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Fri Mar 31 17:18:21 2006
[log in to unmask] (Ross B Emmett)
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----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Published by EH.NET (April 2004)  
Harold James, _Europe Reborn: A History, 1914-2000_. Harlow, UK:  
Pearson-Longman, 2003. xiv + 492 pp. £13.59 (paperback), ISBN:  
Reviewed for EH.NET by Joel Mokyr, Departments of Economics and History,  
Northwestern University.  
The cultural bend that has affected academic historians in the past two  
decades has produced an odd situation that some might even call a  
"contradiction." While an increasing number of academic historians espouse  
distinctly left-wing causes and devote their research to one permutation or 
 another of class, gender, and race, sprinkling their text with quotes from 
 radical continental philosophers, they seem to know and care less and less 
 about economic history -- what Marx would call the material conditions of  
life. To this reviewer, at least, this state of affairs is not an  
equilibrium. Sooner or later post-modernist historians will be forced to  
face skeptical graduate students wondering whether such matters as 
influenza  epidemics or the Great Depression are really devoid of factual 
bases worth  discussing and indistinguishable from fiction.  
In this brilliantly-written and richly-informed general-audience text,  
Harold James shows us what an amazing tale can be told about the turbulent  
and dramatic years between 1914 and 2000 by an economically informed  
historian who sees facts for what they are and not as socially constructed  
representations of agents driven by their libido. The book, inevitably,  
covers a lot of ground that will be familiar to professionals who teach 
this  material. Yet throughout the book James displays an enviable 
combination of  factual knowledge that is both deep and broad and an 
economic intuition and  social understanding that makes him look in corners 
others have missed.  James is no economic determinist, but he understands 
politics and power as  much as he understands taxation, innovation, and 
international finance.  
The ground covered by James is all of Europe, and history in all its  
aspects. To say that 430 pages are hardly enough to cover this topic would  
be an understatement. Yet James covers the 1990s with as much panache as he 
 does the years before World War I. The narrative advances at a breakneck  
speed, but here and there he meanders about a bit and gets into details 
that  many readers may not be familiar with, such as in his discussion of 
the  career of German Central Banker and Economics Minister Hjalmar 
Schacht, or  his summary of how the European Common market coordinated 
product quality  standards in its famous Cassis de Dijon case. James 
relishes in little  ironies: the foreign minister of Luxembourg telling the 
formerly Yugoslav  republics that "they were too small for 
self-determination" (p. 413). But  this book is not only about politics and 
economics. In a little two-page  reflection on the impact of chemicals on 
youth culture, James discusses how  the pill and LSD changed youth culture, 
citing British poet Philip Larkin as  claiming that "sexual intercourse 
began in 1963" (p. 308). Indeed.  
This is not a very quantitative book; the statistical appendix promised on  
the cover blurb turns out to be one little table of population figures, and 
 there are few figures and graphs. Nor is it, strictly speaking, an  
analytical book; there is no single thesis or theme that dominates the  
narrative. Nor does it bask in free-market triumphalism or gloat in the  
demise of Communism. Instead, the book is full of little insights and 
pieces  of wisdom that attest to a career of wide reading and informed 
reflection.  Some of those are quite personal and might be controversial in 
some corners:  was Poland in the 1980s really "an equivalent of Spain in 
the 1930's" (p.  302)? Was De Gaulle's vision of France in 1962 really 
"creakily out of date"  (p. 249)? Was Ireland in the 1930s really a society 
held together "in part  by backwardness and in part by the hated memory of 
... British domination"  (p. 127)? In most instances, however, this book is 
enlightening. In  explaining the persistence of the Great Depression, for 
instance, James  points not only to the Gold Standard but also to something 
he calls "fiscal  rectitude," a felicitous term he illustrates by Ramsay 
MacDonald waving  banknotes and warning that their fate would be like the 
German Mark during  the hyperinflation if unorthodox remedies were applied 
(p. 120). His  assessments of key personalities, from Hitler to Milosevic, 
may not please  everyone, but James realizes that at some junctures 
individual personalities  played a pivotal part.  
The result, inevitably, is not a balanced narrative. James is particularly  
good discussing the seams of history, the short but dramatic episodes in  
which powerful nations underwent a "phase transition" such as Russia in  
1917, Germany in 1933 and the Communist world in 1989. He has no patience,  
for instance, with military history: his account of World War I does not  
mention Jutland, Gallipoli or the war in the Middle East. His account of  
World War II finds the space to report that Hitler was reading Carlyle's  
_Frederick the Great_ but not to mention Rommel or Guderian. Some 
countries,  including some close to the heart of this reviewer (such as the 
Netherlands)  get short shrift or nary a mention. The economic history in 
the book is of a  particular kind: James knows banking and international 
finance, he  understands economic policy but he has no interest in the 
relationship  between human capital formation and technological progress, 
or in the  institutional factors that brought about long-term per capita 
growth or the  welfare state. The cheapest shot one can take at a book like 
this is to  complain that the author did not write the kind of book that 
the reviewer  would have written. It is not possible or even desirable to 
write a  "balanced" or "fair" account of Europe in the twentieth century: 
this is a  personal account, a century as seen by one historian, and one 
who was  visibly having fun while writing it. Read the book, and share 
Harold James's  fun.  
Joel Mokyr is the Robert H. Strotz Professor of Arts and Sciences and  
Professor of Economics and History at Northwestern University. His _The  
Gifts of Athena: Historical Origins of the Knowledge Economy_ was published 
 in 2002 by Princeton University Press. He is the editor of the _Oxford  
Encyclopedia of Economic History_ (2003).  
Copyright (c) 2004 by EH.Net. All rights reserved. This work may be copied  
for non-profit educational uses if proper credit is given to the author and 
 the list. For other permission, please contact the EH.Net Administrator  
([log in to unmask]; Telephone: 513-529-2229). Published by EH.Net (April 
 2004). All EH.Net reviews are archived at  
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