===================== HES POSTING ====================
I am looking for references to books and articles which discuss the
relationship between economics and schools of business in the mid-20th
century in the U.S. Examples of what I want are:
1) studies of economists who worked in schools of business;
2) studies of the changing relationship between departments of economics
and schools of business;
3) studies of the teaching of economics in schools of business; and
4) histories of schools of business in the mid-twentieth century.
I am interested in this relationship because I expect anti-Keynesian
economists took their message into business schools to a greater extent
than Keynesian economists did.
References can be sent to me privately, and I will post a list of what I
receive (if anything) to HES.
Ross B. Emmett Editor, HES and CIRLA-L
Augustana University College
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
URL: http://www.augustana.ab.ca/~emmer
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