thinking of   
capital and growth theory that occupied many of the profession's   
great theoretical lights in the 1960s and 1970s, although this is   
much less discussed today. That record alone -- and there is more to   
her career than even such a list suggests -- is enough to warrant a   
reassessment. In fact, is it not too much to ask why there is yet no   
full-scale intellectual biography of her? The volume under review,   
edited by Bill Gibson, and originating at a conference in 2003 at the   
University of Vermont celebrating the centenary of her birth, serves   
as a valuable aid to such a reassessment.  
First, a truth in reviewing note: Both Robinson's work, and the   
contributions to this volume, range over such a vast expanse that no   
review can adequately cover the whole field. So, for example, I will   
pass over without comment her contributions to international trade   
theory, to Marxist economics, to the notion of class conflict in the   
distribution of income, and to monetary and financial economics, as   
well as her (often controversial) views on underdeveloped economies.   
There are many able discussions of these topics in the text under   
review, to which the interested reader is enthusiastically directed.  
One more short comment is in order on an aspect of the volume that   
strikes this historian of economics as new, daring and so noteworthy.   
Prue Kerr's chapter, titled "Knowledge without Pain," presents a   
picture of Robinson, not as the arch insider, the consummate player   
of the economic theory game that she was, but as the popularizer of   
economic ideas to a wider audience than to economists alone. In doing   
so, Kerr compares her _Economic Philosophy_ (1964), _Economics: An   
Awkward Corner_ (1966) and _Freedom and Necessity_ (1970) to the   
popular economic works of Harriet Martineau and Jane Marcet in the   
nineteenth century. One of Kerr's conclusions is that Robinson did   
not similarly try to "dumb down" economic discussion so that her   
readers could flatter themselves that they were conversant with   
difficult topics. Thus she opted, in Kerr's words, for "knowledge   
with pain," as her subject required. More of this type of analysis of   
the content and quality of popular economics and of economic   
journalism would be welcome, and following from Kerr's example, seems   
ripe for exploitation by historians. (Vincent Barnett's recent review   
on this list of _Economists in Parliament in the Liberal Age   
(1848-1920)_, edited by Massimo Augello and Marco Guidi, makes this   
point more broadly in the context of a large study of the political   
expression of economic ideas across countries and historical time   
periods. See  
Joan Robinson's biography and the role in it of her circle of   
teachers, colleagues and students at Cambridge, are interestingly   
described by the contributions of Bill Gibson, G. C. Harcourt and   
Christina Marcuzzo. One aspect of particular significance to   
Robinson's thought was the lasting influence of her early education   
in economics, which was dominated by the teachings of Alfred   
Marshall. But it is important to note that when she came to Cambridge   
in the 1920s, Marshall was no longer a sacrosanct figure. Though   
still a towering influence on Cambridge, Marshall's economics was   
thought to be lacking in crucial ways that undermined its   
effectiveness in dealing with then modern developments such as the   
credit cycle, the public corporation, and unemployment. Consequently   
much intellectual activity in the 1920s and 1930s by such figures as   
A. C. Pigou and Dennis Robertson went into updating Marshallian   
economics to meet these challenges.  
In fact, almost from the beginning of her education in the subject,   
Robinson mainly learned Marshall's economics in order to understand   
the criticisms of it that were then being offered. Two of these in   
particular were to be of lasting influence on her. The critique of   
the Marshallian theory of the firm that she got directly from the   
lectures of the enigmatic, but piercingly brilliant, Piero Sraffa   
were one influence (as to a lesser extent was her discussion of these   
issues with Richard Kahn). The other, eventually more long lasting   
for Robinson's work, was the more outwardly transparent and worldly,   
but equally brilliant, ideas of John Maynard Keynes. It is not   
explicitly stated by Harcourt or Marcuzzo, but it can be inferred   
from their excellent narratives, that Robinson's theoretical soul   
could be seen as forming an intellectual battleground between the   
alternative visions of Sraffa's and Keynes's critiques of Marshall,   
and through those critiques much of then received economic theory.  
 From Sraffa, Robinson took her life-long penchant for clever   
questioning of fundamental and unexamined assumptions of analysis. In   
the early work of both, this revolved around what conception of the   
firm is most appropriate to capture the facts of modern competition   
and is able to be expressed in the form of a logically watertight   
system. Later, after the publication of Sraffa's insightful   
introduction to Ricardo's _Works_ (Sraffa, 1951) and the related, and   
much delayed, release of his alternative (to any resort to an   
aggregated capital notion) picture of the intricacies of the   
relationship between output prices, production by (disaggregated)   
capital goods and the returns to "capital" and labor (Sraffa, 1960),   
Robinson could at last see Sraffa's complete vision of the production   
process. I think one way to interpret the evidence presented in this   
volume (particularly in Marcuzzo's contribution) is that this marked   
Robinson's parting of the ways with Sraffa. I mean that although she   
had accepted, and arguably did much to publicly advance, Sraffa's   
long-held view of the circularity of the definition of capital that   
economists (then and now) often use in positing an inverse   
relationship between "the quantity of capital" and "the return to   
capital," she nevertheless came to see Sraffa's positive alternative   
vision of the production process as a sterile starting point for the   
kinds of questions she really wanted to answer. These were especially   
how to model growth and accumulation in a competitive private system   
that was moving through time.  
In was in this endeavor that she might be said to have chosen the   
Keynesian-Marshallian path to doing economics over the   
Sraffian-Classical one. A number of things that contributed to this   
(maybe unconscious) choice on her part are highlighted in the   
contributions noted above, but also, more technically, by the   
contributions of Donald Harris, Amitava Dutt and Peter Skott. Only a   
bare sketch can be offered here, but the interested reader is urged   
to consult these excellent discussions.  
As noted above, Robinson cut her teeth on a project that set out to   
make the Marshallian theory of the firm capable of explaining modern   
conditions of competition, particularly large-scale production units   
(see especially Robinson 1933 and the very revealing introduction to   
that work she added in 1969). She was then almost immediately cast   
into the role of technical advisor and general sounding board (with   
others) for Keynes, as a member of the famous "Cambridge Circus" --   
the small group of young faculty and graduate students that searched   
Keynes's _Treatise on Money_ for basic flaws in its argument. From   
here she went on to become one of an even smaller group of trusted   
critics that vetted the drafts of the _General Theory_ (and here   
Robinson appears to have risen to prominence in Keynes's eyes,   
according to the evidence in his _Collected Works_). This much is   
well known to historians of economics, but what is not so well   
appreciated, and that these authors make us more aware of, is that   
Robinson bore the mark of this baptism in doing economic theory in a   
Marshallian-Keynesian mode for all of her later life.  
What exactly is a Marshallian-Keynesian is more than we can document   
here (see Lawlor, 2006), but it is enough to say two things. One is   
that however far Robinson rode the Keynesian horse into new fields --   
and her quite ambitious goal in this regard was to "generalize" the   
_General Theory_ to a dynamic story of growth -- she would not do so   
by abstracting from the fact emphasized by Keynes, that modern   
economies are sometimes prone to settle into states of inadequate   
aggregate demand to sufficiently employ their labor forces. Second,   
Robinson, like Keynes, continued to accept Marshall's method of   
theorizing, while rejecting in many different ways the Victorian   
constructs of the Marshallian economic system. Thus her frequent   
comments on the good things to be found in Marshall, especially when   
compared to what she saw as the more abstract and unreal postwar   
tendency to elevate Walrasian theorizing to the apogee of economic   
theory (see Robinson, 1962a).  
One thing she particularly saw as useful in Marshall was his   
awareness of the difficulty of treating time by equilibrium   
constructs. Thus, rather than the highly artificial dynamic   
equilibria of modern theories of growth (of any stripe), she wanted   
dynamic economics to be "open" to uncertain expectations,   
technological change, habits, and the possible irreversibility that   
came with the "choice of technique." In other words, she insisted   
that a theory of economic growth should be alive to the kinds of   
issues that, economic history teaches, have been real aspects of   
capitalist economies of the past, making her work particularly   
relevant to this list's readers. She did not want to construct models   
that would reach the same "equilibrium" from radically different   
starting points, but ones that depended crucially on where a system   
began to determine part of where it ends up. In short, she wished for   
a dynamic economics in which a particular set of institutions and a   
particular history ought to be given its due as a factor that could   
influence the time path of an economy.  
But as Donald Harris particularly emphasizes, this is no easy task.   
In fact one could say that her long struggle with a variety of   
complex approaches to such questions in the theory of economic growth   
(her most mature statements on this topic are to be found in   
Robinson, 1956 and 1962b) ended in her rejecting "equilibrium"   
altogether as a way to capture the manifold influences of "history"   
(Robinson, 1985). But perhaps this nihilistic attitude, reached in   
old age, is not so important to the modern reader as is the   
fearlessness with which she faced the many obvious and not so obvious   
faults of much of economic theory, and the suggestions she made for   
making it better.  
M. S. Lawlor, 2006. _The Economics of Keynes in Historical Context:   
An Intellectual History of the General Theory_. London: Palgrave   
J. V. Robinson, 1933. _The Economics of Imperfect Competition_.   
London: Macmillan. Second edition with a new preface, 1969.  
J. V. Robinson, 1956. _The Accumulation of Capital_. London: Macmillan.  
J. V. Robinson, 1962a. "The General Theory after 25 Years," a review   
of H. G. Johnson, _Money, Trade and Economic Growth_, in the   
_Economic Journal_ 71. Reprinted in _Collected Papers of Joan   
Robinson_, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp. 100-02.  
J. V. Robinson, 1962b. _Essays in the Theory of Economic Growth_.   
London: Macmillan.  
J. V. Robinson, 1964. _Economic Philosophy_. Harmondsworth,   
Middlesex: Penguin Books.  
J. V. Robinson, 1966. _Economics: An Awkward Corner_. London: George   
Allen and Unwin.  
J. V. Robinson, 1970. _Freedom and Necessity: An Introduction to the   
Study of Society_. London: George Allen and Unwin.  
J.V. Robinson, 1985. "The Theory of Normal Prices and the   
Reconstruction of Economic Theory," in G. Feiwel, editor, _The Theory   
of Normal Prices and the Reconstruction of Economic Theory_.  
P. Sraffa, 1951. "Introduction to D. Ricardo, Principles of Political   
Economy and Taxation," in P. Sraffa and M. Dobb, editors, _Works and   
Correspondence of David Ricardo_, Volume I. Cambridge: Cambridge   
University Press.  
P. Sraffa, 1960. _Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities:   
Prelude to a Critique of Economic Theory_. Cambridge: Cambridge   
University Press.  
Michael S. Lawlor is the author of _The Economics of Keynes in   
Historical Context: An Intellectual History of the General Theory_.   
London: Palgrave Macmillan (2006).  
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copied for non-profit educational uses if proper credit is given to   
the author and the list. For other permission, please contact the   
EH.Net Administrator ([log in to unmask]; Telephone: 513-529-2229).   
Published by EH.Net (November 2006). All EH.Net reviews are archived   
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