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Fri Mar 31 17:18:45 2006
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------------ EH.NET BOOK REVIEW -------------- 
Published by EH.NET (February 2005) 
Marc Flandreau and Frederic Zumer, _The Making of Global Finance,  
1880-1913_. Paris: OECD, 2004. 144 pp. $30 (paperback), ISBN:  
Reviewed for EH.NET by Hugh Rockoff, Department of Economics, Rutgers  
The authors of this careful and vigorously argued monograph enter the  
debate over the role of the gold standard in the international  
economic system at the end of the nineteenth century. One issue is  
whether or not a country's adherence to the gold standard mattered to  
international financial markets. One school of thought holds that it  
mattered a great deal, that financial markets approved of countries  
that joined the gold standard. The literature that supports this view  
includes Michael Bordo and Hugh Rockoff (1996), Nathan Sussman and  
Yishay Yafeh (2000), and Maurice Obtsfeld and Alan M. Taylor (2003).  
Flandreau and Zumer, however, are firmly on the other side. As far as  
they can see, international capital markets were supremely  
indifferent to whether or not a country adhered to gold. 
(There is, I have to confess, a certain satisfaction in knowing that  
I have at least helped stirred things up. A famous economic historian  
once told me, however, that it wasn't enough to have papers and books  
attacking you -- you hadn't really arrived in economic history until  
an entire conference was held to refute your ideas!) 
The methodology that Flandreau and Zumer use is straightforward and  
in some ways is simply a further development of what has gone before.  
They run a regression in which the dependent variable is the  
difference between the yield for a particular country's bond and the  
yield on U.K. bonds. The independent variables include a dummy  
variable for adherence to the gold standard and other variables that  
they classify as structural variables, reputational variables, and  
political variables. The structural variables include debt burden  
(defined as government interest payments relative to government  
revenues), exports relative to population, bank reserves relative to  
banknotes, exports relative to population, government deficits  
relative to government revenue, and exchange rate volatility. The  
reputational variables include whether or not a country has defaulted  
on its bonds and a memory variable to allow for the slow recovery of  
its reputation. The political variables include the enfranchised  
share of the population and political crises. 
The great strength of the monograph is the care that Flandreau and  
Zumer have put into measuring their variables and running alternative  
specifications of the regression to test the robustness of their  
results. The sample consists of annual data for seventeen countries  
from 1880 to 1913. The countries were chosen mainly, it seems,  
because Flandreau and Zumer found data for them in the archives of  
the Credit Lyonnais that they could use to double check their  
variables and to be sure that they were looking at things in the way  
that a major participant in the market looked at things. For this  
reason some countries that you might want to include, such as the  
United States, Canada, and Australia, are omitted. Nevertheless,  
there is something to be said for having authors work with data they  
are sure about. Their data is reported in appendices, and available  
The main finding is that the coefficient on the gold standard dummy  
turns out to be small and insignificant in most of the regressions  
and the coefficient on the debt burden variable turns out to be large  
and significant. Flandreau and Zumer conclude that adherence to the  
gold standard did not matter, but that the debt burden did. The  
dragon has been slayed. One can't help but be impressed with the  
effort and care that has gone into the monograph. Still, I have some  
reservations about the test that I have grouped under five headings.  
Some of these reservations might be regarded more as ideas for future  
research than as direct criticisms of what Flandreau and Zumer have  
1. Left-hand and right-hand variables 
The variable that Flandreau and Zumer tout as the scourge of the gold  
standard dummy is the debt burden: interest payments divided by  
revenue. This is the real determinant of interest rates, they claim,  
because this is what the Credit Lyonnais looked at, and because it  
just makes sense as an indicator of the likelihood of bankruptcy.  
Just as a bank lending to a homebuyer would want to know the debt  
burden of the potential buyer relative to his or her ability to pay,  
bankers at the turn of the century wanted to look at the debt burden  
of the governments to which they lent relative to the ability of the  
governments to pay. One problem with using this variable in a linear  
regression, however, is that the variable on the left hand side, the  
yield for a particular country less the U.K. yield, is closely  
related by construction to the variable on the right hand side,  
interest payments divided by revenues. Consider the following  
example. You have two countries identical in every way except A  
borrows at a high rate of interest and B at a low rate of interest.  
If they both borrow the same amount, interest payments will be higher  
for A than for B -- interest rate and debt burden will be positively  
correlated. Or consider what happens if the rate on a government's  
bond falls, and the government refinances some of its debt at the  
lower rate. Again, the dependent variable and independent variable  
move together by construction. 
2. Upstream and downstream variables 
A second, perhaps more important, problem is that the regression  
strategy combines what I like to call upstream and downstream  
variables. An extreme example will make the distinction I have in  
mind clearer. Suppose someone claims that prohibiting construction  
near a lake increases the amount of fish caught in a lake. A  
regression of fish caught per acre of water on a dummy variable for  
whether or not construction was permitted near a lake might show that  
prohibiting construction increases the catch. Add the stock of fish  
per acre in each lake to the regression and the significance of the  
prohibition of construction might disappear. The number of fish in  
the lake determines how many will be caught. One could then jump to  
the conclusion that prohibiting construction near lakes has no  
effect. Presumably, with enough data one could tease out the effects  
of limiting construction and other variables that might affect the  
amount of fish in the lake. In practice, however, this might be  
difficult if there are a small number of lakes in the sample. 
The same problem, arises, I believe, in the current context. One  
example is the inclusion of both exchange rate volatility and the  
gold standard dummy in the same equation. Exchange rate stability  
(which turns out to have a large and significant coefficient in many  
of the regressions) is downstream from the gold standard. We might  
substitute it for the gold standard dummy, but to include both  
exchange rate volatility and the gold standard dummy obscures the  
effect of the choice of exchange rate regime. 
The debt burden variable is also, to some extent, a downstream  
variable. The point of attaching one's currency to gold was not to  
fool investors, while going about one's old spendthrift ways. The  
point was to achieve long-run discipline. A country could not run  
continual deficits and inflate them away and remain permanently on  
the gold standard. Defending the currency was the principle that  
allowed central banks and governments to follow more conservative  
policies than they otherwise would. Ultimately, of course, the goal  
was to have modest deficits and a debt well within the capacity of  
the country to service. Putting all of these variables into the right  
hand side of the regression tends to obscure the effect of adhering  
to gold on the achievement of these long-term goals. 
3. The gold standard dummies 
While the authors have put a great deal of energy into perfecting the  
other variables in the equation, they have put no energy into  
improving the gold standard variables. Indeed, it seems at points as  
if they can hardly be bothered to look at such nonsense. It is clear  
to me, however, that the current gold-standard variables are rather  
primitive because they fail to reflect the credibility of the  
commitment to the gold standard. True, credibility is not easily  
measured, but it is none-the-less crucial. The United States is a  
good example. Flandreau and Zumer, as I noted, exclude the United  
States. But it is the case I know best, and it makes the point. The  
dollar was convertible into gold, except during financial crises,  
from the time that convertibility was established after the Civil War  
until the Great Depression. One could represent this by simply  
assigning a dummy variable of one (on the gold standard) in every  
year in the period that Flandreau and Zumer examine. Yet the  
credibility of the U.S. commitment to the gold standard varied. When  
the Free Silver movement was at its height in the 1890s the fear that  
the United States would leave the gold standard was real. Milton  
Friedman and Anna Schwartz, looking at short-term interest rates,  
conclude that the resolution of the fear that the United States would  
leave gold explains a sharp drop in the level of the short-term  
U.S.-U.K. differential between 1874 and 1896. According to Friedman  
and Schwartz (1982, 515) peaks in the differential in 1893 and 1896  
are consistent with this interpretation. 
"The peak in 1893 is connected to the banking panic in that year. The  
initial banking difficulties reinforced fears, endemic before 1896  
because of silver politics, that the United States would go off gold  
and the dollar would depreciate. ... The peak in 1896 is connected  
with the capital flight of that year accelerated by Bryan's  
nomination, which greatly strengthened fears that the United States  
would leave gold. In both cases, fear of devaluation meant that  
owners of United Kingdom capital were reluctant to participate in the  
United States short-term market except at a substantial premium. The  
election of McKinley changed the situation drastically. It made  
United States' retention of the gold standard secure for the time  
being, and the subsequent flood of gold from South Africa, Alaska,  
and Colorado removed all doubts." 
Charles Calomiris (1992), similarly, thought that the threat of free  
silver affected the capital market, although he argued that the  
markets simply feared a temporary suspension of convertibility and  
post-suspension devaluation, rather than a permanent abandonment of  
gold. The point, however, is that even in the case of the United  
States which in the end remained solidly committed to gold,  
credibility varied, and that a dummy variable that simply looks at  
whether convertibility was maintained during a particular year is  
insufficient to capture the credibility of the commitment. 
4. The changing credibility of the gold standard The credibility of  
the gold standard itself changed over the period 1880 to 1913. The  
correlation between the gold standard dummies and the defaults shows  
why. In 1880, the first year in the sample, 10 of the 17 countries in  
the sample were adhering to the gold standard. Up to 1913 only one,  
Portugal, would default. One country, Spain, was off gold and in  
default in 1880. The remaining six countries in the sample were off  
gold in 1880, but paying their debts. Three of the six would later  
default. Being on or off gold in 1880, in other words, turned out to  
be a good predictor of which countries would pay their debts. I  
suppose that participants in international financial markets might  
have ignored this information on the grounds that it was irrelevant.  
The ratio of interest payments to government revenues was equally  
good as a predictor of default. Nevertheless, adhering to gold was a  
device for achieving long-term stability. Perhaps recognition of the  
connection between being off gold and defaulting is why countries  
made an effort to stay on or get on gold. Of the 10 countries on the  
gold standard in 1880 only one was off in 1913. Of the seven  
countries off the gold standard in 1880, six were on by 1913  
including all those that defaulted. In short, of the 17 countries in  
the sample, 15 had made the decision by 1913 to adhere to the gold  
standard. Given this scenario, it is possible that the credibility of  
the gold standard itself, as a means of achieving and as a symbol of  
financial rectitude was increasing over the period 1880 to 1913. The  
regression strategy as far as I can see simply assumes that being on  
gold in 1880 meant the same thing to participants as being on gold in  
5. Policy variables and non-policy variables One reason why (some)  
economists and economic historians focus on adherence to the gold  
standard is because this was a policy variable, a choice actually  
being made by many countries at the turn of the century. Again, this  
was clearly true in the United States. Free silver (bimetallism at a  
ratio of 16 units of silver to one of gold) was a genuine alternative  
to the gold standard. It was promoted by one of the two major  
political parties, and might have been adopted by the United States.  
Fiscal policies, perhaps to a lesser degree, fall in the same  
category. It is important to see what might have been driving these  
debates, and what effects the choices made had on the U.S. economy. 
There are other potential fundamentals that might have been more  
important than adherence to the gold standard in shaping the flow of  
capital, but were not policy variables. It may have been extremely  
important to British lenders that the population of a country be  
predominantly white, Anglo-Saxon, and Protestant. Being a colony of  
Britain may have been important as well. And having a high level of  
education may have impressed potential investors. Of course, if these  
factors were important they must be given their due in order to see  
what impact policy choices actually had. But the focus on policy  
variables, even when their potential contribution is marginal, is  
important if history is to provide lessons for today. 
To be sure, what is or is not a policy variable is to some extent a  
matter of costs and benefits. Educational levels, colonial status,  
even religion can be, and in some cases have been deliberately  
changed. And it is always possible to look at a more fundamental  
analysis in which what look to be policy choices are really  
predetermined outcomes. There are variables, in other words, that  
explain why a country "chose" to adhere or not adhere to gold. When  
the election of 1896 began it seemed as if Bryan might win, and so  
Americans debated his policies at length. It seems as if Americans  
could make a choice. Yet it may also be true that there exists some  
model of the political process that takes into account various  
political fundamentals (the ethnic mix of the population, the rate of  
growth of the economy, and so on) that would show us why Bryan was  
destined to lose. Hillel is right: "all is foreseen, and freewill is  
The lack of clear distinctions between policy and non-policy  
variables affects the usefulness of the concluding section of the  
book. Flandreau and Zumer feel that the choice of exchange rate  
regime didn't matter. This is useful advice -- don't waste your time  
worrying about gold or bimetallism. Perhaps today the advice would be  
don't worry about fixed or flexible exchange rates. The debate over  
free silver in the United States and many other countries was,  
evidently, a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing. But what  
should people have worried about? Here Flandreau and Zumer make a  
number of assertions, but few of them qualify as practical advice.  
They note that "The adoption of 'good' [their quotation marks]  
domestic policies expedited the globalization of capital much more  
decisively than did the removal of legal barriers to financial  
exchange." They also note that "debt burden was the one key factor  
that determined market access." And they note that "Political crises  
such as wars or domestic unrest were detrimental to a country's  
credit." And that "=8Athe reduction of public debts was achieved not  
through fiscal balance but _via_ [their emphasis] economic growth,"  
which leads them to conclude that this "shows the importance of  
development policies in fostering international financial integration  
..." But what are we to make of all this? Surely every politician and  
government official knew that debt burdens and political crises were  
bad and that economic growth was good. The question was not where  
they wanted to go, but what policies would help them get there. 
If I were starting to work on the "Good Housekeeping" paper again I  
would certainly write it differently. I would certainly want to take  
into account the important work by Flandreau and Zumer based on the  
archives of the Credit Lyonnais to better describe the channels  
through which adherence to gold mattered. But I am not persuaded that  
the gold standard was a matter of no concern, and that all of the  
debate over it at the end of the nineteenth century was a waste of  
time. I am persuaded, however, that Flandreau and Zumer are fine  
scholars, and have written an important book that future research in  
this area will need to take into account. 
Michael Bordo and Hugh Rockoff, "The Gold Standard as a Good  
Housekeeping Seal of Approval." _Journal of Economic History_ 56  
(June 1996): 389-428. 
Charles Calomiris, "Greenback Resumption and Silver Risk: The  
Economics and Politics of Monetary Regime Change in the United  
States, 1862-1900." NBER Working Paper, w4166, September 1992. 
Milton Friedman and Anna J. Schwartz, _Monetary Trends in the United  
States and the United Kingdom: Their Relation to Income, Prices, and  
Interest Rates, 1867-1975_. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,  
Maurice Obstfeld and Alan M. Taylor, "Sovereign Risk, Credibility and  
the Gold Standard: 1870-1913 versus 1925-31." _Economic Journal_  
(April 2003): 241-75. 
Nathan Sussman and Yishay Yafeh. "Institutions, Reforms, and Country  
Risk: Lessons from Japanese Government Debt in the Meiji Era."  
_Journal of Economic History_ 60 (June 2000): 442-67. 
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copied for non-profit educational uses if proper credit is given to  
the author and the list. For other permission, please contact the  
EH.Net Administrator ([log in to unmask]; Telephone: 513-529-2229).  
Published by EH.Net (February 2005). All EH.Net reviews are archived  
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