===================== HES POSTING =====================
In response to the inquiry from Kirsten Madden on women in the economics
I'm not sure if this quite gets to what you're asking, but Elgar has
recently published two such works -- Mary Dimand, Robert Dimand, Evelyn
Forget, eds., Women of Value, Feminist Essays on the History of Women in
Economics and Raff, Biagini, Tulberg, eds., Alfred Marshall's Lectures
to Women. Peter Groenewegen, et al., have also edited a collection of
essays, entitled, "Feminism and Political Economy in Victorian England"
(title may not be correct). Also, my colleague Bette Polkinghorn has been
asked by Elgar to edit and add to an older collection of essays on female
economists, entitled "Adam Smith's Daughters." This should be out within
the year.
I hope this is of help.
John F. Henry
California State Univ., Sacramento
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