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Print Reply
Fri Mar 31 17:19:12 2006
[log in to unmask] (Paul Heise)
text/plain (29 lines)
=================== HES POSTING ===================== 
I think you might find some really interesting influences in Alexander 
Hamilton.  Isaac, Asher _International Trade Tariffs and Commercial Policy 
_, Irwin 1948 was a standard text way back when and states p 150, "In his 
analysis, Hamilton practically repeats the basic arguments used by Adam 
Smith in His WON.  More than that, the language and expressions used by the 
two men are very much alike....." But you get the drift, as he notes 
agreements and disagreements with Smith in the Report on Manufactures. 
        There was also a New England preacher of the time that a Pol Sc 
professor indicated had strong Smithian roots, but I don't remember his name. 
        The area is certainly one that is underdeveloped. 
        Good luck. 
        PAUL HEISE 
PAUL A. HEISE, Ph.D.            "The ideas of economists and political   
Associate Professor of Economics        philosophers both when they are right   
Political Science and Economics Dept    and when they are wrong, are more 
Lebanon Valley College          than is commonly understood.  Indeed, the  
Annville, PA 17003                      world is ruled by little else. Practical men, 
(717) 867-5644                  who believe themselves to be quite exempt  
[log in to unmask]                   from any intellectual influences, are usually  
                                the slave of some defunct economist."   
                                        John Maynard Lord Keynes 
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