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Print Reply
Fri Mar 31 17:19:22 2006
[log in to unmask] (Robert Leeson)
text/plain (43 lines)
----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Does anyone have any information about the Deacon papers: do they exist or were they just
the figment of Donald McCormick's imagination?
So far I have: 
1. In _The British Connection Russia's Manipulation of British Individuals and
Institutions_ (London: Hamish Hamilton) McCormick alias Richard Deacon (1979, 3, x)
asserted that A.C. Pigou was a Russian agent and that he had Pigou's diaries to prove it
and that he would deposit the diaries (as part of the Deacon Papers) with the Wiener
Library and the Institute of Contemporary History.
2. Distribution of the book was halted when an atomic scientist (whom I understand Deacon
thought was dead) threatened to sue.
3 The Times reported on 1 August 1979 that substantial damages were paid to the scientist.
4. The Wiener Library and the Institute of Contemporary History never received the Deacon
papers (and have no wish to be associated with them).
5.  McCormick also wrote _The Identity of Jack the Ripper_ 
 Jarrolds, 1959 which was "Considered by many to be one of the  worst Ripper books ever
published. Almost all the evidence cited by McCormick was either completely falsified or
significantly altered to fit his Dr. Pedachenko theory" 
6. The BBC journalist Melvin Harris wrote that McCormick's work on the Ripper was "a
series of lies ... And he who invents one crazy yarn is quite capable of inventing others.
And such is the case. McCormick used very
similar techniques in his other books. For example, his work on Maundy Gregory contains
many faked events and conversations.  While his "History of the British Secret Service"
has too many inventions to list.  And Professor
Bernard Wasserstein has said this about McCormick's writings on Trebitsch Lincoln 'These
absurd statements belong to the realm of fiction'."  
------------ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ------------ 
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