====================== HES POSTING ===================
Imprints aims to promote a critical discussion of socialist ideas,
freed from theoretical dogma but committed to the viability of an
egalitarian and democratic politics. We take for granted that most
societies in the world are characterised by class oppression, but that
class division does not exhaust the unjust inequalities to which their
peoples are subject.
Contributions are invited on topics such as the theory of history, the
normative foundations of politics and the philosophical foundations of
social inquiry; and on social inequality, political practice and
institutional change. The criteria for the acceptance of papers
include analytical power and empirical rigour; no school of thought or
intellectual tradition is excluded, though we are committed to the
view that the world remains a rationally intelligible place.
* An interview with Philippe Van Parijs
* G.A. Cohen: 'Commitment Without Reverence: Reflections
on Analytical Marxism'
* Adrian Little: 'Fliexible Working and Socialist Theories of
* Philip Gerrans: 'Locating Nationalism'
* Elizabeth Frazer reviews Searle on Social Construction
* Ruth Lister reviews Jordan on Poverty and Social Exclusion
Editor: Christopher Bertram
Associate Editors: Alan Carling, Jennifer Hornsby, Graeme Kirkpatrick
Published three times a year in March, June and October
* Subscriptions: Individual EU, 15 UK pounds; Individual support, 20
UK pounds; Rest of world outside EU, 30 UK pounds or $40 US
Institutions should double these rates. Students and unemployed in
the EU may subscribe at a special rate of 10 UK pounds.
* Correspondence: Editorial: 9 Woodland Road, Bristol, BS8 1TB,
England or email [log in to unmask]
* Administrative/subscriptions: 58 Wilmer Drive, Bradford, BD9 4AS,
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