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Fri Jun 23 10:15:53 2006
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------------ EH.NET BOOK REVIEW --------------  
Published by EH.NET (June 2006)  
David E. Nye, _Technology Matters: Questions to Live With_.   
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006. xiv + 282 pp. $28 (cloth), ISBN:   
Reviewed for EH.NET by Rick Szostak, Department of Economics,   
University of Alberta.  
In this book, David Nye (Professor of Comparative American Studies   
and History at Warwick University) devotes a chapter each to ten   
important questions regarding the causes and effects of technological   
innovation. Most of these questions -- including the effects of   
innovation on the environment, employment, and culture -- are   
subjects of contentious public discourse. The book seems aimed at   
clarifying these issues for a general audience, though Nye notes that   
scholars are often guilty of misunderstanding the course of   
technological change.  
The first chapters are the most satisfying. While Nye could have been   
a bit more precise in answering "what is technology?," the first   
chapter does a good job of describing the phenomenon of technological   
innovation as well as some of the other phenomena to which it is   
closely linked. The second chapter provides a very good critique of   
both technological determinism and the idea that the course of   
technological innovation is inevitable, and the third discusses the   
severe limitations of technological predictions.  
The fourth chapter asks how historians understand technology. Nye may   
underestimate the size of the minority that fails to follow the set   
of good practices he suggests. Historians should eschew determinism   
and predictability. Nye suggests that historians of technology give   
roughly equal weight to technology, politics, the economy, and   
society (by which he largely means 'culture') in their analyses. He   
applauds the complementarity between 'internalist' (focused on   
technical developments) and 'contextual' history, but does not note   
that the field of history of technology has swung sharply between   
these two orientations in the postwar period. He applauds historians   
for increasingly focusing on incremental innovations and the long   
process of development, and thus downplaying the role of the 'heroic   
At times in the early chapters Nye is too strident in his   
anti-determinism. In chapter 4, he finally appreciates, following   
Thomas Hughes, that technological systems once in place constrain   
further technological and social choices. Only in later chapters does   
he recognize in passing that even individual innovations provide both   
constraints and incentives: they do not determine but certainly exert   
causal influence on a range of individual and societal decisions.  
While Nye strives in the first four chapters to provide answers to   
his questions, the latter chapters tend to provide conflicting   
arguments regarding the effect of technology on various other   
phenomena. Though the information provided is useful and accurate,   
many readers may wish that Nye had more clearly attempted to weigh   
the relative importance of these arguments. Nye relies throughout the   
book on powerful examples rather than a careful attempt to delineate   
the typicality of these, and thus the reader has little guidance in   
choosing which examples to place greatest confidence in. The lack of   
subtitles in any of the chapters exacerbates the difficulty of   
comparing one line of argument to another.  
Yet I do not wish to be harsh. Nye's goal, it seems, is to debunk   
some strongly held but simplistic views of technology. As noted   
above, the earlier chapters strive to convince readers that   
technology is not some inevitable force inexorably shaping our lives   
(whether to good or evil effect) but rather that human actors shape   
innovation in a host of ways. Later chapters then provide   
counter-examples against simplistic beliefs that technology   
_necessarily_ destroys local cultures, ruins the environment, causes   
unemployment, and reduces human security. Nye notes that some   
technologies such as the personal computer work against cultural   
conformity, while consumers shape the effects of other technologies   
such as mass production in ways that preserve autonomy. (Again a more   
careful statement of how technology may limit but not determine   
choices would have been helpful.) Likewise, technological innovation   
can at times aid the environment (though most of the chapter on the   
environment addresses the question of whether humans should lessen   
their wants rather than expand their production). Nye details how the   
idea of technological unemployment has been around for centuries but   
unemployment rates have not risen secularly (he skips over the   
question of whether medium-term technological unemployment was   
observed during the Great Depression and 1970s). And Nye notes that   
technology has freed many humans from the insecurities associated   
with hunger and disease while creating new sources of insecurity.  
A book that covers such a wide scope lends itself to inevitable   
quibbles. The unwary reader may be needlessly confused in the first   
chapter between the essence of technology and the causal   
relationships of which it is part. Nye's discussion of predictability   
clearly distinguishes between major and incremental innovations, but   
leaves the impression that the latter are virtually as unpredictable   
as the former. Nye's discussion of culture largely misses the key   
question of how strong the link is between the available range of   
consumer goods and the beliefs and attitudes that lie at the heart of   
culture: those who decry cultural homogenization are often guilty of   
implying that what one wears and eats defines who one is. The chapter   
on the environment skips the entire debate between optimists and   
pessimists. The chapter on employment discusses (uncritically) how   
work effort has increased in some ways in recent years, but largely   
ignores the amazing decline in the length of the workweek in previous   
centuries. And the chapter on whether technology should be regulated   
fails to suggest any criteria for distinguishing cases such as new   
pharmaceuticals where some sort of oversight may be a good idea from   
other technologies where markets can best adjudicate.  
This is a handy book to recommend to students (or colleagues) who   
need an antidote to the more simplistic versions of technological   
determinism, environmentalism, or cultural decline that circulate on   
university campuses. The range of detailed historical examples   
utilized by Nye is quite impressive. Many students will be encouraged   
by the book to a more nuanced perspective, and guided to further   
reading. Others, unfortunately, may find it hard to integrate the   
information provided into a coherent understanding of the issues at   
Rick Szostak is Professor of Economics at the University of Alberta,   
and will be visiting the Department of History and Civilization at   
the European University Institute in Florence during 2006-7. He   
intends to write a book, _Exogenous Growth: Interdisciplinary   
Perspectives_. Recent publications include _Technology and American   
Society: A History_ (with Gary Cross, second edition, 2004),   
_Classifying Science: Phenomena, Data, Theory, Method, Practice_   
(2004); "Evaluating the Historiography of the Great Depression:   
Explanation or Single-Theory Driven?" (_Journal of Economic   
Methodology_, 2005); "Allocating Scarce Shoreline: Institutional   
Change in the Newfoundland Inshore Fishery" (with Ken Norrie,   
_Newfoundland and Labrador Studies_, 2005) and "Economic History as   
It Is and Should Be" (_Journal of Socio-Economics_, 2006). He has   
recently completed a book manuscript, _Restoring Human Progress:   
Transcending the Postmodern Condition_.  
Copyright (c) 2006 by EH.Net. All rights reserved. This work may be   
copied for non-profit educational uses if proper credit is given to   
the author and the list. For other permission, please contact the   
EH.Net Administrator ([log in to unmask]; Telephone: 513-529-2229).   
Published by EH.Net (June 2006). All EH.Net reviews are archived at  
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