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[log in to unmask] (Dr Chris R. Tame)
Fri Mar 31 17:18:48 2006
text/plain (299 lines)
Some more References, which take the general classical  
liberal/libertarian view of the positive relationship between commerce,  
liberty and peace:  
Abel, Deryck (May 1941), "Economic Causes of the Second World War",  
International Conciliation, No. 370  
Angell, Sir Norman (1935), "Pacifism is Not Enough", Rappard, William et  
al, Pacifism Is Not Enough: Lectures Delivered at the Geneva Institute  
of International Relations, Geneva, 1934, Geneva Institute of  
International Relations/George Allen & Unwin, London, 1935   
Baudin, Louis, Free Trade and Peace, International Studies Conference,  
International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation, League of Nations,  
Paris, 1939   
Bosanquet, Helen, Free Trade and Peace in the Nineteenth Century, H.  
Aschehoug, West Nygaard, Norway/The Nobel Institute, nd   
Cassel, Gustav, From Protectionism Through Planned Economy to  
Dictatorship, Richard Cobden Lecture for 1934, Cobden-Sanderson, London,  
1932; reprinted in Mackenzie, Findley, ed., Planned Society: Yesterday,  
Today, Tomorrow, ..., New York, 1937, pp. 775-98   
Cromwell, James H. R. & Czerwonky, Hugo E., (1937), "The Monetary  
Aspects of World Peace", Idem, In Defense of Capitalism, Charles  
Scribner's Sons, New York  
Jones, J. H., The Economics of War and Conquest: An Examination of Mr.  
Norman Angell's Economic Doctrines, P. S. King, London, 1915   
Barone, Stephen G. (July 1994), "Peace, Political Science and Pedagogy",  
The Freeman (Foundation for Economic Education), 44(7), pp. 379-380  
Bonn, Moritz J. (1932), "Migration", Porritt, Arthur, ed., The Causes of  
War: Economic, Industrial, Racial, Religious, Scientific and Political,  
Macmillan, London, pp. 212-224   
Wealth, Welfare or War: The Changing Role of Economics in National  
Policy, Interna-tional Studies Conference, International Institute of  
Intellectual Co-operation, League of Nations, Paris, 1938?   
Cromer, Rt. Hon. Earl of, (September 1910), "Free Trade In its Relation  
to Peace and War", The Nineteenth Century (London)   
Greaves, Bettina Bien (April 1994), "Why War?", The Freeman (Foundation  
for Economic Education), 44(4), pp. 159-163  
Heilperin, Michael A. (1952), "An Economist's Views on International  
Organisation", in Bryson, Lyman et al., eds., Foundations of World  
Organisation: A Political and Cultural Appraisal, 11th Symposium [of the  
Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion in their Relation to the  
Democratic Way of Life, 1950]/Harper & Brothers, New York, pp. 53-59   
Higgs, Robert (December 1994), "Peace on Earth", The Free Market (Ludwig  
Von Mises Institute), 12(12), pp. 5-7  
Husbands Jr., Sam H. (April 1983), "Free Trade and Foreign Wars", The  
Freeman (Foundation for Economic Education), 33(4), pp. 195-204  
Mises, Ludwig von (1938), "The Disintegration of the International  
Division of Labour", in Professors of the Graduate Institute of  
International Studies, The World Crisis, Graduate Institute of  
International Studies, London  
Opitz, Edmund A., ed., Leviathan at War, Foundation for Economic  
Education, Irvington on Hudson, New York, 1995   
Rand, Ayn (19??), "The Roots of War", The Freeman (Foundation for  
Economic Education); reprinted in Idem, et al, Capitalism: The Unknown  
Ideal, New American Library, New York, 1966; 2nd. edn., 1967; also  
reprinted in Opitz, Edmund A., ed., Leviathan at War, Foundation for  
Economic Education, Irvington on Hudson, New York, 1995  
Rappard, William Emanuel (1937), "Economic Nationalism", in Anon, ed.,  
Authority and the Individual, Harvard University Press, Cambridge,  
Mass., pp. 74-112   
Robbins, Lionel, Economic Planning and International Order, Macmillan,  
London, 1937   
The Economic Causes of War, Cape, London, 1939   
Money, Trade and International Relations, Macmillan, London, 1971    
Siegfried, Andre (1932), "Tariffs", Porritt, Arthur, ed., The Causes of  
War: Economic, Industrial, Racial, Religious, Scientific and Political,  
Macmillan, London, pp. 203-211  
Silberner, Edmund, The Problem of War in Nineteenth Century Economic  
Thought, Prin-ceton University Press, New Jersey, 1957/Garland Library  
of War & Peace,  Garland Publishing, New York, 1972   
Taylor, Joan Kennedy, ed., Free Trade: The Necessary Foundation for  
World Peace, Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington on Hudson, New  
York, 1986   
Viner, Jacob  (March 1944), "International Relations Between State-  
Controlled National Economies", American Economic Review, Supplement,  
XXXIV(1), Part 2, pp. 315-329; reprinted in Gayer, Arthur D. et al,  
eds., Basic Economics: A Book of Readings, Prentice- Hall, New York,  
1951, pp. 543-553  
(1944), "The Economic Problem", Huszar, George B., ed., New Perspectives  
on Peace, Chicago University Press, pp. 85-114   
McClymay, John F., War and Welfare: Social Engineering in America,  
1890-1925, Contri-butions in American History No, 84, Greenwood Press,  
Westport, Connecticut, 1980  
Rummel, R. J., (July 1988), "The Freedom Factor", Reason (Los Angeles)  
(Los Angeles), 15(3), pp. 32-36  
Sennholz, Hans F. (April 1981), "Welfare States at War", The Freeman  
(Foundation for Economic Education), 31(4), pp. 217-222  
Viner, Jacob (March 1944), "International Relations Between State-  
Controlled Economies", American Economic Review, Supplement, XXXIV(1,  
Part 2), pp. 315-329; reprinted in American Economic Association,  
Readings in the Theory of International Trade, George Allen & Unwin,  
London, 1950, pp. 437-456; also reprinted in Gayer, Arthur D. et al,  
eds., Basic Econo-mics: A Book of Readings, Prentice-Hall, New York,  
1951, pp. 543-584   
Denson, John V., ed., The Costs of War: America's Pyrrhic Victories,  
Transaction Publish-ers, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1997; 2nd edn, 1999  
Hirst, Francis W., The Political Economy of War, J. M. Dent, London/E.  
P. Dutton, New York, MCMXV   
Nef, John U., War and Human Progress, Harvard University Press,  
Cambridge, Mass., 1950/W. W. Norton, New York, 1963; 2nd edn as Western  
Civilization Since the Renais-sance: Peace, War, Industry and the Arts,  
The Academy Library, Harper Torchbooks, Harper & Row, New York, 1963    
Novicow, Jacques, Les Luttes Contra Societes Humaines, F. Alcan, Paris,  
La Politique Internationale, .., Paris, 1896   
War and Its Alleged Benefits, William Heinemann, London, 1912   
Novicow was a French classical liberal and disciple of Herbert Spencer.  
Riddle, Wesley Allen (February 1996), "War and Liberty in American  
History", The Freeman (Foundation for Economic Education), 46(2), pp.  
Spencer, Herbert, ... various works (which I don't have to hand at the  
Tillett, Alfred W., Militancy vs Civilization: An Introduction to, and  
Epitome of, the Teach-ing of Herbert Spencer Concerning Permanent Peace  
as the First Condition of Progress, P. S. King, London, 1915?  
 ... often misrepresented, and a trifle repetitive, should definitely  
also be consulted   
Angell, Sir Norman (1912), "Introduction" to J. Novikow, War and Its  
Alleged Benefits, William Heinemann, London,   
(1913), "War as the Failure of Reason", Robertson, J. M. et al, Essays  
Towards Peace, Rationalist Peace Society/Watts, London, pp. 67-74   
(January 1931), "The New Imperialism and the Old Nationalism",  
International Affairs, X(1)   
(1935), "Causes of War", Stenning, H. J., ed., The Causes of War, George  
Allen & Unwin, London, pp. 23-33  
(1937), "The International Anarchy", Woolf, Leonard, ed., The  
Intelligent Man's Way to Prevent War, Victor Gollancz, London, pp. 19-66  
(1937), "Education and Psychological Factors", Ibid., pp. 456-498  
(1938), "Foreword", "Two English Investigators", Education in Nazi  
Germany, Kulturk-ampf Association, London,  
(1939), "Introduction" to "Vigilantes" [Zilliacus, K.], Between Two  
Wars? The Lessons of the Last World War in Relation to the Preparations  
for the Next, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 19??  
(1940), "Foreword", Mackay, R. W. G., Federal Europe, Being the Case for  
European Federation Together With a Draft Constitution of a United  
States of Europe , Michael Joseph, London, pp. 15-21/& as Peace Aims and  
the New Order, Being a Revised & Popular Edition of 'Federal Europe'  
Outlining the Case for European Federation Together With a Draft  
Constitution of a United States of Europe, Michael Joseph, London, 1941,  
pp. 15-21  
(1947), "Leftism in the Atomic Age",  Brown, Ivor, ed., Current British  
Thought, No. 1, Nicholas Keye, London, pp. 238-242  
Patriotism and Three Flags: A Plea for Rationalism in Politics, ...  
London, 1903  
Europe's Optical Illusion, ... London, 1908  
The Great Illusion: The Relation of Military Power to National  
Advantage, William Heinemann, London, 1909/Putnam, New York, 1911   
America and the New World State, .., New York, 1912  
Peace Theories and the Balkan War, Horace Marshall, London, 1912   
War and the Workers, ..  London, 1913  
Modern Wars and the Peace Ideal, Brother Richard's Bookshelf No. 3,  
National Labour Press, Manchester, 1913  
War and the Essential Realities, Conway Memorial Lecture, Watts, London,  
Shall This War End German Militarism?, Pamphlet 2, The Union of  
Democratic Control, London, 1914  
The Foundations of International Polity, William Heinemann, London, 1914   
Prussianism and Its Destruction, William Heinemann, London, 1914   
Problems of the War and the Peace: A Handbook for Students, ... London,  
The Prussian In Our Midst, Pamphlet 13, The Union of Democratic Control,  
London, 1915  
The World's Highway, ... New York, 1916    
The Dangers's of Half Preparedness, .. New York, 1916   
War Aims: The Need for a Parliament of the Allies, .. London, 1917   
The Political Conditions of Allied Success: A Protective Union of the  
Democracies, ... New York, 1918  
The Treaties and the Economic Chaos, ... London, 1919  
The British Revolution and the American Democracy: An Interpretation of  
British Labour Programmes, B. W. Huebsch, New York, 1919  
The Fruits of Victory, Century, New York, London, 1921  
The Press and the Organization of Society, .. London, 1922   
Of Britain Is to Live, Nisbet, London, 1923   
Foreign Policy and Human Nature, ..., London, 1925   
Human Nature and the Peace Problem, William Collins, London, 1925   
Must Britain Travel the Moscow Road?, .., London, 1926   
The Public Mind: Its Disorders, Its Exploitation, Williams & Norgate,  
London, 1927/E. P. Dutton, New York, 1927   
The Money Game, and How to Play It, A New Instrument of Economic  
Education, J. M. Dent, London, 1912, 1928  
The Story of Money, ..., London, 1929   
(with Wright, Harold), Can Governments Cure Unemployment?, ..., London,  
>From Chaos to Control, Century, New York, 1932  
The Unseen Assassins, Hamish Hamilton, London/Harper, New York, 1932   
The Great Illusion - 1933, .., London, 1933   
The Menace to Our National Defence, .., London, 1934   
Raw Materials, Population Pressure and War, World Peace Foundation,  
Boston, 1936  
This Have and Have Not Business: Political Fantasy and Economic Fact,  
Hamish Hamilton, London, 1936  
Let the People Know, Viking Press, New York, 1943   
After All, Farrar, Straus & Young, New York, 1951  
et al, What Kind of Peace?, National Peace Council, London, 1940  
& Buxton, Dorothy Frances, You and the Refugee: The Morals and the  
Economics of the Problem, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, Middlesex,  
London, 1939   
The Work of Norman Angell by His Contemporaries: A Random Collection of  
Reviews, Criticisms, Comments, Discussions, Letters From Readers,  
Caricatures, Sketches, Issued Privately for Personal Friends; and Some  
Students, The Author, nd   
et al, The Next Five Years: An Essay in Political Advocacy, Macmillan,  
London, pp. 151- 176. A typical manifestation of the neo-liberal embrace  
of "planning" (see especially "Economic Planning", pp. 11-22 and  
"Towards a Plan for Britain", pp. 23-39) in the alleged service of  
liberty and democracy. This quasi-manifesto was endorsed by, amongst  
others, Norman Angell, Mrs. H. A. L. Fisher, Richard Acland, Raymond  
Unwin, H. G. Wells, J. A. Hobson, Gilbert Murray, Lionel Curtis, A. L.  
Hobhouse, C. S. Orwin, Henry Nevinson, Harold Macmillan, R. C.  
Trevelyan, and Viscountess Rhonda.  
The Norman Angel Colection is at Bracken Library, Ball State University,  
Muncie, Indiana.   
Bisceglia, Luuis, Norman Angell and Liberal Internationalism in Britain,  
1931-1935, Garland Publishinh, New York, 1982  
Coulton, G. C., The Main Illusions of Pacifism: A Criticism of Mr.  
Norman Angell and the Union of Democratic Control, Bowes & Owens,  
Cambridge, 1916  
Hines, Paul D., Norman Angell: Peace Movement, 1911-1018, D.Ed  
Dissertation, Bell State, 1964  
Jones, J. H., The Economics of War and Conquest: An Examination of Mr.  
Norman Angell's Economic Doctrines, P. S. King, London, 1915  
Lawson, W. R. (1912), "Mr. Norman Angel's Great Illusion Disillusioned",  
Idem, Modern War and Modern Taxation: A Manual of Military Finance,  
William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh, pp. 426-441  
Marrin, Albert, Sir Norman Angell, Twayne/G. K. Hall, Boston, 1979   
Miller, J. D. B. (1995), "Norman Angell and Rationality in International  
Relations", Long, David & Wilson, Peter, eds., Thinkers of the Twenty  
Years Crisis: Iter-War Idealism and Realities, Clarendon Press, Oxford,  
pp. 100-121  
Norman Angell and the Futility of War: Peace and the Public Mind,  
Macmillan, London, 1986   
Rockow, Lewis (1925), "Internationalism: Norman Angell, Idem,  
Contemporary Political Thought in England, Macmillan, New York, pp.  
Weinroth, Howard (1974), "Norman Angell and 'the Great Illusion': An  
Episode in Pre-1914 Pacifism", The Historical Journal, XVII(3), pp.  
Chris R. Tame