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"A forum for discussion for the Archives Assoc. of Ontario" <[log in to unmask]>
Iona McCraith <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 12 Jan 2007 14:42:19 -0500
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Iona McCraith <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (103 lines)
MAP funding up and running again.  See details below.

Iona McCraith
Preservation Consultant
Archives Association of Ontario
Tel: (705) 277-1309     Fax: (705) 277-2091
Email: [log in to unmask]

----- Original Message -----
From: "John McAvity" <[log in to unmask]>
To: "[log in to unmask] (E-mail)" <[log in to unmask]>;
"[log in to unmask] (E-mail)" <[log in to unmask]>;
<[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 1:04 PM
Subject: [onmuse-l] MAP deadline announced / date limite de PAM annoncé

> Dear all, Bonjour à tous,
> The Museums Assistance Program is once again accepting applications!
Please see details and changes below. Note the new application deadline is
February 23, 2007.
> Le programme d'aide aux musées a commencé d'accepter les demandes.
Veuillez voir les détails ci-dessous. La date limite est le 23 février 2007.
> John McAvity
> **** from the Dept Can Heritage website******
> MAP Application Process:
> Project proposals are reviewed competitively once each year. Applications
to the Museums Assistance Program must be postmarked no later than February
23, 2007, with the exception of applications for the Exhibition Circulation
Fund, which are accepted year-round. Please note that in 2007-08,
organizations are restricted to receiving funding for only one new project
during the year (see page 15 of the Application Guidelines for additional
> Direct your application package to the nearest regional office of the
Department of Canadian Heritage or, for national organizations, to the
national office.
> The expected results are:
> - Production and circulation of domestic travelling exhibitions and
associated interpretive material;
> - Preservation and presentation of Aboriginal cultural heritage;
> - Increased opportunities for personnel in museums and Aboriginal heritage
organizations to acquire or enhance competencies related to key museological
> - Enhancement of professional practices through the creation or revision
of institutional policies and procedures governing key museological
> - Increased opportunities created by service organizations to assist their
members in representing the heritage sector and positioning themselves in
their communities.
> For information and applications:
> www.canadianheritage.gc.ca/pam-map/index_e.cfm
> www.pch.gc.ca
> ****de la site web du PCH****
> Comment faire une demande au PAM :
> Les propositions de projets font l'objet d'un concours annuel. Les
demandes soumises au Programme d'aide aux musées doivent porter le cachet de
la poste au plus tard le 23 février 2007, à l'exception des demandes pour le
Fonds des expositions itinérantes, qui sont acceptées toute l'année.
Veuillez-noter qu'en 2007-2008, les organismes ne pourront recevoir de
financement que pour un seul nouveau projet durant l'année.
> Veuillez adresser vos demandes au bureau du ministère du Patrimoine
canadien de votre région ou, dans le cas d'organismes nationaux, au bureau
> Le PAM offre du financement pour cinq grandes catégories de projets par
l'entremise de :
> - Accès au patrimoine,
> - Fonds des expositions itinérantes,
> - Patrimoine autochtone,
> - Développement organisationnel
> - et Accord Canada-France.
> Pour informations et demandes :
> www.canadianheritage.gc.ca/pam-map/index_f.cfm
> www.pch.gc.ca
> ----------
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