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tdempsey <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 25 Sep 2007 21:28:48 -0500
text/plain (17 lines)
    I must admit I like the idea of the dead guy in the street.  The plans
that were revealed at the meeting call for a concrete street in front of the
Sam Clemens's house that is heated.  The edges are to be formed to look like
a boardwalk (in concrete).  Of course, no particular evidence was offered
that a boardwalk ever existed on Hill Street.
    In the winter, the street will magically shed snow so the tourists can
walk around without slipping.  Left unsaid was how tourists were to get to
the snow-free island in the middle of Hannibal.  The town really struggles
with a snowfall of more than three inches.  But those that can brave the
snow-covered highways of rural Northeast Missouri, navigate the streets of
Hannibal, and find a parking lot close to the boyhood home can shed their
rubbers at the edge of the street and stride about the historic site free of
worry from slipping and falling on their tourist-behinds.  Safety first is
the motto in Hannibal.
    I'm afraid the problems in Hannibal are systemic.