Dear all,
Please find enclosed the programme for the next
Cachan-Amsterdam History of Economics as History
of Science' Workshop.
Spring Workshop, Friday, 15 June 2007
???cole normale sup???rieure de Cachan
Margaret Schabas (University of British Columbia)
Nature does nothing in vain: economics and the natural
Harald Hagemann (Universit???t Hohenheim)
German-speaking economists in British exile, 1933-1945
Judy Klein (Mary Baldwin College)
Recursive optimization and rules of action for war:
Mass???'s jeu des r???servoirs and Arrow, Harris, and Marschak's
optimal inventory policy
Philip Mirowski (University of Notre Dame)
The failure of postwar attempts to integrate
an "economics of information" into neoclassical microtheory
Tiago Mata (Universidade T???cnica de Lisboa)
Hybrids - Debating the identities of public intellectuals in the 1970s
For further information, you may visit:
Best wishes,
Philippe Fontaine