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A forum for discussion for the Archives Assoc. of Ontario


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"A forum for discussion for the Archives Assoc. of Ontario" <[log in to unmask]>
Jonathan Lofft <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 5 Oct 2010 17:11:27 +0000
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Calling All Toronto Area Archivists!

It's time for a new professional development opportunity! 

Please register for the Toronto Area Archivists' Group (TAAG) workshop to be held Friday, November 5th, 2010 between 1-5pm entitled
“Understanding Elements: Film Identification and Conservation”! 

Presented by Christina Stewart, Media Archivist, Exhibition Place

Objective: To give archivists a basic understanding of the different physical characteristics of moving image film thereby enabling those participants to (1) identify film elements within their collections and (2) make informed decisions regarding appraisal, conservation and preservation.

Topics to be covered:
*Gauge Types: Differences between gauges, why they were created, how to identify each.
*Base Types: Differences between and how to identify nitrate, acetate and estar based films. How to identify base and emulsion on nitrate and acetate vs. estar.  *Acetate family tree.
*Element Types: Understanding the differences, how and why they are used, and identification of negatives, prints, reversal originals, reversal prints, workprints, release prints, intermediates, inter-negatives, inter-positives, fine grain masters, and trims.  Anatomy of a release print. Deciding what to keep vs. what to cull.  
*Edge Markings & Codes:  How to read and decipher the information.
Soundtrack Types: Identification of silent, optical, magnetic, and digital tracks formats.
*Deterioration and Damage: How to differentiate between biological damage and natural deterioration. How to identify different types of mechanical damage and why they occurred. Proper handling techniques. How to create a priority list for conservation/preservation purposes.       
*Best Conservation Practices
*Proper Storage Conditions: Environmental and physical 
Projector Maintenance
Assessment Reports

The Combination Room
University of Trinity College
6 Hoskin Avenue
Toronto ON
Canada M5S 1H8

Registration is $35 for AAO members, $40 for non-members and $20 for students- with proper identification. Please send cheque or cash to:

The Toronto Area Archivists' Group
PO Box  97, Station F, Toronto, ON M4Y 2L4.
And please also send notification to the email address below. 

Receipts will be issued for the registration fee. Advance registration appreciated. 

Questions regarding this event should be directed to: 
Jonathan Lofft
President, TAAG
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