------------ EH.NET BOOK REVIEW --------------
Published by EH.NET (February 2008)
Michael Tomz, _Reputation and International Cooperation: Sovereign
Debt across Three Centuries_. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 2007. xxi + 299 pp. $60 (cloth), ISBN: 978-0-691-12930-3.
Reviewed for EH.NET by Kim Oosterlinck, Solvay Business School,
Universit? Libre de Bruxelles.
In view of the sovereign nature of their issuer, and in the absence
of a supranational court to judge them in case of default, one may
wonder why countries would ever bother to repay their debts. The
economic literature has suggested several motivations: fear of
reputation loss (which would ban the access to future borrowing or
make it much more costly), fear of a military intervention or of
trade sanctions, as well as, but to a lesser extent, fear of the
seizure of collaterals. Michael Tomz, assistant professor of
political science at Stanford University, provides an interesting
analysis of the importance of reputation for sovereign debt repayment
and on its relevance in a broad historical perspective.
After a brief review of the literature, Tomz presents his theory of
cooperation through reputation. Its development proceeds as follows.
Investors cannot know in advance whether a given government will
decide to honor its debts or decide to default. However, these
investors may form beliefs regarding the probabilities of each of
these outcomes. These beliefs represent the country's reputation.
Tomz classifies countries in three broad groups: stalwarts (for which
repayment is expected whatever the economic conditions), fair-weather
(expected to repay in good conditions but not during hard times) and
lemons (expected to default in all times). According to Tomz,
investors will reassess the reputation of each country in view of its
actions. Domestic elections may change priorities and the importance
of reputation. However, decisions to default or repay allow
governments to try shifting from one form of reputation to another.
The remainder of the book aims at testing the validity of the
above-mentioned theory.
Chapter three compares the reputations of new and seasoned borrowers.
More precisely, the author tests whether new borrowers face worse
credit terms than seasoned ones with a good reputation, whether there
is a "graduation effect" (new borrowers who repay should eventually
get similar terms as seasoned borrowers) and whether defaulters are
excluded from the market. The author relies on empirical evidence
from the Amsterdam market in 1771 and 1783 and from the London market
in 1824 and 1872. Comparing the yield for new and seasoned borrowers,
he finds that new borrowers had to pay a statistically significant
premium to borrow.
I found Chapter 4 one of the most interesting and original chapters
of the book. Tomz has done an impressive job by analyzing the
investment literature published between 1919 and 1929. To my
knowledge the history of economic thought in this field remains
unwritten. By relying on expert opinion as expressed at the time,
Tomz shows that reputation was perceived as the most important
element, especially when compared to other conventional reasons
invoked for debt repayment.
Chapter 5 assesses to which extent governments' actions are judged in
a similar way in good or bad economic times. More precisely, it
analyzes the reward for states which exceeded expectations during the
Great Depression by repaying their debts. The author finds that
defaulters in bad times where not badly punished but that unexpected
good payers such as Argentina, Australia and Finland were rewarded.
Chapters 6 through 8 are dedicated to the alternative theories
suggested to explain debt repayments: gunboat diplomacy (Chapter 6),
trade sanctions (Chapter 7), and collective retaliation (Chapter 8).
Regarding military enforcement, Tomz puts into perspective the number
and motivation of actual interventions, the number of debt defaults
and the respective military strength of lenders and defaulters. In
view of the limited number of interventions attributable to defaults,
he concludes that military intervention only played a minor role in
the repayment process. Trade sanctions are analyzed by comparing debt
service and trade dependency with creditors. Here again, Tomz finds
only limited evidence that potential trade sanctions forced debtors
to repay. Chapter 8 discusses the relative importance of creditors'
ability to form a retaliatory cartel. Based on evidence from the end
of the twentieth century, Tomz finds that lending and default
patterns were the same for unorganized lenders as for more organized
ones, suggesting that retaliation by cartels was not viewed as
credible. Chapter 9 concludes by stressing once more how crucial
reputation is when assessing motivations to default.
The book has several obvious merits. First, it relies on extensive
data sources, most of them original and covering a very large
time-span and geographical area. Secondly, it shows the importance of
politics when assessing debt defaults, an element often overlooked by
economists. Indeed, defaults represent a unilateral decision made by
a given government: defaults are not automatically triggered by an
economic variable (even though these variables play an obvious role
in the decision to default). Furthermore, this book provides an
interesting and refreshing approach to reputational theories in the
sovereign debt context. The main point of the book is to prove that
reputation is key to understanding decisions to default. At the end
of the book, the reader should end up being convinced of its
prominent role.
All interesting books raise questions and remarks and this one is no
exception. Despite its qualities, as an economic historian I found
the book presents a series of shortcomings. Economic variables are
omitted most of the time when comparing yields, and when included,
limited to one or two macroeconomic factors. For some periods, these
data do not exist; for the more recent ones they do and have been
used in recent papers. In a sense, the reader gets the impression
that economics plays almost no role in the perceived probabilities of
defaults. This is rather hard to believe. The author analyzes each
alternative motivation to repay separately. It would have been
interesting to analyze the relationship between these motivations (as
for example, in Mitchener and Weidenmier, 2005a).
Another question is raised by the way the yields are computed. "For
each country [the author] identified the lowest nominal interest rate
on bonds that were not guaranteed by a foreign power, and then
calculated yields based on the average of the minimum and the maximum
quoted prices for bonds at that interest rates" (footnote, p. 41). I
am unconvinced by this approach since it does not take into account
volatility, a key measure in finance when one wishes to assess risk.
In other words, two bonds with similar coupon rates would end up
having the same yield even if one remained constant at, for example a
price of 80 percent of par, whereas the other moved from 60 percent
to 100 percent. Unless investors were risk neutral at the time, which
I doubt, they should find the second bond riskier and hence ask for a
higher yield. Furthermore, the yields used by the author are current
yields (the ratio of the coupon rate divided by the price of the
bond). Even though current yields have often been used by economic
historians, yields to maturity would have provided a much better
measure since they take into account the impact of bonds' duration
and maturity and capture expected returns from capital gains (for
example zero-coupons would have a 0 percent current yield because all
their return is made via capital gains).
The relative importance of each motivation to repay has been analyzed
in very different ways. Whereas for reputation the main indicator was
the current yield, the author relies on other variables for military
interventions or trade sanctions. These variables are certainly
interesting, but one wonders whether some of the impact of potential
military interventions or trade sanctions would not have materialized
had the author relied on current yields in these sections. Recent
work by Mitchener and Weidenmier (2005a and 2005b) seems to indicate
that this would have been the case.
Since the book is subtitled, "Sovereign Debt across Three Centuries,"
I was expecting a more in-depth historical analysis. I fully
understand that the book jumps from one time period to another
depending on the point the author wants to make. However, I found
surprisingly little references to history when discussing the
findings. In Chapter 3, the author concludes that the higher yield
paid by a series of countries in 1771 stemmed from their new borrower
status. For some of these countries, alternative historical
explanations seem more (or at least as) convincing. Was the high
yield required from Russia in 1771 a consequence of its "new
borrower" status or was it due to the Russo-Turkish War? To what
extent can we attribute the Swedish high yield to the political
instability at the time? Etc.
Eventually, the book omits some recent theories using historical
approaches to assess the probabilities of defaults. For instance, no
mention is made of "original sin" issues (Eichengreen and Hausmann,
1999, Eichengreen, Hausmann and Panizza, 2003) or "debt intolerance"
(Reinhart, Rogoff, and Savastano, 2003). The same holds for the few
papers which have attempted to make a link between sovereign defaults
and politics (political system but also type of regime, etc.) such as
Kohlscheen (2006) or Van Rijckhegem and Weder (2004) for example.
Barry Eichengreen and Ricardo Hausmann, "Exchange Rates and Financial
Fragility," NBER Working Paper 7418, 1999.
Barry Eichengreen, Ricardo Hausmann, and Ugo Panizza, "Currency
Mismatches, Debt Intolerance and Original Sin: Why They Are Not the
Same and Why It Matters," NBER Working Paper 10036, 2003.
Emmanuel Kohlscheen, "Why Are There Serial Defaulters?
Quasi-experimental Evidence from Constitutions," Warwick Economic
Research Papers 755, 2006.
Kris Mitchener and Marc Weidenmier, "Supersanctions and Sovereign
Debt Repayment," NBER Working Paper 11472, 2005a.
Kris Mitchener and Marc Weidenmier, "Empire, Public Goods, and the
Roosevelt Corollary," _Journal of Economic History_, 2005b, 66:
Carmen M. Reinhart, Kenneth S. Rogoff, and Miguel A. Savastano, "Debt
Intolerance," _Brookings Papers on Economic Activity_, 2003, 1: 1-74.
Caroline Van Rijckhegem, and Beatrice Weder, "The Politics of Debt
Crises," CEPR Discussion Paper 4683, 2004.
Kim Oosterlinck is associate professor at the Universit? libre de
Bruxelles. He recently published "Hope Springs Eternal: French
Bondholders and the Soviet Repudiation (1915-1919)", _Review of
Finance_, 2006 (jointly with John Landon-Lane) and "How Occupied
France Financed Its Own Exploitation during World War II," _American
Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings_, 2007 (jointly with Filippo
Occhino and Eugene N. White).
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copied for non-profit educational uses if proper credit is given to
the author and the list. For other permission, please contact the
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Published by EH.Net (February 2008). All EH.Net reviews are archived
at http://www.eh.net/BookReview.
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