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Fri Mar 31 17:18:31 2006
[log in to unmask] (Philippe Le Gall)
text/plain (61 lines)
----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
   In addition to what has already been indicated, useful information can be found in the
following books and articles that enlighten the way engineers contributed to the rise and
the development of mathematical economics, economic modeling and econometrics (19th and
20th centuries), especially in France. Unfortunately, as Loic Charles remarked in a
previous mail, some of them are not translated yet:
   Andr=E9 Zylberberg (1990), L'economie mathematique en France, 
   1870-1914. Paris, Economica. 
   Jean-Pascal Simonin and Fran=E7ois Vatin (eds) (2002), L'oeuvre 
   multiple de Jules Dupuit. Calcul d'ing=E9nieur, analyse economique et 
   pensee sociale. Angers, Presses Universitaires d'Angers (a translation 
   into English is in preparation). 
   Theodore Porter (1995), Trust in numbers, Princeton UP. 
   X Crise (Centre polytechnicien d'etudes economiques) (1982), De la 
   recurrence des crises economiques. Son cinquantenaire=A0 (1931-1981), 
   Franck Jovanovic (2002), Instruments et theorie economiques dans la 
   construction de la science de la bourse d'Henri Lefevre, Revue 
   d'Histoire des Sciences Humaines, 7: 41-68. 
   Claude Menard (1978), La formation d'une rationalite economique: AA 
   Cournot, Flammarion. 
   Yves Breton (1992), L'=E9conomie politique et les mathematiques en 
   France, 1800-1940. Histoire et Mesure, 7: 25-52. 
   Philippe Le Gall (forthcoming), An archaeology of econometrics in 
   France, Routledge. 
   Francois Divisia (1951), Exposes d'economique. Introduction generale: 
   l'apport des ingenieurs francais aux sciences economiques, Dunod. 
   Michel Armatte (1997), Les Math=E9matiques sauraient-elles nous sortir 
   de la crise =E9conomique? X-Crise au fondement de la technocratie. 
   Actes du Colloque Math=E9matiques sociales et expertise.. 
   Francois Vatin (1993), Le travail, Economie et physique 1780-1830, 
   Presses Universitaires de France. 
   Marcel Boumans (1992), A case of limited physics transfer. Jan 
   Tinbergen's resources for re-shaping economics, University of 
   Amsterdam (Tinbergen Institute Research Series 38). 
   Keiko Kurita (?), La pensee economique des ingenieurs des Ponts et 
   Chaussees dans la periode de l'industrialisation en France, PhD 
   dissertation, Universite Paris 1. 
   Several chapters of the following books may also be useful: 
   Warren Samuels (ed.) (1998), European economists of the early 20th 
   century, volume 1. Edward Elgar. 
   Judy Klein and Mary Morgan (ed.) (2001), The age of economic 
   measurement, annual supplement HOPE. 
   I can send copies of the work that would be difficult to find outside France. 
   Philippe Le Gall 
   University of Angers, France 
   University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands 
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