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Fri Mar 31 17:18:33 2006
[log in to unmask] (Esther-Mirjam Sent)
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====================== HES POSTING ======================= 
***Forwarded from IEPS-L by Esther-Mirjam Sent*** 
                               CALL FOR PAPERS 
                        FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS 
                       THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR 
                         Maastricht, The Netherlands 
                             August 21-23, 1997 
      The Fourth International Meeting of the International 
 Society for Intercommunication of New Ideas (ISINI) will be held 
 at Maastricht, August 21-23, 1997. 
      ISINI is a Society composed of scholars from over sixty 
 countries from the areas of economics, finance and the social 
 sciences in general. It is devoted to the study of economic and 
 financial thought, and current economic and financial problems. 
 Through the exchange of ideas and information among its members 
 as well as with scholars from other applied and pure sciences, 
 the Society seeks to create or recreate alternative paradigms 
 than can help to formulate adequate policies to solve those 
 problems. ISINI organizes an international meeting every tow years. 
 The First International Meetings was held at Paris, France on August 
 1990; the second was held at Athens, Greece during the Summer of 
 1992. The Third International Meeting was held at Boston, August 
 24-26, 1995. ISINI publishes on a semiannual basis the International Journal 
 of New Ideas. It also plans to publish books on specific areas and topics 
 based on selected papers presented at its meetings, as well as invited 
        The Call for Papers follows, It includes the registration form. 
 You can also retrieve the Call from our Webpage: 
 Or contact: 
      Edgar Ortiz, ISINI President: 
      [log in to unmask] 
                        FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS 
 It is a great pleasure to inform you that the Fourth Congress of 
 ISINI will take place on August 21-23, 1997 at the University of 
 Maastricht, Maastricht, The Netherlands. 
 You are cordially invited to attend the Congress and if you want 
 to present a paper, please select a subject that is related to 
 one of the themes mentioned in the enclosed Call for Papers. Of 
 course each participant is free to present a paper of his or her 
 line of research. 
 The Registration Fee is US$ 135 for ISINI 1997 paid members up to 
 May 2, 1997 and US$ 175 thereafter. For non members the fee is 
 US$ 200 up to May 2, 1997 and US$ 225 thereafter. The annual 
 membership fee is US$ 25. 
 The registration fee includes a reception, 2 lunches, and a 
 banquet during a boattrip at the river Meuse, on Friday evening. 
 If you accept the invitation, please sign and return the enclosed 
 registration form as soon as possible to take advantage of the 
 reduced fee. 
 For accommodations in Maastricht you can make a choice out of the 
 following 3 categories of hotels and a hostel (D): 
                Single           Double 
  Category A  f. 230,- ($ 150) f. 320,- ($ 200) 
  Category B  f. 170,- ($ 110) f. 190,- ($ 120) 
  Category C  f. 150,- ($ 95)  f. 195,- ($ 125) 
  Category D  f. 100,- ($ 62)  f. 130,- ($ 80) 
 Hotel reservations can be made via the Organization Committee. 
 They will be mailed to participants with the notice of acceptance 
 letter. The hotels ask a deposit of f.200,- ($ 125). This deposit 
 you have to pay together with the registration fee to ISINI, to 
 the bank account nr. of Stichting BEOO, Wageningen, 
 The Netherlands; or else by credit card: Visa or Mastercard. The 
 final account of the hotel will be diminished with this amount. 
 Please try to attend and make this Fourth Congress a success. 
 This is a unique occasion to meet other members of the Society, 
 present a paper, and enjoy the beauty of Maastricht, the oldest 
 city in The Netherlands. 
 The Call for Papers is enclosed below. The Registration Form, for 
 your convenience is enclosed below. 
 With best regards and hoping to meet you in Maastricht, 
 Sincerely yours, 
        Gerrit Meijer, Program Chair 
                               CALL FOR PAPERS 
 The Fourth World Congress of the International Society for 
 Intercommunication of New Ideas, Inc. (ISINI) will be held in 
 Maastricht, The Netherlands, at the University of Maastricht, 
 August 21, 22, 23, 1997. 
 This is a Call for Papers, on any subject you may prefer, and 
 reflects the interests of our society, i.e. topics reflecting the 
 following interestsand approaches to economic research and policy 
 analysis and implementation: 
 1. New theories and paradigms, new views on past theories and 
 2. The applications of new and past theories and paradigms to 
 current and expected world economic problems, e.g. environment, 
 poverty, etc. 
 3. High quality empirical (econometrical/statistical) research on 
 economic and financial issues, current or historical. This can be 
 issues such as macroeconomic issues, monetary policy, developed 
 or emerging capital markets, etc. 
 4. Analysis about current problems and issues, and their 
 implications and/or policies applied to solve them. This can be 
 conceptual/descriptive papers on issues such as the implications 
 of the European Monetary System on individual Central Bank's 
 policies, international trade and finance problems, etc. 
 5. Recent economic experiences and policies and applications by 
 countries, or regions. For instance the implementation of 
 policies in Eastern European countries, and all transition 
 economics issues. 
 6. Position papers. This would be papers in which authors analyze 
 a problem and make their own recommendations, based highly in 
 their economic, financial, political and social analysis. For 
 instance analysis about a specific economic integration process, 
 or a specific policy in a given country and then criticize it and 
 offer alternatives (e.g. NAFTA, adjustment policies in Mexico). 
 7. Papers dealing with both developed and developing economies 
 and international issues (e.g. national and international 
 monetary problems and policy, foreign debt, foreign indirect 
 investments, foreign portfolio investments), and dealing with any 
 kind of conceptual framework or economic system. 
 8. Methodology of economics, finance and other sciences, and in 
 particular the relationship between history (facts, practice), 
 theory (concepts, analysis), science and technology (role, 
 problems) and ethics (collective habits social norms, policies, 
 e.g. developments in new institutional economics, law and 
 Some specific sessions (some also organized in the past) include, 
 for instance, the following topics: 
    * In Memoriam of Leon Walras (1834-1910). 
    * The Thought of Alfred Marshall. 
    * Austrian Economics. 
    * The New Neo-Keynesians. 
    * Shumpeterian Economics Today. 
    * Monetarist Thinking and Models in Practice Today. 
    * Alternatives to "Neoliberal" Thought and Practice Today. 
    * Ethics and Economics. 
    * Issues in Social Economics. 
    * Economics and the Arts. 
    * Economics and Science and Technology. 
    * Economics of Crime. 
    * Economic History and its Interpretations. 
    * History of Economic and Political Thought. 
    * Agricultural Economic Issues. 
    * Current Labor Economic Issues. 
    * The Economics of Environment. 
    * Policies for Sustainable Development. 
    * Transition Economics and the Environment: Problems and 
    * Theory and Practice in Transition Economies. 
    * From Socialism to Market Orientated Economies in Eastern 
    * New Economic Thought in Eastern Europe. 
    * Capitalistic and Democratic Roads to a Market Economy. 
    * Recent Reforms in the Russian Federation. 
    * Monetary Problems and Equilibrium. 
    * International Capital Markets. 
    * The Transmission of International Economic and Financial 
    * International Investments and Emerging Capital Markets. 
    * Foreign Debt Issues. 
    * Public Finance Today. 
    * Exchange Rates: Theory and Empirical Studies. 
    * Financial Innovations and the International Financial 
    * Financial Liberalization and Deregulation. 
    * Bank Efficiency and Solvency. 
    * The European Monetary System and Central Bank Policies in 
    * European Integration and Regional Convergence. 
    * Economic and Financial Globalization at the End of the 
    * Economic and Financial Problems for the XXI Century. 
    * Trading Blocks and the European Community. 
    * Free Trade and the WTO. 
    * The North American Free Trade Agreement: Paths for the 
    * Trading Blocks and Capitalism in the XXl Century. 
    * Structural Adjustments in the Developing Countries. 
    * Income Distribution in the Developing Countries. 
    * Democracy and Economic Change in Latin America. 
 Proposals for sessions and papers should be sent by January, 31, 
 1997 to the Program Chair: 
      Gerrit Meijer 
      Department of General Economics, Faculty of Economics and 
      Business Administration, University of Maastricht, 
      Tongersestraat 53, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The 
      Phone: 31 43 3883649/3883636 (secretary); Fax: 31 43 3258440 
      E-mail: [log in to unmask] 
 Proposals should not exceed 400 words and must include the 
 author's name, affiliation, address and telephone number, 
 fax-address and e-mail address. 
 Proposals of sessions must include 3-4 papers and should also 
 include a chairperson and two discussants. 
 Authors of accepted papers will be notified within four weeks of 
 receiving their proposals, and no later than March 1, 1997. 
 Papers will be due by June, 21 1997. 
 The Society publishes The International Journal of New Ideas. 
 Papers presented at the Congress can be submitted to be 
 considered for publication in this journal. 
                              REGISTRATION FORM 
 Home Address: 
 Spouse or Guest of participant: 
 Preferred mailing address: Affiliation / Home 
 (circle one) 
 Title of Paper: 
 Registration Fee: 
 For members: US$ 135 up to May 2, 1997; US$ 175 thereafter. For 
 non-members: US$ 200 up to May 2, 1997; US$ 225 thereafter. The 
 membership fee is $US 25. Spouse or guest: US$ 90.00 with the 
 right to attend meetings, coffee breaks, reception, lunches, and 
 the banquet. 
 Please make your payment to ISINI, to the bank account 
 nr. of Stichting BEOO, Wageningen, The Netherlands; 
 or else by credit card: Visa or Mastercard. 
 Card #: _________________________ Expiration date:_____________ 
 Besides presenting a paper I wish to: 
 Chair a session: Yes / No. Discuss a paper: Yes / No. 
 Please return this Registration Form to: 
 Gerrit Meijer, Program Chair, 
 University of Maastricht 
 Faculty of Economics 
 P.O. Box 616 
 6200 MD Maastricht 
 The Netherlands. 
 Signature: _________________ 
 Date: _____________________ 
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